"Master Lin, Miss Ren Tingting said she wanted to find you. She has something important to tell you. She hopes you can go to Renfu tonight!" Mao Shanming said.

  "What's the big deal?"

  Lin Fan asked.

  "I don't know, she said that you went, so I knew." Mao Shanming shook his head.

  What the hell is this girl doing?

  Lin Fan frowned.

  "Okay, I get it. You tell her I'll be there later."

  [PS: It’s Kawen again, I want to die, it is estimated that I will explode the liver code again tonight! ! ].

Chapter 156

  "Tell her, I'll be there later."

  Lin Fan waved his hand and let Mao Shanming leave.

  Mao Shanming naturally retreated respectfully and spoke to Ren Tingting.

  Lin Fan came out of the study, went to the hall, poured a cup of hot tea, took a few sips, and refreshed himself.


  Lin Fan murmured a few words.

  "I hope to crack the core text as soon as possible and find the whereabouts of Di Renguo."

  Lin Fan stretched his waist, looking forward to the third volume of Yin Fu Jing.

  What kind of magic will it be?


  Lin Fan suddenly twitched his brows and saw billowing smoke rushing in. He thought it was Yizhuang's fire, and hurriedly walked out of the hall to look.

  But it was found that Lin Zhengying was burning paper money.

  Thick smoke billowed, like a pillar, rising into the sky.

  Fortunately, in this era, there are no environmental protection personnel, otherwise they will be fined.

  Lin Zhengying threw a large amount of paper money into the oven in the yard from the side.

  Under Lin Fantian's eyes, he could see countless paper money pouring into the underworld.

  As a bank executive, Lin Zhengying has the ability to make coins, and the underworld only recognizes his money.

  The currency circulation of the underworld is generally maintained by Lin Zhengying.

  Therefore, Lin Zhengying's status in the underworld is not low, but compared with Lin Fan's Department of Rewards and Punishments, it is not worth mentioning.

  The Division of Rewards and Punishments was in a position comparable to that of Zhong Kui, the judge, and the impermanence of black and white.

  Qiu Sheng was adding firewood to the stove, and it was so hot that he was sweating profusely, while Lin Zhengying was chanting prayers and putting in paper money.

  With the blessing of the power of prayer, these paper money can be sent to the underworld faster, and there will be relevant underworld personnel to receive it.

  It is also of great benefit to Lin Zhengying to create coins from the underworld.

  Can accumulate a lot of Yin virtue.

  Maybe after this time, the strength will be improved, and it may reach the ninth level of Qi transformation.

  Ao Ningshuang practiced in seclusion in the room.

  Yesterday, she took the Peiyuan Dan that Lin Fan gave her, and she never came out.

  Lin Fan set up a French flag around her room, and ordinary people would never want to break in. It can be said to be very safe.

  "Senior brother!"

  "Senior brother, how many coins have you minted now?"

  "It's only 200 billion now!"

  "The senior brother is busy!"

  Lin Fan laughed, then said a few words to Lin Zhengying, and after a word, he went to Ren's house. He wanted to see what the hell Ren Tingting was doing? !

  After Lin Fan left.

  Lin Zhengying looked at Qiu Sheng, who was burning the fire, and suddenly asked, "By the way, I haven't seen Wen Cai all afternoon. Where did he go?"

  Qiu Sheng was adding firewood to the copper stove when he choked on the smoke, tears streaming down his cheeks, and after a while, he said, "Wen Cai, oh, he said earlier that he was short, so he went to occupy a seat in advance."

  "Occupy a place? What place?" Lin Zhengying frowned together.

  Qiu Sheng blew two breaths into the copper furnace, patted the dust on his body, and said, "Watch the show!"

  "Watching a play?"

  Lin Zhengying raised her long eyebrows and immediately cursed.

  "This bastard, he's been with me for so many years, but he still hasn't developed any skills? What drama are we watching today? Today's drama is not for people to watch, but for ghosts!"

  "Qiusheng, go get something ready."

  Qiu Sheng looked confused: "What are you going to prepare?"

