"God loves the world, Lord! Please forgive these sinners"

"Give your gospel to these lost lambs!"

Father Wu was giving a speech on the stage, not knowing that the Western priest zombie had been resurrected.

At this time, he saw that many people in the audience began to be attracted by his speech. He could n't help but show a hint of pride on the corners of his mouth.

But he still looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, with an expression of detachment, and"taught" all the townspeople in the church with the attitude of a superior.

However, there were still many townspeople who were originally drowsy. When they heard the words"give the gospel", they thought they would get another gift, and they were so excited.

"What? Another gift?"

"Great! I didn't get the new western-style bellyband just now. I must grab two back for my wife to change."

"The cookies I just saw were delicious. I will take a few more back to give to my family."


Upon hearing this, Father Wu's eyes twitched instantly, and he was almost pissed off to death by these people who had no"enlightenment".

Is the"gospel" I'm talking about referring to these messy things?

Besides, do you really think I'm here to do charity?

I'm just using foreign things and small bargains to attract you to join the church so that you can donate money.

Fortunately, there are still many people present who understand what the"gospel" is, and they look at Father Wu with pious faces.

Otherwise, Father Wu would definitely collapse.

Father Wu was too lazy to talk nonsense with these people immediately, and seeing that the other side was almost heated, he was ready to let these pious people donate money.

"Dear children of Heavenly Father, you have heard the Lord’s gospel and received His blessings."

"Now is the time for you to repay the Lord."

"You must have faith, be pious, and be dedicated"

"Giving can make you happy."

After saying that, Father Wu winked at a townsman who had already received the benefit in the crowd.

The townsman immediately stood up, showing that he was very honored, and stuffed all his money into the donation box next to Father Wu.

Generally, in this situation, there will definitely be many"brainwashed" people who will take the initiative to hand over the money.

After that, other people will also donate more or less.

Thinking of this, Father Wu raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and looked at everyone with a kind face.

It seems that he has foreseen the scene of everyone donating money.

However, perhaps because there is no such thing as the original book, Anne, the eldest lady, who is friendly to everyone she sees, and everyone at the scene immediately stopped when they heard that they had to donate money. 22"What? Aren't you here to give gifts and do charity?"

"You actually want us to donate money?"

"That’s right, I just grabbed a few cookies, and you want me to pay?"

"What's more, you are talking about believing in God to gain eternal life. Ugh!"

"Now that we all believe in you, and we have to pay you for a few cookies from you, then if we really want eternal life in the future, won’t we have to be slaves?"

"I'm unlucky. I'll give it to you. This money is enough to buy you a box of cookies. You wasted a day of my time. Whoever wants to believe in this church can go ahead."

"Anyway, I don't believe it"

"I don't believe it either."

"This money is for you to buy the western bellyband you gave me."

After saying that, even those believers who had just looked pious were ready to run away.

Father Wu was instantly numb.

Why was it different from what he thought? Are the people in this town so hard to fool?


But at this moment

"Zombies! There are demons!"

"Father, help me!"

A shrill scream came from the back hall of the church.

Several believers ran out in panic, causing a commotion.

Father Wu was stunned at first.

But when he saw the figures of the fat mayor and David, and several clergy with fangs behind them, he immediately understood.

These people were pretending to be ghosts, preparing for him to help them exorcise the devil in the name of a priest.

They fooled the townspeople into believing them.

It's just that these people are too unprofessional.

The fat mayor and David looked impeccable, with fangs, bloody eyes, and two bloody holes on their necks. They were professional enough.

But if you clergymen want to pretend to be ghosts, you should change your clothes.

You are wearing clergymen's clothes to pretend to be ghosts. How can the townspeople believe in the church?

But now that things have happened, Father Wu can't let them go back and pretend again. He can only bite the bullet and go

"Don't panic."

"The mayor and his men are just possessed by the devil hiding in the church."

"Another purpose of this priest reopening the church today is to destroy these demons in accordance with God's command."

When Father Wu said this, the panicked townspeople immediately felt as if they had found a backbone, and were surprised.

Could it be that foreign priests also have the same magical ghost-catching skills as Uncle Jiu?

Seeing this, Father Wu raised his mouth slightly, with a smug look on his face, as if he had foreseen the scene of everyone kneeling down and worshiping him devoutly.

""Please give me strength."

After saying that, Father Wu immediately held the ancestral cross, the Bible and the holy water and hit David and the other person who were running in front.

Bang, bang, bang~ a burst of sparks and lightning.

The fat mayor and David were actually blown away by the ancestral cross and the inherited Bible.

"Oh my god! Are the mayor and his son so good at acting?"

Father Wu was extremely shocked.

He didn't realize that he was fighting real zombies.

You know, although Father Wu didn't have any enchanting skills, the cross in his hand was a heritage of the church for hundreds of years, and naturally accumulated a lot of Western wishes. He could directly flip over the fat mayor and David who had just turned into Western zombies.

