He was hit by a sneak attack just now, but now that he is prepared, naturally he can't be hurt.

  "A few reptiles in the mere, dare to be presumptuous?!"

  Lin Fan sneered and rushed into the group of snakes just a little under his feet. The golden light that protected his body was like a protective cover, and it flew straight away.

  Under the shocked gazes of Ao Ningshuang and Dagui, Lin Fan seemed to be walking in the rain, floating freely.

  This is Celestial Master Fawei!


  Lin Fan snapped his fingers into swords.

  The condensed golden light is like a sharp sword, killing one in an instant.

  【Ding!Congratulations to the host, behead the cymbal snake, get 200 merit points, yin virtue value: 0]

  【Ding!Congrats to the host, kill the cymbal snake, get merit points, yin value: 0]

  【Ding!Congratulations to the host, behead the cymbal snake, get 400 merit points, yin virtue value: 1]

  【Ding!Congratulations to the host, behead the cymbal snake, get 210 merit points, yin virtue value: 0]


  The pleasant sound of the system came.

  Lin Fan's killing robbery, plus the previous green bat, the merit value has reached the level of [-] to [-].Yin De value also has the degree of forty or fifty.


  kill! !kill!

  In Lin Fan's eyes, these are merit values, and even a cymbal can't let them go.

  cluck cluck! !

  The strange cry sounded again, and the other snakes seemed to obey the greeting and hurriedly crawled away.

  "Want to escape?"

  How could Lin Fan let them go? This cry is probably the snake king. If you find it, you may be able to find the treasure.

  "Follow you, I'm going to have a look."

  After Lin Fan finished speaking, he stepped down a little and chased after him.

  Ao Ningshuang and Dagui also chased after them.

  Lin Fan quickly found out.

  There is also a hole on the side of the tree.

  At the entrance of the cave, there is a stone corridor with an octagonal building like a sacrificial altar in the middle.

  It can be vaguely seen that the end of the corridor is a stone platform with a dozen steps.

  Several coffins were placed on it, and there was a jade-like bed on which it seemed vaguely that someone was lying.

  The place of the treasure seems to have arrived! !

  [The 3000-word chapter is delivered! !The author's bacteria go to the second chapter!A lot of brain cells have died in the past few days. This treasure has hollowed out my brain cells! ! ].

Chapter 145

  Lin Fan also didn't expect that there was a cave on the other side of the big tree.

  At this time, the clucking noise was gone.

  Lin Fan glanced around, but he didn't see anything, so he didn't care so much. Anyway, he wasn't afraid, as long as this thing dared to come out.

  That's a dead end.

  Lin Fan walked into the hole. The hole seemed to be artificially excavated. It was still very large, and the walls were filled with countless strange runes.

  There are also many murals.

  The first mural shows a man with a golden staff and a mask, and behind him are many soldiers, holding weapons, as if fighting.

  The second mural is a sarcophagus, shrouded in thunder.

  The third mural is of a masked man, kneeling on the ground, also bowing, and it seems to be full of fear.

  Murals are just that.

  The only thing that made Lin Fan feel weird was that this man was also bowing down and dreading.

  Like Chiyou, the god of heaven.

  What are they afraid of, afraid of - what?

  Lin Fan couldn't understand, and looked away.

  Look to the middle of the underground palace.

  The layout of this underground palace is very mysterious and full of mystery.

  In the middle is a huge altar, made of black stones, with blood stains on it, even if it is so long, the blood is still there.

  Around the altar, there are also four huge bronze coffins, which are clearly spread out in four directions: due east, due west, due south, and due north, each of which is carried by a big scorpion.

  The specifications of the bronze coffins are basically the same, about four meters long and two meters wide.

  The first mouth, due east, is the bronze coffin on the left, with a vivid blue dragon engraved on the body of the coffin.

  "Qinglong" the legend of the ruler of the Eastern Seven Constellation.

  The coffin made of bronze itself has bronze green color, and it happens to be very bright on the whole coffin, but the dragon's body is covered with bronze rust, as if it was just painted.

