This must be miserable.

  "Junior brother, what did you say?" Lin Zhengying's eyes lit up.

  "These ghosts like to eat tofu, so let them put some red beans, grind a few loads of tofu, and then tease the tofu out at night to lure the ghosts out. Those ghosts eat red beans and tofu, and (the money's) can't run away." Lin Fan smiled.

  Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng were horrified when they heard it.

  It's not enough to exhaust them to death, a few loads of tofu...

  Master, you did it on purpose! !

  "Okay, pay attention to this! These two bastards, they have caused their own troubles, they will solve it themselves!" Lin Zhengying applauded after hearing Lin Fan's words.

  Then he looked at Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng: "Did you hear me? If you don't grind three dans of tofu in the past few days, I want you to look good. Otherwise, the mess will be troublesome!"

  "Got it, Master!"

  Qiusheng and Wencai both nodded and agreed, as if they were mourning the concubine Yuan.

  If you don't die in these two days, you have to peel off a layer of skin!

  Just when Lin Zhengying breathed a sigh of relief, the hall suddenly became cold, and then a chill rushed up, causing Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai to shiver.

  Then there was a gloomy wind in the hall, and it suddenly became dark. I don't know when there were four more figures in ancient costumes.

  Lin Fan narrowed his eyes slightly.

  He knew the evil was coming! .

Chapter 158

  When Lin Zhengying breathed a sigh of relief, the hall suddenly became dark and gloomy, and the temperature dropped in an instant, as cold as frost, as if in an ice cave.

  Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng were shivering and shivering.

  "what happened……"

  The two looked terrified.

  Lin Zhengying's expression changed, and she glared at the two of them. These two bastards originally thought they could get away with it, but they didn't expect Cao Cao to arrive when they really said it.

  The yin difference actually came to the door.

  Lin Fan sat on the first chair in the hall, standing still, only narrowed his eyes slightly, looking towards the middle ground.

  I saw that the floor of the hall sank suddenly, as if it suddenly collapsed.

  Then I saw four figures emerging from the ground.

  After coming out completely, you can see that there are two black and two white young men wearing longevity robes.

  These four people's faces were pale, as if they had been scratched with a layer of lime, just like those paper stickers in the birthday shop, each of them was holding a mourning stick in their hands, and their faces were gloomy.

  A strong yin qi emanated from them.

  "I go!"

  Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were startled by the sudden arrival of the four, and then asked Lin Zhengying in a low voice, "Master, who are they?"

  "You two bastards, can't you watch?"

  Lin Zhengying said angrily.

  Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng looked at each other for a moment and saw the familiar faces of the four of them and the mourning stick in their hands. They didn't understand where they were. This was the mess they put on that day.

  Seeing the four criminals, the two felt guilty, and hurriedly walked behind Lin Zhengying and Lin Fan, silent.

  The four shadowy figures flashed, and they all sat down on the seats on both sides of the hall.

  Lin Zhengying also sat down and asked, "The four police officers suddenly visited, why?" He pretended to ask this, as if he didn't know.

  However, after he finished speaking, all the ghosts looked at each other in dismay, and at the same time, they were chattering, saying some incomprehensible words.

  This is ghost language.

  People talk, ghosts talk.

  People can't understand what people say, and people can't understand ghost words.

  Others couldn't understand it, but Lin Fan could hear it clearly.

  These four ghost messengers were saying, this Lin Fengjiao must be pretending to be confused, knowing that they are evil messengers, and still talking there, it seems that his apprentice does a good thing, and he doesn't want to admit it.

  "Senior brother, they are talking nonsense!" Lin Fan reminded.

  Lin Zhengying suddenly realized, and hurriedly walked to the corner, brought out a plate of mud pills, returned to the chair next to the table and sat down.

  The four eunuchs glanced at Lin Fan, and they were shocked. They saw that the mana on Lin Fan was shining, and it was clear that a Celestial Master was sitting here.

  'Could it be that Lin Fengjiao was prepared?Want to default?'

  But they didn't care. As a shady messenger, they had the support of the underworld. Even if the Heavenly Master was here, they were not afraid.

  Lin Zhengying looked at the mud balls on the plate, he really didn't want to eat them.

  Frowning, Lin Zhengying took one in one bite, only to find it obscure and unbearable, and then repeated what he said just now.

  "The four police officers suddenly visited, why?" Lin Zhengying murmured.

  "what's up?"

  The headed ghost in white sneered when he heard it.

