There is not even the ability to resist, just like a baby in front of adults, at the mercy of others.

  Her strength at the sixth level of Qi transformation seemed insignificant in front of Lin Fan.

  'No wonder this stinky senior said that the sixth level of Qi transformation is nothing in front of him.It turned out to be such an amazing thing. '

   Ao Ningshuang clenched her teeth tightly, and there was a deep surprise on her face.

  In an instant, she thought of a lot, that great senior uncle is similar in strength to her, isn't he vulnerable in the hands of senior?

  What about her father?

  Ao Ningshuang felt that her father might not be Lin Fan's opponent, because she felt that her father was not so strong.

  So what level did this stinky senior have?

  Ao Ningshuang didn't dare to think about it any longer!

  "Do you still want to know my strength?" Lin Fan stared at Ao Ningshuang playfully, his shining eyes seemed to have a magical power.

  Seeing that Ao Ningshuang's whole body seemed to sink.

  "Humph! What if you're amazing? I'm not afraid of you, I will definitely surpass you in the future!!" Ao Ningshuang patted her chest and said confidently.

  "Oh? Beyond me? Interesting!"

  A smile appeared on the corner of Lin Fan's mouth, and then he whispered in Ao Ningshuang's ear.

  "I'm waiting for you!"

  The hot breath that came from made Ao Ningshuang's heart pound like a deer, and her face turned red!

  Lin Fan continued, "I won't say anything about today's affairs."

  "But you have to promise me, without my permission, you can't tell anyone about your strength improvement, including your father."


  Ao Ningshuang was puzzled, she still wanted to make her father happy.

  "Because of the mysterious body, once it is known, it will bring you endless trouble. Even life." Lin Fan said lightly with his hands on his back.

  Mysterious body,

  For those who practice Taoism, it is a sweet pastry, and once it is known, it will arouse people's peeping.

  As for why she didn't tell Ao Tianlong.

  That was also to avoid causing unnecessary trouble, what did Lin Fan not want to explain to Ao Tianlong?

  "You hold these spells, at a critical moment, they can save your life!"

  Lin Fan took out five pieces of golden light magic spell paper from the black dragon ring to Ao Ningshuang. This was his latest spell, prepared for this trip to Bashu.

  These spells are not as good as before, but are made of special materials, which can carry a trace of the power of the Celestial Master.


  In Lin Fan's eyes, Ao Ningshuang should not be missed!

  "Humph! Don't think you are so good to me, I will thank you!!"

  Ao Ningshuang blinked and looked at Lin Fan.

  However, thank you!Ao Ningshuang kissed Lin Fan's face, a touch of red from her ears to her neck, and she fled directly.

  "This girl."

  Lin Fan touched his face and showed a faint smile.

  After Ao Ningshuang walked away, the smile on Lin Fan's face subsided, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

  "Pure Yin body!"


  "It's no wonder that the speed of my mana running was increased that day. Sleeping, sleeping, it was another day full of harvests."

  Lin Fan lay on the bed and fell asleep.

  one night.

  It was raised twofold.

  How can you make him unhappy?

  "Mom. Help!!"

  Early the next morning, Lin Fan was still asleep when he heard an exclamation.


  Lin Fan opened the door, everyone got up at this time, and they all came out to see the noise.

  Ao Ningshuang saw Lin Fan stick out his tongue playfully.

  "Mom, Dad wants to kill me!" Yun Gao rushed to Mengmeng and shouted loudly.

  Don't cry yet, what's the matter?Why did your father hurt you? "Mengmeng asked quickly.

  Yun Gao said with a sad face: "He wants to take me to Chunmanlou to be a man!"

  "What!!" Mengmengfeng's eyes widened, the murderous aura in her eyes almost became real, "Dagui, this god-killer!!"


  Hear this.

  Lin Fan laughed directly.

  This Nima is really talented! !

  My father took my son to a brothel...

  No doubt it's my father! !

  If it is now, it will definitely make the headlines! !

  Even Daoist Qianhe on the side laughed.

  Ao Ningshuang blinked her big smart eyes and looked at Lin Fan: "What is being a man?"

  Lin Fan smiled and said, "Manchun Tower. It's a brothel!"


  Ao Ningshuang couldn't help but burst out laughing.

  "Uncle Shi is really interesting!" Then he looked at Ao Tianlong.

  "Father, you won't take me there in the future!!"

  "What nonsense are you talking about?" Ao Tianlong scolded, and then murmured in his heart, I haven't been there yet!

  "Dagui! Get out for the old lady!!"

  Mengmeng's angry screams had resounded throughout the Baofa Village.She writhes with murderous intent, and runs out with a feather duster.

  "Let's go take a look too. It's not good if it gets too big."

  Lin Fan said.

  Several people also went downstairs.

  Mengmeng was holding a feather duster, and Hengdao stood at the door immediately.

  Seeing Dagui who just came back, she couldn't help but say, and rushed over: "You bastard, I have to beat you to death today, you bastard, you want to make me mad!"

  Facing the menacing dream.

  A rare toughness.

  Did I do something wrong? You're brother and sister all day long.Don't care about the son.Can't I take him to be a man again?"


  "You bastard, how dare you say such a thing?" Mengmeng held a feather duster against Dagui's neck and gritted her teeth, "What the hell are you thinking??"

  "What am I thinking? I'm wondering if Yungao is my son, I'm so fat, he's so thin, he doesn't look like my own..."

  "After so many years, you still can't forget Senior Brother!!"


  Dagui said loudly.

  Then he saw Ao Tianlong coming downstairs, so he didn't get angry. "Is it a good show? Is it fun to watch it?"

  "It's all you! It's not you, and I won't be like this. Don't you want to leave?"

  "Let's go now!!"

  "I'll bring everything for you, you can go!!"

  Dagui was furious, rushed upstairs, and took down Ao Tianlong's things.

  "What kind of broken thing is this? It's still like a treasure." Dagui saw something like an incense burner with a spell on it.

  Seeing that Ao Tianlong took it so seriously, he threw it away in revenge.

  "don't want!!"

  Ao Tianlong's expression changed. "This is the red-robed fire ghost caught! It hasn't been refined yet!!!"

  However, it was too late.

  The incense burner smashed to the ground, and there was a sudden gloomy wind, and a dazzling red light rushed out of the incense burner.

  Followed by.

  A terrifying breath came.

  Then a raging flame was ignited, and in the flame, a group of people dressed in red robes.His hair was disheveled, and his ferocious, festering face suddenly appeared.

  It is a red-robed fire ghost who has become a dan! ! ! .

Chapter 135

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