  "What did you say to prepare?!" Lin Zhengying tapped on Qiusheng's head, "Of course it's preparing something to go to the theater!?"

  "Ah? Master, I know, let's go!"

  Qiu Sheng suddenly realized, ran back to the room, and then hurried to the theater with Lin Zhengying.If Lin Fan was here and saw this scene, he would know that the plot of "Zombie Supreme" had begun.


  At this time, Lin Fan had already arrived at the Ren residence, and a maid was guarding the door. Seeing Lin Fan coming, he hurriedly stepped forward and bowed his head.

  "Master Lin, you are here!"

  "Where's your lady!"

  "Miss is waiting for you in the room on the far right on the second floor."

  "Okay, I get it."

  Lin Fan also walked in with his hands on his back.

  Master Ren doesn't seem to be at home. He should be going to worship his ancestors. Lin Fan doesn't know if he will have any mental obstacles to these ancestors.

  After all, Grandpa Ren almost killed him!


  Lin Fan went up to the second floor and pushed open the door on the far right.

  I saw candlelight shining in the room, revealing a fragrance of a woman, and the arrangement was very romantic. There was even a faint fragrance in the air, which seemed to be sprinkled with some kind of perfume.

  In the middle of the room, there is a square table, two chairs facing each other, two candles are lit on the table, some flowers, wines, western food, and hairy crabs are placed on the table.

  candlelight dinner?

  This girl can really play!

  Call him over for a candlelit dinner at night?


  A faint smile appeared on the corner of Lin Fan's mouth.

  Ren Tingting was sitting on the chair, she was different today, with black curly hair rolled over her shoulders.Wearing a decent blue cheongsam, she set off her figure flawlessly.

  In particular, this cheongsam is a cheongsam with slits, showing Ren Tingting's two slender legs, which is very clear in the dim light.

  Ren Tingting looked at Lin Fan who came in, and there was a flash of light in his eyes, anticipation, longing, complexity, and so on.

  I haven't seen you for three months.

  Lin Daochang seems to be handsome.

  When Ren Tingting thought of this bold idea today, her heart swayed.

  Lin Fan also glanced at Ren Tingting, secretly thinking that this girl is hot enough today, then he removed the stool, sat down, and looked at Ren Tingting quietly.

  "Master Lin, are you here?" Ren Tingting said softly.

  "Miss Ren has something important to do, how dare you not come?!" Lin Fan said with a smile.

  Ren Tingting blushed slightly and said, "Actually, it's not a big deal. I just want to invite Dao-Lin Lin to have a meal and ask me about my cultivation."

  "A problem with cultivation?"

  Lin Fan glanced at Ren Tingting lightly, his eyes were bright, as if he could see through Ren Tingting.

  Ren Tingting lowered her head shyly, her voice as thin as a mosquito: "Yeah!" Then she raised her head to look at Lin Fan, "Lin Daochang, let's eat something first! Otherwise, it will be cold!"

  There are many delicacies on the table, Lin Fan touched his stomach, naturally he hadn't eaten all night.

  Immediately you are welcome.

  After eating a few hairy crabs and some meat, Ren Tingting brought a glass of red wine to Lin Fan. The red wine swayed gently in the candlelight, exuding a charming light.

  077 Lin Fan took a few sips.

  This red wine tastes good. It has blackcurrant, blackberry and other aromas, as well as vanilla, fir, smoke and other flavors. Although it is not as good as the Burgundy red wine of Chateau Romanee-Conti, it is already very good.

  After all, Burgundy red wine is the top red wine in the world in 2020. A bottle of Burgundy red wine in 2002 sells for [-] US dollars.

  Its material is selected from Cabernet Sauvignon, the king of red grapes.

  When he thought of this red wine, Lin Fan thought of his own winery, whether he should make such a fine wine, not only to make money, but also to drink it himself.

  This idea can have!

  Ren Tingting drank a few cups, a blush appeared on her face, her eyes were filled with blurred brilliance, and the light of desire.

  "Lin Daochang..."

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