This means that he himself is an energy source, consuming his own mana to control the speed of the enemies within the circle.

  It can be said that this obeys the law of conservation of energy!

  "The stronger the enemy is, the less control and influence I have over him."

  "Qimen and Tongtian Talisman can be said to be a perfect match. Once they enter the magic circle, they will become my living targets!"

  One by one useful data was analyzed by Lin Fan.

  "And, there is something more important!!"

  "It seems that there is some kind of connection between the eight strange skills. After I learned the Qimen of Fenghou Hou, the increase of the Tongtian Talisman seems to increase again."

  "Now the power has reached success, and the mana consumption has been reduced by 4.9%."

  Such a powerful spell.

  Even a small increase is a substantial leap.

  "If I get all the eight wonders, how much will it increase?" A bold thought popped into Lin Fan's mind.

  [Fixed a chapter from yesterday, and it exploded in 5 days. 】righteous.

Chapter 155

  After getting the data he wanted, Lin Fan was satisfied. Only by understanding his own strength could he be invincible.

  The second volume of Yin Fu's journey, here, can be regarded as a successful conclusion.

  The harvest is also full.

  The talisman of the sky is complete, the queen of the wind is small, and the eyes of night vision, the body that is invulnerable to all poisons, and more importantly, a girl with a mysterious body.

  It's unremarkable joy.

  After living in Baofa Village for two days, Lin Fan didn't stay too long. He bought some food in the town and brought Ao Ningshuang back to Renjia Town.

  When he thought of the enhancement effect among the eight magic skills, he couldn't wait to return to Renjia Town to search for information on ancient books and decipher the words on the sarcophagus.

  Dagui, Mengmeng, and Yungao were also very enthusiastic and sent Lin Fan and Ao Ningshuang out of Yiyang Town.

  "Master Lin, be careful on the road to Ningshuang, and the way is smooth!!"

  "Uncle Shi, Aunt Shi, Junior Brother, goodbye!!!"

  Ao Ningshuang waved at them.

  On the way, Ao Ningshuang hugged Lin Fan's hand and said softly, "Senior stinky, I will give myself to you in the future, you have to be nice to me." Zero Seven Seven

  "Am I that bad?!"

  Lin Fan smiled, put his arms around Ao Ningshuang's waist, and kissed her, making Ao Ningshuang's face flush red, and her earlobes were flushed.

  Smelling the faint fragrance from her body, Lin Fan was in a good mood, and it seemed that the journey would not be so boring anymore.

  On the way back, they also climbed mountains and mountains, and the two had more opportunities to get along.

  It has been a month since I returned to Renjia Town.

  Renjiazhen can feel the atmosphere of the Mid-Autumn Festival. Some people have already started burning paper money for their ancestors in advance, and paper ashes are flying everywhere.

  When he arrived at Yizhuang, Lin Fan found that there were not many people in the village, and thought something had happened.

  Just when he was in doubt, Qiu Sheng shouted exaggeratedly on the second floor.

  "Damn it, 5000 taels, if you give it to me, I will make a fortune!" Qiu Sheng was holding a printed note, and his mouth made a tsk tsk.

  "If you want, just take it all." Lin Zhengying sat there and wrote the announcement of the Yin Si, and heard Qiu Sheng's words, and said angrily.

  "By the way, Master, last year we printed [-] taels, how come it has risen so much this year?" Qiu Sheng flatly ran to Lin Zhengying and asked.

  "Now that prices are rising, it will also rise a little bit below, isn't it normal?"

  "I can't believe that Master doesn't have a human touch, and there are a lot of ghosts. No wonder the underworld will invite you to be a bank supervisor and ask you to print the ticket... Wow, Master, your real name is really Lin Fengjiao, what Uncle Shi and the others said is true!! "

  Qiu Sheng said with a weird smile, before he finished speaking, he was slapped by Lin Zhengying on the head.

  "Laugh, laugh, do you want me to love you as much as your uncle, and don't go downstairs and bring the samples of Chapter [-]." Lin Zhengying scolded angrily.

  Qiu Sheng snorted and hurried over to get it. At this time, he saw Lin Fan returning with Ao Ningshuang.

  "Wow, Master is coming out soon, Uncle Master is back. He brought a very beautiful girl back, she is like a fairy, Master!" Qiu Sheng shouted to Lin Zhengying with a loud voice.

  Lin Zhengying put down the brush in her hand and walked out, seeing that Lin Fan also hurried downstairs.

  "Junior Brother, you are back!" Lin Zhengying showed a hint of happiness on her face, then looked at Ao Ningshuang, "This is..."

  Lin Fan smiled: "She is Ningshuang, a disciple of Fantasy Sect. I went to Bashu to meet her, and she will follow me in the future!"

  "Humph! Who wants to follow you!"

  Ao Ningshuang stuck out her tongue at Lin Fan playfully, but she was very happy.

  Lin Fan shook his head: "This is my senior brother Lin Zhengying."