  The second mouth, due west, is the bronze coffin on the right. This coffin is engraved with a spotted tiger with its mouth open and roaring.

  The ruler of the Western Seven Constellation, the White Tiger.

  The entire coffin was also made of bronze, but the tiger was painted white with paint. Although it was old and the white was even a little yellow, it still did not damage its fighting power at all.

  White Tiger: "Tigers are the best of all beasts. They can fight and devour the devil."

  The third coffin, due south, is carved with a beautiful bird on the coffin. The whole body is painted in fiery red.

  According to legend, Suzaku is the incarnation of fire, the mysterious bird of destiny, the master of the seven stars in the south, because Suzaku was once known to the world as the essence of fire and the representative of the supreme sun.

  The ancients said: "The image of the phoenix is ​​also the image of the phoenix. The stork has a mandarin duck's cheeks, the dragon is inscribed on the back of the turtle, the swallow is in the chin and the chicken pecks, and the five colors are prepared."

  Since the phoenix is ​​the length of the "feather worm", the dragon with the length of the "scale worm" has gradually become a pair in the legend.

  Because the five elements of the phoenix belong to fire, it was once regarded as yang, representing maleness; while the five elements of dragon belong to water, it is regarded as yin, representing femaleness.

  Later, because the image of the dragon was more liked by the emperor, the dragon was changed to symbolize the sun.

  However, the phoenix and phoenix, which originally had Yin and Yang, became the male, and the phoenix was the female, and gradually became the representative of pure yin after facing the dragon.

  The fourth coffin, due north.

  Engraved on the coffin is a combination of a large tortoise and a snake. It is a basalt.

  Xuanwu is the incarnation of Xuanwu and Guiwu. Xuanwu is the body of a dragon-headed phoenix-winged python; Guiwu is a dragon's head, a back and a unicorn tail.

  Lin Fan knew that this was the Taoist four-image formation, which contained the mystery of the Nine Palaces and Eight Trigrams, representing birth, longevity, old age, and death.

  Even if he is a Celestial Master, come in at this moment.

  The operation of mana is also obscure.

  Lin Fan didn't know what was in the coffin, but it was absolutely terrifying.

  But the most conspicuous is a huge jade bed next to the altar.

  On it lay a monster with four feet, four hands, and a strange tail, dressed in strange costumes, with a bronze mask on his face.

  This bronze mask is very strange. It seems to laugh but not laugh, and it seems to cry but not cry. It is extremely strange. After seeing it, it is creepy and the scalp is numb.

  Especially the clothes on his body, like new, full of weirdness.

  Lin Fan looked at it. For some reason, the corpse on the jade bed didn't look like it was dead, but more like it was asleep.


  At this time, Dagui came in, and when he saw this scene, he also took a deep breath. This kind of generous layout is not something that ordinary people can make.

  From start to finish,

  The masters of this underground palace are all generous, and it is hard to fathom what mystery is in it.

  "Senior stinky, I'm afraid!"

  As soon as Ao Ningshuang came in, she tightly pulled Lin Fan's arm.

  "What are you afraid of?" Lin Fan asked casually.

  "I feel like it's staring at me!!"

  Ao Ningshuang's pretty face turned pale, and she pointed to the monster on the jade bed.It seemed that under the bronze mask, there were a pair of eyes staring at her resentfully.

  When Lin Fan heard this, he was also thoughtful and comforted, "Don't worry, I'm here, don't be afraid!"

  "Master Lin, there seems to be something on the altar." Dagui looked around, and with his sharp eyes, he found that there seemed to be something on the altar.

  Lin Fan looked over. In the middle of the altar, there was a black object the size of an adult's slap. It was engraved with bizarre, tadpole-like runes.

  It was a bit far away, and Lin Fan couldn't see it very clearly.

  However, this rune made Lin Fan tremble all over, and his eyes showed an unprecedented gleam. He was all too familiar with it.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????????

  It is the rune on the Yin Fu Jing.

  The second volume of Yin Fu Jing?

  Lin Fan was overjoyed, and after a lot of hard work, the treasure was finally in front of him.


  Lin Fan was not in a hurry either.

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