But it was impossible to deal with the priest zombies behind, even the priest zombies.

"Oh my god! Father Wu is so powerful?"

"If I join the church, can I also have such magical power?"

"I want to believe in God, I want to believe in God."

Everyone at the scene was excited.

Seeing how awesome Father Wu was, they instantly worshipped him.

They felt that Father Wu was just like Uncle Nine.

A smug smile appeared on Father Wu's lips, and he really enjoyed the feeling of being worshipped.

But he didn't know that the more proud he was now, the more frustrated he would be later.

Sure enough, the next moment.


The dozen priest zombies behind him were instantly angry when they saw the cross, and rushed towards Father Wu with a roar.

"You are here just in time. Let me show you how I can exorcise the demons from you today."

Although Father Wu felt that the dozen priests and priests in front of him were unfamiliar, he did not doubt that they were real zombies.

Holding a cross, he hit the first zombie that rushed over with anticipation.

Bang, bang, bang~ metal clashed, sparks flew.

But this time, Father Wu felt a strong recoil from his hands.

His body was completely out of control and was pushed ten meters before he staggered to his feet.


"Is this bastard serious?"

Father Wu was furious.

He cursed the priest zombie who had repelled him.

He was ready to teach this guy a lesson after the show.

But at this moment,

"Father, save me...ah……"

The cultist who had just escaped had been caught by several other priest zombies.

Moreover, the priest zombies had extremely strong arms, and they grabbed a cultist with their arms and broke it apart.


The cultist's body was immediately torn apart like a carrot.

Scarlet blood flowed out, immediately attracting the attention of all the priest zombies, who sucked it crazily.

"Oh my god! Ghost!"

Father Wu was so frightened that his soul was about to die. He turned around and ran away.

Where was the arrogant attitude just now?

"What? Father Wu, this jerk, is running away"

"Oh no, zombies are surrounding us."

"Father Wu, this charlatan, is killing us!"

All the townspeople reacted and cursed Father Wu in their hearts.

Father Wu felt that he was also innocent.

Who knew that his men were so powerful that they actually"found" real zombies.

He wanted to cry but had no tears, okay?


But the priest zombie would not let Father Wu, who had just hurt him, escape.

He soared into the sky and immediately blocked Father Wu.

Father Wu was instantly desperate.

He didn't care about anything.

He immediately used the cross, the Bible and holy water, and smashed the priest zombie.

But this time, something happened that made him desperate.

Even if the holy water was poured all over the priest zombie, there was not even a reaction on the priest zombie this time.

The cross, the Bible and the holy water were all ineffective.

Father Wu was instantly numb

"Father, use the corpse-suppressing talisman that David gave you before!"

A young believer beside Father Wu reminded him.

Two days ago, when Father Wu and David were colluding, he took out a talisman that was said to be of Eastern mysterious power.

Although Father Wu didn't believe it at the time, he still put it in his pocket.

Now he didn't care whether it was true or not, and immediately pasted the corpse-suppressing talisman on the priest zombie.

Sure enough, a yellow light of magic power emanated from the surface of the corpse-suppressing talisman.

The priest zombie was actually fixed.

At the same time.


The holy water on the priest zombie was immediately suppressed.���The mana is activated.

It emits a fluorescent glow.


The priest zombie screamed miserably, and his indestructible body melted instantly.

"Oh my god! It turns out that holy water plus the mysterious power of the East can deal with these zombies?" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Great, we are saved."

"This priest can also become a real exorcist."

Father Wu instantly became energetic, as if he had discovered a new world, and his heart was so excited.

Seeing this, all the townspeople looked at Father Wu with new eyes again.

Father Wu instantly felt the pleasure of being slapped in the face, and became proud again.

But Father Wu was too happy too early.

The other priest zombies heard the death howls of their own kind and instantly became furious.

The five zombies closest to them rushed directly towards Father Wu.

"Humph!"This priest has found a way to deal with you, and you still dare to come here"

"Well, in that case, I, the priest, will send you to hell in the name of the Son of Heaven."

Father Wu was not afraid at all.

But the next moment, Father Wu subconsciously touched the pocket where the corpse-suppressing talisman was hidden.

But after searching for a long time, he didn't find anything.

Shouldn't he have found the corpse-suppressing talisman?

Father Wu panicked instantly.

"Where is my mysterious oriental power?"

"Didn’t David give me a dozen of them?"

"Father, are you getting senile?"

"David did give you more than a dozen, but you ended up thinking they were junk and just took one out of courtesy!"

Father Wu's men reminded him again.[]


Father Wu was dumbfounded.

Only then did he react. It seemed to be true.

What should he do now?

Facing so many zombies, Father Wu's face was uglier than crying.