  "Uncle Lin, good!" Ao Ningshuang said sweetly.

  "Okay!" Lin Zhengying also smiled happily and said to Ao Ningshuang, "Miss Ningshuang, when you come here, you will be your home here."

  "Qiusheng, go and pour two cups of tea." Lin Zhengying ordered.

  "Okay, Master!"

  "By the way, senior brother, Si Mu, Jia Le, Daoyou Mao, Qingqing and others?" Lin Fan asked.

  "Oh, the four-eyed guy, the master is not here. He was bored and went to Jiuquan Town with Jia Le. Qingqing is with Miss Ren."

  "As for Fellow Daoist Mao, he has also been diligent in mana recently. Many people have invited him to do things in the past few days. It is estimated that he will come back later." Lin Zhengying said.

  "Do things?"

  Hearing this, Lin Fan smiled, but he didn't expect that Mao Shanming would still be proud of this day.

  "Senior brother, then you can go to work, I will arrange this girl."

  Lin Zhengying nodded: "Well, I still haven't finished printing the banknotes. Last year we only needed to print [-] billion, and this year we will print [-] billion. I don't know what the people in the underworld think."

  "400 billion? That Senior Brother, you are busy!"

  Lin Fan took Ao Ningshuang to settle down. The room was next to him, and something indescribable could happen at any time.

  It's a pity that this girl, Ao Ningshuang, hasn't reached the Heavenly Master Realm yet. This Lin Fan has a big headache, pain and happiness.

  After all, it is not yet ripe, so picking the fruit is beneficial and harmless.

  Unable to achieve maximum profit.

  Thinking of this, Lin Fan took out a few Pei Yuan Dan from the Black Dragon Ring and gave it to Ao Ning Shuang, so that she could take it to practice and improve her strength as soon as possible.

  At present, Peiyuan Dan has little effect on Lin Fan's cultivation. If it can make Ao Ningshuang reach the Heavenly Master Realm, it will be a huge profit.

  As long as Lin Fan picks the virgin fruit, with the power of mysterious yin, yin and yang are reconciled, and he is even expected to transform into a god and achieve a real world.

  At that time, you can walk in the wind, like a fairy, with a life span of 1000 years.

  More importantly, the spiritual power of the God Transformation Realm will be transformed into Divine Sense, the range will increase sharply, and the power of Qimen after the wind will also increase.

  and so.

  Lin Fan felt that it was not too much to spend on Ao Ningshuang...  

  This is a humanoid Great Dan.

  And it is the kind that can be eaten all the time and grow in cultivation.

  Settle down Ao Ningshuang.

  Lin Fan went to find information about the text on the sarcophagus. Although these ancient Shu texts were very complicated, to decipher them, they needed to find a lot of classics.

  Fortunately, he had foresight and learned a lot from Qianhe.

  Otherwise, you can't start at all.

  After four or five days like this, Lin Fan rummaged through ancient books every day, and gradually these words had a clue. Just as he had guessed, these words indeed recorded the whereabouts of the third volume of Yin Fu Jing.

  It is recorded that the third volume of Yin Fu Jing is very likely in the ancient country of Di people.

  The Di people are descendants of the Yan Emperor in ancient legends. It is rumored that they can not only swim in the water, but also go up and down the heavens freely, and the tears they shed can turn into pearls.

  "The Classic of Mountains and Seas, The Great Wild West" states: There is a country of mutual people, the grandson of Emperor Yan, named Ling, the spirit of life and mutual people, can go up and down in the sky.

  "Shan Hai Jing · Hai Nei Nan Jing" says: In the kingdom of Di people, everyone has a face and a fish body, but has no feet.Guo Pu, a scholar of the Jin Dynasty, said in a commentary that the Di people are human beings above their chests, and fish below their chests.

  Lin Fan didn't believe in going up and down the heavens, and most of them were exaggerating. Although the Di people were very similar to the East China Sea mermen, they were much nobler in blood.

  "Di Ren, a human face and a fish body?"

  "Isn't this the monster I got the pattern on in Qifengshan Village?"

  Lin Fan frowned slightly, and took out the picture from the black dragon ring. A group of men and women with human faces and fish bodies were paying homage to a person with a human face, a pig's mouth, a unicorn body, and a pig's feet.

  These men and women are naturally Di people.

  So what is the thing with a human face and a pig mouth?

  Lin Fan couldn't figure it out at all.

  But he didn't take it to heart.

  Now the most critical text information has not been cracked, so there is no way to know where the Di Renguo is, and there is no clue.

  This is the most troublesome problem.

  Lin Fan rubbed his temples, preparing to put it aside for a while, maybe it would be cracked one day, and he was not in a hurry.

  "Master Lin, Master Lin!!"

  As soon as Lin Fan came out of the room, Mao Shanming hurried over.

  This guy is doing things for the people in the town now, and he is also high-spirited and respected, but in front of Lin Fan, he does not dare to make mistakes.

  He knew that all this was given by Lin Fan.

  "Friend Mao, what's wrong?"

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