"Master Ye, I was wrong. I shouldn't have been so shameless as to say that you are a miracle from God."

"Ah Zhen and Ah Shan, come back here, you can't go with him."

Sister Auntie was really anxious.

Damn it! Ye Yan is such a bad guy!

I'm just borrowing your name to preach, but you actually want to"eat up" my two beautiful little apprentices.

Although her reputation would be ruined by what she said now, it's better than just giving the two beautiful apprentices to Ye Yan. But what Sister Auntie didn't know was that her tall and holy image in the minds of the little nuns collapsed instantly after she said this.

Although it wouldn't make the four little nuns leave the church now, it would... Let their belief in"Almighty God" have a crack.

Seeing this, Ye Yan couldn't help but raise his lips slightly. He had these two little nuns in his grasp.

If for no other reason, it was because of the shamelessness of these nuns that Ye Yan disliked.

As long as these two little nuns were willing, Ye Yan would definitely take them away.

Anyway, it was not just Ren Susu who was urging him to help them find a few more sisters.

Even Ren Qingqing and Annie were the same. Ye Yan would naturally remember the suitable ones when he met them.

As for the remaining two, Ye Yan said he was indifferent.

"Well, since the nun said so, let's just leave it at that for today."

"However, I kindly remind you that this church is not clean."

"You better get out of here as soon as possible."

"I suspect there are more bats than the ones I just killed. Maybe there are still many bats foraging for food that haven't come back yet."

"You guys take care of yourself!"

However, Ye Yan knew that the aunt sister would not leave, and was worried that Ah Zhen and Ah Shan would be in danger, so he immediately took out a few amulets and purple thunder talismans from his arms and put them in their little hands.

"Take these talismans and keep them close to your body. It is like I am by your side."

"If you encounter danger, take them out. They can protect you for me."

When Ye Yan said this, Ah He and Ah Shan's pretty faces instantly blushed to their ears.

What did Ye Yan mean by this?

Keeping them close to the body is equivalent to keeping them by your side?


Ah Zhen and Ah Shan, two pure girls, had never seen such a scene before. They instantly became at a loss, but their hearts were so sweet.

The other two little nuns were full of envy.

The aunt nun's fat face instantly turned the color of liver.


I have apologized to you, and you still want to tease my two little disciples?

Too Too much.

But Ye Yan was too lazy to pay attention to the fat woman. After explaining everything, he turned around and left.

The aunt sister was almost furious.

But the aunt sister was smart and did not do such a stupid thing as snatching the talisman from Ah Zhen and throwing it away.

After all, she knew that bats might appear in this church again.

And Ye Yan is such a powerful man, the talisman he gave might really have a miraculous effect of saving lives.

With these talismans, at least their lives can be saved.

Who told them to leave here, who knows where they can go


"Haha! So relieved!"

"Master Ye, you are awesome! You almost made that old lady nun vomit blood"

"That’s right, what’s even more amazing is that Boss Ye actually picked up the two most beautiful little nuns right at the start. I’m so envious!"

""Boss Ye, there are two left. Wencai and I can each take one. Is that ok?"

Qiu Sheng showed an expectant look on his face.

Wencai's eyes lit up.

Ye Yan rolled his eyes at them.

Although the other two little nuns were not interested in them, could you seduce them?

However, Ye Yan did not say it, leaving them to play freely.

"Master Ye, since there may be many bats on this mountain, why don't we stay in the church and wait for the others to die?"

Master Simu said the doubts of the village chief and his party.

Ye Yan did not answer directly, but asked a question.

"Don't you find it strange?"

"Why are these bats not afraid of sunlight and will automatically drown in the stream?"

"Do you think ordinary bats would do this?"

Ye Yan asked three times in a row. Taoist Simu immediately reacted.

"Master Ye, do you mean to say that these bats were deliberately killed and thrown into the stream to destroy the feng shui of this village?"

"Yes! Master Ye, Taoist Simu, now that you put it that way, I really think it is possible." (To read the most exciting novels, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

"But who does our village have a deep hatred against that would harm us like this?"

The village chief was filled with righteous indignation.

"I don't know about this, but these bats are just tools of that person."

"Even if we kill them all, we can't solve the problem here."

"Unless the culprit is found."

In fact, when Ye Yan watched this plot in his previous life, he also felt very confused.

The bats here are definitely controlled by someone.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to move the mark of Uncle Jiu's well digging to the burial place of the Western zombies.

With the help of everyone, the Western zombies were dug out.

These bats can even fly to the bottom of the cliff together and rescue the Western zombies when the Western zombies fall into the cliff.

Ye Yan doesn't believe that there is no villain like the White Lotus Demon Cultivator behind this.

But if this is the case, then Ye Yan will be more interested.

As long as you catch this guy, you can definitely get a lot of secret skills from him.[]

"Taoist Simu, you should also have the ability to locate dragon points and find springs, right?"

"I want to help this village dig a well to solve the villagers' water problem during this period."

Ye Yan actually wanted to do the same as the original work, make a well digging mark, lure out the remaining bats, and dig out the Western zombies.

It would be even better if he could find the mastermind behind the scenes.

"Master Ye, you are so thoughtful. OK, I will do it now."Master Simu and the others all gave Ye Yan a thumbs up in their hearts, feeling that they made the right choice to ask Ye Yan to help this time.

Then, just like the original plot, Master Simu braved the scorching sun and spent half a day to find the well site. The group was ready to start digging in the afternoon, but a large number of bats appeared and moved the marking wooden signs.

According to the original plot, the following is the burial place of Western zombies.

Ye Yan watched the whole scene from a distance with"Breaking Delusion Treasure Pupil".

But what surprised Ye Yan was that he actually sensed a special spiritual power fluctuation.

However, this spiritual power fluctuation actually came from the burial place of Western zombies.


Hey! Is this a factory?"

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