With the layout in front of me, it is probably not easy to get the Yin Fu Jing.It seems that under this calm situation, there must be ups and downs of crisis.

  "You stay here, I'll go take a look!"

  With that said, Lin Fan walked towards the altar, but he just took a step.

  Suddenly, the sound of gurgling sounded again.

  This time the sound was very strange, as if it came from all directions, it seemed to be close at hand, and it seemed to be far away, full of weirdness.

  It smells of evil.


  Lin Fan raised his eyebrows.

  In an instant.

  Countless black snakes swam out from all directions, raising their heads and staring at Lin Fan, the snake cores spit out frantically.

0 ......  

  When Lin Fan stepped out again, these snakes were like a group of demons dancing wildly, screaming piercingly and rushing towards Lin Fan.

  "Little reptile, want to stop me too?"

  Lin Fan sneered, and the golden light flashed and fell.

  【Ding!Congratulations to the host for beheading the cymbal snake, obtaining merit points, yin value: 0]

  【Ding!Congratulations to the host for beheading the cymbal snake, obtaining merit points, yin value: 0]

  【Ding!Congratulations to the host for beheading the cymbal snake, obtaining merit points, yin value: 0]


  Pleasant voices sprang up like mushrooms after a rain, ringing non-stop.

  The skyrocketing merit value, Lin Fan exclaimed, the second volume of Yin Talisman Sutra was right in front of him, and it was the time when the merit value was lacking.

  come on!

  Come on! !

  Although there were many Qi snakes, they were simply not enough to kill in front of Lin Fan.

  Soon the underground palace was filled with snake corpses.

  There are no snakes to kill.

  Lin Fan continued to take the third step. At this time, a cold wind suddenly blew in the cave. The wind seemed to be born out of nowhere. I don't know where it came from.

  When the fourth step was taken, the four coffins trembled slightly, and a terrifying breath that could not speak came.

  At the fifth step, the gurgling sound became rapid, and then it was as if someone was breathing, and it seemed to be waking up from a deep sleep.

  "Lin, Master Lin, alive, alive!!" Dagui pointed in horror.

  "My God! It's alive! It's sitting up!!"

  Ao Ningshuang trembled all over, her pretty face turned pale.

  Lin Fan looked in the direction the two pointed.

  I saw the four-legged, four-handed, tailed monster sitting up on the jade bed at some point.

  Under the mask, there seemed to be a pair of malicious eyes staring at Lin Fan fiercely.

  [The hard-working author, continue to code the fourth update! 】righteous.

Chapter 146

  Hearing the exclamations of Dagui and Ao Ningshuang, Lin Fan also looked over.

  I saw that the master on the jade bed had already sat up and turned to look at Lin Fan. There seemed to be a pair of vicious eyes under the strange mask.

  And the moment it sits up.

  A terrifying aura spread out, comparable to the power of a Celestial Master.

  Not only that, the four bronze coffins seemed to be pulled by its qi, as if trapping Lin Fan in it, forming a huge circle to suppress Lin Fan.


  Lin Fan was not flustered, and his body rose up with golden lights, resisting the negative impact of the Four Elephants Array.

  These four-image formations look independent from each other, but actually influence each other.

  "Senior be careful!!"

  Ao Ningshuang let out an exclamation, even though it was a long way away, the air permeated her, making her tremble with fear. This level was not something he could understand.

  "Master Lin!"

  Dagui's hand was also tightly clenched.

  Today's Lin Fan was trapped by the Four-Essence Method Zero Seven Three Formation, and his strength was suppressed, as if he was trapped in a deep cage.

  Under the circumstances, this monster is even more terrifying.

  cluck cluck!

  There was a burst of strange cries, and Lin Fan suddenly realized that the strange cries were coming from it.

  Is it the cymbal king?

  A bold idea emerged from Lin Fan.

  It's just weird, how could this cymbal become a human?

  After all, its strength is only at the level of a demon king, and it still cannot achieve the ability to transform.

  "What if you're a scumbag, how about pretending to be a ghost? In front of me, even a dragon has to lie down, and a tiger has to be able to hold it."

  Lin Fan was a little empty, and a series of talismans rose up beside him, forming a huge circle, constantly revolving around Lin Fan.


  The spell was like a cannonball and blasted towards the Snake King.


  A terrifying force exploded.

  A black light appeared on the snake king's body, blocking all these forces.

  giggle! !

  Strange screams sounded, and its four hands grabbed a large bronze cauldron next to it, and the cauldron weighing several thousand kilograms smashed towards Lin Fan like a meteorite.

  There was a furious whistling sound in the air.

  "Is it more powerful?"

  A sneer appeared on the corner of Lin Fan's mouth.

  He is not false at all!

  Melee, spells, are all invincible existences.

  Lin Fan clenched his fist.

  A fist slammed on the flying cauldron, only a thud, the cauldron made a muffled sound, flew back, and landed on the ground, suddenly shaking the mountain.

  "My God! Is Master Lin a humanoid beast?"

  Dagui couldn't believe it.

  You must know that this giant bronze cauldron weighed at least several thousand kilograms, and it was smashed again, and the force was even greater, but it was smashed back by Lin Fan with a punch.

  How terrifying is Lin Fan's power?

  Simply not human! !

  "Senior stinky, it's amazing!~"

  Ao Ningshuang was even more shocked, the boss with his mouth open.


  Just when the two of them were surprised, Lin Fan put his feet on the ground a little and directly killed the King Qi Snake.

  The enormous force of [-] exploded in an instant, and the blue bricks on the ground could not bear the force, bursting inch by inch, and the legs were like steel whips, causing phantoms in the air.

  "Master Lin is fierce!!!!"

  Dagui saw this scene, his eyes were straight, and this monster king level monster, head-to-head?

  Speaking of it, I don't know how many people will be scared to death.

  Bang bang bang! !

  Under Lin Fan's powerful offensive, the Snake King kept retreating, and cracks appeared on the ground.


  Its giant tail is like a stone pillar, sweeping towards Lin Fan, like a typhoon passing through, sweeping away everything.

  Lin Fan raised his hand and punched it, colliding heavily with it, and the two of them took a few steps back at the same time.


  A dazzling golden light suddenly condensed in Lin Fan's hand, and he chopped it down in the air.


  The snake king's mask fell off, revealing an old face full of scales and wrinkles.There is a bloodstain on it, clearly visible.


  Seeing this face, Dagui couldn't believe it.

  His master is obviously missing, how could he become this monster?

  "Master, I'm Dagui, Master!!" Dagui shouted at it.

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