  "Lin Fengjiao, don't think we don't know you're confused. Those two people are your apprentices. This time your two apprentices have done a great deed, releasing all the lonely ghosts in the theater, causing such a calamity. You have to take full responsibility for this."

  Seeing that his thoughts were seen through by the ghost guards, Lin Zhengying showed a trace of embarrassment and said, "The four ghost guards, what are you going to do?"

  The four ghosts looked at each other and rolled their eyes: "This matter is easy to deal with, we need [-] billion ghost notes, and then you must return all the lonely ghosts to us before the gate of hell closes tomorrow."

  "Otherwise we will stab this matter to the judge, and I want you to look good!"

  "Three billion?"

  Lin Zhengying was shocked when she heard the words.

  Isn't it difficult for the strong?

  The coins in circulation in the underworld are all regulated in quantity. If he were to create 300 billion yuan now, it would not be a mess.

  Once the following is held accountable, then he will have bad luck.

  Not to mention that his identity as a senior banker in the underworld is not guaranteed, I am afraid that he will lose Yinde.

  Private coins.

  That's a heinous crime.

  Lin Zhengying was about to speak, but saw Lin Fan raised his hand to stop him.

  I saw Lin Fan looked at the four evil guards lightly, and sneered: "Several, if you are so rich in your own pockets, if you are found out by the people in the underworld, what's your sin?"

  "Who are you? Can you manage our business?" A spy looked at Lin Fan with disdain.

  The emissary next to him also smiled and said, "You are clearly ignorant, this Lin Fengjiao made a mistake, and naturally she will take the money to eliminate the disaster! Otherwise, how can I manage the people below, and let it be peaceful?!!"

  Lin Fan lifted his eyelids and said lightly, "He wants to use money to eliminate disasters, so if you guys committed the crime of accepting bribes, what are you going to use to eliminate disasters?"

  "Are you going to kill yourself?" Lin Fan shouted.

  "Bold, who are you? Dare to talk to us like that?"

  The four emissaries were furious.I saw them stand up, with a gloomy wind blowing on their bodies, and the mourning stick in their hands, it was a ghost crying wolf howl.

  "Who am I? Don't you have eyes to see?" Lin Fan raised his eyebrows, and a golden light flashed between his eyebrows, with a forceful aura.

  In the eyes of the four ghosts, a terrifying aura burst out, pressing them down. This power is the breath of the superior.

  As a good punishment department, Lin Fan was the difference between the emperor and the ordinary people in front of several evil men.

  When the ghost messenger looked at Lin Fan again, he almost died of fright.

   I saw Lin Fan's soul wearing a fancy dress, sitting on a chair, majestic and unstoppable, and the reward and punishment token in his hand, like the sun, made them extremely terrified.

  "My God, he, he is, the Reward and Punishment Secretary!"

  The four eunuchs were incoherent in fear.

  "It's over!! It's over!!"

  The four criminals thumped and knelt directly on the ground, kowtowing and begging for mercy.

  "Forgive me! My lord!!"

  The power of the Division of Rewards and Punishments is extremely great in the underworld, equivalent to the ruler of the criminal law in the world, and the same level as Zhong Kui, the judge.

  And more importantly, the real power is great.

  Once any monsters and ghosts make mistakes, the Department of Rewards and Punishments can arrest them and bring them to justice.

  These ghost messengers did such a cowardly thing, that is, they violated the laws of the underworld, and the crime was punishable by death.

  "Master Reward and Punishment Division, spare your life!"

  "I have no eyes and no pearls, and I don't know the true face of adults!!"

  The four ghost guards were simply frightened. They begged Lin Zhengying for money in front of the Rewards and Punishment Division. Isn't this a crime in person? !

  "Junior Brother, are you the Division of Rewards and Punishments?"

  Lin Zhengying's eyes widened in disbelief.

  Rewards and Punishments Division.

  They are generally not qualified to serve as mortals, and they are not known by many ranks higher than his Yin Si Yin Yin, who is a real big man.

  'No wonder the younger brother did not accept the canonization of Maoshan's ancestors, it turned out to be such an amazing identity. ' Lin Zhengying shook his head.

  Lin Fan's status as the Division of Rewards and Punishments is estimated to be higher than that of Maoshan's ancestors in the underworld, so how could he accept their imperial seal?

  This is a position under one person and above ten thousand people! !

  Although Qiusheng and Wencai didn't know what happened, when they saw the appearance of the four evil men, they knew that their uncle must be showing his power.

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