"Jie Jie!!"

  The red-robed fire ghost was wearing a big red robe, with disheveled hair and a festering face, a pair of fierce eyes staring at everyone, and a gloomy laughter came out of his mouth.

  The terrifying aura spread out, and the whole room became cold and hot. After becoming a dan, the red-robed fire ghost's mana became very terrifying.

  A face is even more ferocious, and the mouth is full of sharp fangs.

  Only one step away, its strength is comparable to that of a ghost king, and it takes half a step of a celestial master to deal with it.

  "Stinky Taoist priest, I didn't expect it! Thanks to you! Not only did I not die, but I also completely practiced Fire Pill! Today I will take your life! Come and refine the power of my Fire Pill."

  The red-robed fire ghost felt the powerful power in his body, and his face became even more ferocious.

  This time, not only did she not die, but she was a blessing in disguise.

  I can become a ghost king in the future!

  That is a powerful existence comparable to the level of the Celestial Master.

  Thinking of this, the red-robed fire ghost's eyes became gloomy.

  She wants to kill these monks, devour their blood, to consolidate herself, and faster - enter the realm of the ghost king.


  Dagui's face changed, but he didn't expect such a terrifying existence.

  A huge pressure hit him, making him feel a heavy pressure, like a huge boulder pressing down on his body, and his heart shuddered.

  "There's something wrong with this red-robed fire ghost?"

  Ao Tianlong frowned.

  "Senior brother, what's wrong?" Mengmeng asked.

  "She seems to have become stronger!" Ao Tianlong said solemnly.


  Mengmeng was shocked.

  The strength of the red-robed fire ghost is like a green deer, if it is stronger, what level of terror will it be?

  Could it be... the ghost king?

  If so.

  Together, they are no match for the red-robed fire ghost! !

  "You did a good job!"

  Mengmeng stared at Dagui fiercely, with a look of indifference.

  Dagui knew that he had done something wrong and did not dare to speak up.

  Under the care of his parents since he was a child, Yun Gao had never seen such a terrifying ghost before, and it was a good thing that he didn't stun him.

  But he was also very frightened, his face was pale, and there was a deep panic in his eyes.

  With the rotten face of the red-robed fire ghost, there is basically nothing that ordinary people are not afraid of!

  "Wife, don't be afraid, look at me!" Dagui took out a mace from nowhere and rushed towards the red-robed fire ghost.

  Dagui's huge tonnage, waving a mace, looks menacing.

  But what is shocking is that Da Gui just rushed over and was directly knocked up by the red-robed fire ghost with his mace.


  Dagui smashed the shelf next to him and smashed the shelf to pieces. Fortunately, he was rough-skinned and thick-skinned, otherwise he would have vomited blood with this blow.

  "so smart?"

  Ao Tianlong's pupils shrank.

  The strength of the fifth layer of Qi transformation is vulnerable! !

  "Dad be careful!!"

  Ao Ningshuang exclaimed.

  I saw the red-robed fire ghost pounced, and with one blow, Ao Tianlong was forced back.

  Ao Ningshuang is now also at the sixth level of Qi Transformation. At this moment, she deeply felt the fear and power of the red-robed fire ghost, and she couldn't help showing a hint of anxiety on her face.

  This red-robed fire ghost of Chengdan has doubled his strength! !

  Ao Ningshuang looked at Lin Fan for help: "Senior stinky, what should I do?"

  "Don't be afraid, it's just a fire ghost, it can't make any big waves!!"

  Lin Fan patted the plain hand, who was afraid of Ao Ningshuang, and said lightly, the red-robed fire ghost followed the plot of the original book after all, and was released.


  Lin Fan also planned to release her with his own hands, then kill her to get the fire pill!


  Ao Ningshuang was stunned when she heard Lin Fan's words, this is a red-robed fire ghost!

  It's not a chicken or a dog!

  Daoist Qianhe smiled slightly: "My brother is the master of the heavenly master, how can he get on the stage with a fire ghost in front of him?"

  What?Celestial Master?

  Ao Ningshuang was shocked by five thunders, even though she had expected it, she was shocked when she heard Daoist Qianhe say this.


  How powerful is that?

  And who is this smelly senior in front of him? !

  Ao Ningshuang looked at Lin Fan with admiration in her eyes!How is this practice!

  "Watch me kill her!!"

  Lin Fan stepped out and flew down from the second floor.

  at this time.

  Ao Tianlong was forced to retreat again and again by the red-robed fire ghost, and the Tianlong sword in his hand was hit by the power of the red-robed fire ghost, and the tiger's mouth was numb, and he almost let go.

  Daiki also joins the fight.

  But the two of them together are not the rivals of the red-robed fire ghost!

  In the original book, the red-robed fire ghost was Ao Tianlong who invited his patriarch to kill him! !

  Lin Fan raised his hand and punched.


  A terrifying fist wind descended from the sky, like a typhoon passing through the border, sweeping everything, instantly forcing the red-robed fire ghost back, and a deep trace appeared on the ground.

  "Two fellow Daoists, this evil barrier has become a fire pill, give her to me, you are not her opponents!" Under the shocked gazes of Ao Tianlong and Dagui, Lin Fan strode forward.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????????

  "Fellow Daoist, you..."

  Dagui, Ao Tianlong looked at Lin Fan in disbelief.

  One blow to push back the red-robed fire ghost?

  What kind of terrifying power is this? !

  The red-robed fire ghost took two steps back, and then glanced at Lin Fan, but she didn't take it to heart. With her current strength, only a Celestial Master could subdue her.

  She didn't believe that Lin Fan had such strength!

  "Another one to die, very good, just enough to be my ration for entering the realm of the ghost king!" The red-robed fire ghost looked at Lin Fan with a grim smile.

  Then he suddenly rushed towards Lin Fan.

  "Just you?!"

  Lin Fan snorted coldly and snapped his fingers into swords.

  In an instant, the golden light in his hand condensed and turned into a three-meter-long golden blade. I saw that its light was unsteady, like a golden snake, exuding terrifying power.

0 ......  

  "The mana leaves the body?!"

  Ao Tianlong, Dagui, and Mengmeng exclaimed.

  "Friend Taixuan is a Celestial Master?"

  Their brains were stunned, especially Mengmeng's eyeballs fell out of shock.

  She had previously thought that Lin Fan was out of his control when he went to Qifeng Mountain, but she never thought that Lin Fan was actually a terrifying Celestial Master! !

  "What? Celestial Master? Are you a Celestial Master?"

  "Heavenly Master, forgive me!!"

  The red-robed fire ghost's rotten face suddenly showed a hint of horror, and a terrifying pressure hit, making her seem to be stuck in a quagmire, making her unable to move!

  The red-robed fire ghost was still aggressive just now, but now he was so frightened that he knelt down and begged for mercy.

  "You are full of sins, you still want to beg for mercy?"

  Lin Fan's face was expressionless, a little empty.

  The golden sword light separated from the body, turned into a golden streamer, and slashed towards the red-robed fire ghost!

  "Ah! Stupid Taoist I fought with you!"

  The red-robed fire ghost roared angrily, and the whole body ignited a raging flame, turning into a huge fire, and a monstrous fire emerged, setting everything in the house on fire.

  She flew towards Lin Fan.

  Lin Fan didn't even look at it, he let out a low drink.

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