"Oh my god! Dean, I am not dreaming!"

"He...he can actually breathe fire"

"This little brother is so amazing!"

"It’s a miracle! It’s really a miracle!"

"The bat swarm was blown up by his slap?"

The four little nuns' faces were full of shock, and their eyes changed instantly when they looked at Ye Yan. They were full of admiration and curiosity.

Are you kidding!

Although they are also clergy, they don't know magic.

The strongest skill may be the"God loves the world, you are a sinner" mouth cannon of the aunt nun.

At this moment, even the aunt nun was numb.

It felt like the world view collapsed directly.

Oh my god!

What did I see?

Blasting out flames casually, directly blasting thousands of vampire bats?

Is this the mysterious power of the East?

It's too awesome!

With such a mysterious power, why am I here to preach?

I really want to kneel down and become his disciple.

The village chief, the villagers, and the security team member just now were also extremely shocked at this time.

They are still They were puzzled as to why Taoist Simu was so respectful to Ye Yan.

Although Ye Yan is now the richest man in Renjia Town, there are 613 rich and powerful people in their village, but Taoist Simu has never treated anyone like this.

But now they know.

Ye Yan can easily release such a terrifying Taoist method, even Uncle Jiu would have to call him boss!

Fortunately, I didn’t offend Ye Yan for the sake of licking Miss Aju before, otherwise I would definitely not know how to die.

Wencai Qiu Sheng saw everyone’s shocked expressions, and he suddenly became heroic and proud.

The look on his face seemed to be saying, do you know?

We are very familiar with Young Master Ye, and Young Master Ye has also helped us to modify the exercises in Maoshan.

As if Ye Yan is awesome, they are also taking advantage of him.

"Lord, thank you for sending your messenger down to rescue us."

"Master Ye, you are the messenger sent by God"

"Did you see it?"

"Master Ye is the miracle that our Lord has shown in the world"

"Master Ye, from now on, our church depends on you."

The aunt sister tried her best to preach.

She was so shameless that she said that Ye Yan's casual explosion of the bat group was the work of God.

Many villagers at the scene were really frightened.

After all, they didn't know any immortal cultivation methods or magic skills.

So now seeing Ye Yan's exaggerated methods, coupled with the aunt sister's shameless remarks, they actually believed it a little.

Even the four simple little nuns believed it a little at this time.

At the same time, if Ye Yan was really the god created by their almighty Lord, wouldn't they have more contact with Ye Yan in the future?

Taoist Simu and Wencai Qiu Sheng greeted the aunt sister's ancestors for eighteen generations.

Damn it! Are these missionaries so shameless?

Before, they said that others were guilty when they met, and asked others to be baptized.

Now when they see someone awesome, they say that it was arranged by the gods of their church.

Ye Yan was directly laughed at by the aunt sister.

However, Ye Yan did not intend to turn his face immediately, but smiled indifferently:

"Oh, is it so?"

"I didn't know the miracles sent by my Lord."

"But that's not right! Didn't you just say that I was a sinner?"

"Why do you say it's a miracle now?"

Ye Yan said meaningfully.

Everyone immediately remembered that the fat woman had said that just now, and immediately realized that the fat woman was just trying to extort money from Ye Yan. She saw that Ye Yan was awesome and just wanted to take advantage of him. She was so shameless.

Everyone began to look at the old lady nun with contempt.

The old lady nun was instantly embarrassed, but she didn't intend to let it go. Instead, she continued to argue.

"Yes! I was not wrong."

"Everyone in this world is a sinner"

"You are a sinner, I am a sinner, and they are all sinners"

"Otherwise, why would God allow us to come to this world and experience the glory of the Lord again?" (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"But you and I are both chosen by God, and we are here to lead them out of this sea of suffering."

Everyone at the scene felt embarrassed when they heard this.

This old lady sister was so shameless.

Ye Yan had to applaud the old lady sister's eloquence.

But unfortunately, there were only four beautiful and innocent little nuns behind the old lady sister who believed in her words.

Ye Yan immediately thought of a way to make the old lady sister lose face, and said to the two most beautiful little nuns with a slight smile on his face:

"Dean, right? Since you said that you and I are both chosen by God,"

"Then I will naturally help the church to preach."

When the aunt sister heard this, her eyes lit up instantly and she was extremely excited, but the next moment,

"In that case, I think it's too tiring for you to take care of four little nuns by yourself."

"They will follow me in the future. I will teach them well and let them feel the glory of the Lord. There are many miracles for them to feel."

After saying this, Ye Yan said to the two most beautiful little nuns immediately before the aunt nun could react:

"Ah Zhen and Ah Shan, right? Are you two willing to follow me from now on?"

"Yes, yes, I really want to."[]

"Master Ye, we will follow you from now on.……"

Ah Zhen and Ah Shan were smiling like a picture, their faces were full of joy, their hearts were filled with excitement.

They were fascinated by Ye Yan at first sight, but because of their reservedness as girls and the fact that they had no experience with Ye Yan, they suppressed their curiosity about Ye Yan.

But now that even their dean said that Ye Yan was also their God's man, and a miracle given by their Lord, they naturally let go of their guard and reservedness and were going to go with Ye Yan.

"No, what are you going to do?"

""You all go back here," the auntie nun was anxious in an instant, and hurriedly pulled Ah Zhen and Ah Shan back.

Are you kidding!

The two little girls didn't understand, but how could she, an auntie nun, not understand what Ye Yan meant?

If Ye Yan really took Ah Zhen and Ah Shan away, they would definitely be eaten up by Ye Yan without leaving any residue.

After all, they were so innocent, and seemed to have been brainwashed by their church.

Now Ye Yan was labeled as a"miracle" of God by her.

Then, wouldn't they do whatever Ye Yan asked them to do?

Lie down if they wanted to, take off their clothes if they wanted to... maybe they would feel extremely happy. The auntie nun would never allow this to happen.

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