He wanted to slap himself dozens of times. Why did he pretend to be so arrogant before?

Why did he look down on the mysterious power of the East?

What should he do if he regrets it now?

All the townspeople were speechless again. Father Wu was really a pit!

This time, even he was going to be pitted to death.

Roar, roar, roar~

Five zombies rushed directly at Father Wu, and Father Wu was instantly desperate.

The remaining 9 zombies also rushed towards other townspeople at the scene.

The whole church was obviously in chaos, with wailing.

"Uncle Jiu, where are you!"

"Why don’t you come and save me!"

"Father Wu, you have deceived us all." All the townspeople regretted entering this church.


Crack, crack, crack.

The gate flashed with lightning, and more than a dozen lightning bolts came out of the sky, hitting the fourteen zombies with incredible precision. Bang

, bang, bang.

A series of violent explosions sounded.

The 14 zombies were actually knocked out, smashing the church tables and chairs and the cross on the wall, and finally fell to the ground like dumplings.

When their bodies hit the ground, the lightning that had not yet dissipated on their bodies could actually directly explode the ground and the tables and chairs.

It was so terrifying.

"Lightning spell?"

"Could it be that Uncle Jiu has come to save us?"

"That's great."

Several townspeople who knew that Uncle Jiu could use the Thunder Talisman immediately thought that the lightning was the power of the Thunder Talisman.

They also thought that Uncle Jiu had come to save them.

However, when they turned their heads to look at the door, they were shocked to find that the person who came was a handsome young man with an extraordinary temperament.

There was still a faint arc of electricity flashing in his hand.

"Hey! Aren't these two young handsome men in the guise of young ladies?"

"Could it be that the lightning just now was sent by him?"

"Oh my god! It's actually true?"

"Look, there is still some lightning in this little brother's hand."

"Oh my God!"

"Is there really someone in this world who can make a mine with bare hands?"

"Wouldn’t that mean he’s even more powerful than Uncle Nine?"

"Could this young man be a god?"

All the townspeople looked at the newcomer in shock.

That's right, the young man was none other than Ye Yan, who had sensed the corpse qi and rushed over.

At the same time, Annie and her sister and Axing and her brother and sister followed closely.

The four of them were shocked when they saw so many zombies.

They didn't expect that Ye Yan was right.

There were really so many zombies.

Father Wu and his men were also extremely shocked.

Looking at Ye Yan rubbing his hands with lightning, they felt that their cognition was completely overturned.

"Is this the mysterious power from the East?"

"Oh my God! He is simply a god."

Father Wu's cloudy old eyes widened, looking at Ye Yan in disbelief.

But at this moment, he was also extremely glad that he had not been disrespectful to Ye Yan like David.

Otherwise, even if he had not been slapped in the face by Ye Yan, the power of thunder and lightning would not be easy to bear.

But at this moment.

Roar, roar, roar~

Fourteen zombies were completely unharmed and jumped up from the ground.

They roared to the sky, as if venting their anger.

How dare someone sneak attack them like this?

Father Wu and everyone else's faces changed instantly.

If it weren't for the residual arcs on these zombies that could blow up the ground and tables and chairs.

He would have thought that Ye Yan's thunder and lightning attacks were just a facade.

But Father Wu soon understood what was going on

"Master Ye, your lightning power should belong to the power of the East"

"These are Western zombies. They must be supplemented with Western power. Only by combining Chinese and Western elements can they be effective."

"I have a cross and holy water here"

"I understand. Today, God has led me here to give you the cross and holy water."

"Let you help me to destroy these sinners of Heavenly Father"

"Come, I will sprinkle holy water now, and you send out thunder and lightning."

Father Wu already knew how to cooperate with Ye Yan to kill these Western zombies, and he was very proud of himself.

However, Ye Yan looked at Father Wu with a caring look.

Are you kidding!

If he wants to kill these Western zombies, does he still need his combination of Chinese and Western?

If he didn't want to study the ability of these Western zombies to change their attributes at will, Ye Yan would directly use"Yin Yang Extreme Thunder".

Otherwise, he would use"Dooming Thunder and Fire Order" and send a mushroom cloud directly.

Ye Yan didn't believe that these Western zombies were really not afraid of Eastern magic.

Sure enough, the next moment...

""The Law of Heaven and Earth - The Thunder and Fire Order to Expel Demons~"

Ye Yan shouted, and the spiritual power in his hands gathered nine spells and blasted them out.


The nine spells turned into a sea of fire and hit fourteen zombies.

Boom boom~

The thunder and fire shook the sky, and the earth trembled.

A mushroom cloud of horrible flames exploded, and the thick walls of the church were directly blown up.

Fourteen zombies were swallowed by the sea of fire, and their broken limbs fell to the ground.

"" Fuck, how is this possible?"

Father Wu's eyes widened, and he was dumbfounded.

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