Lin Fan stared at the four policemen coldly: "You are the policemen, the ghosts ran away, instead of catching the ghosts, you came here to ask for money and put on airs, who gave you the guts? Believe it or not, I'll put you in ten Eight layers of hell, let you taste the taste of the mountain of swords and the sea of ​​fire!!"

  "My lord, please spare my life! I waited until I knew I was wrong, and I was blinded by lard. My lord, please spare my life! I should be dead for my sins!!"

  The four eunuchs kept kowtowing, trembling with fright.

  Lin Fan shook his head, and said lightly, "My two nephews are also responsible for this matter. Since you guys know it's wrong, then catch the ghost back!"

  "This, this, this..." The four Yin poor looked at each other.

  "Sir, it's not that we don't catch ghosts, it's that these ghosts have disappeared without a trace, and we can't find them!"

  such a waste?

  Lin Fan raised his eyebrows, feeling that he was looking down on these ghosts.

  But think about it.

  As a celestial master himself, he has no such ability.

  These little ghosts naturally don't have this mana.

  "Okay, you all get up! Hand over your life cards and get out!!" Lin Fan said coldly.

  "Thank you sir, thank you sir!"

  The four emissaries were grateful.

  "My lord, this is our life card. As long as the lord is useful to us in the future, we will die!"

  The four messengers hurried forward and respectfully handed their life cards to Lin Fan.

  Lin Fan accepted the bad luck card, which would definitely be useful in the future.

  The four ghosts slammed into the ground and fled. Today's events, they probably will never forget it for the rest of their lives.

  "Master, what happened just now?" Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng asked quickly after leaving.

  "Your uncle is the Department of Good Punishment, and you stifled them!" Lin Zhengying glanced at the two of them angrily.

  "What is the Division of Reward and Punishment?"

  "The Division of Rewards and Punishments is the controller of the Underworld Punishment Department. In the Underworld Punishment Department, apart from King Chu Jiang, your uncle is the biggest. Do you understand?"

  "Ah??! This is too strong, too awesome!! No wonder these scumbags are frightened." Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng looked at Lin Fan in shock.

  Lin Zhengying gave the two of them a chestnut: "Why don't you thank your uncle soon?"

  "Thank you, uncle!"

  Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng bowed to Lin Fan.

  Lin Fan glanced at the two of them, and stretched his waist: "I'll help you settle the errand, and I'll deal with the ghost hunt myself."

Chapter 159

  Lin Fan also returned to the room and saw the French flags around Ao Ningshuang. He didn't move.

  Lin Fan hoped that she could break through to practice Qi Tianshi, then she could be eaten.But obviously this is not possible.

  Master is too difficult! !

  It takes a solid accumulation.

  An astonishing and brilliant person like Lin Fan must swallow the gall of a unicorn, and with the help of its powerful energy, he can break through the Heavenly Master Realm in one fell swoop.

  Ordinary monks are basically hopeless in this life.

  Unless there is a big chance.

  Looking at the bad luck cards in his hand, Lin Fan showed a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. With these four life cards, the lives of the four evil evil people were completely in his hands.

  Life and death take away, one thought from the heart.

  The four criminals also knew very well that they had committed a serious crime.

  As long as Lin Fan only had their life cards, they were already very face-saving. They could still tell the difference between death and life cards.

  People need people to do things.

  There must be someone in hell to do things.

  As a reward and punishment department, Lin Fan only had a few subordinates to match his status.Putting the evil life card into the Black Dragon Ring, Lin Fan lay on the bed and rested.

  Outside the house, Lin Zhengying's scolding sounded, while Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng began grinding tofu under Lin Zhengying's supervision.

  The three-dan tofu is estimated to have exhausted them to death.

  But this is also what they asked for. If they hadn't met a good master, they probably wouldn't know how to die.

  Lin Fan closed his eyes.

  At noon, when it was time to eat, a powerful aura burst out from Ao Ningshuang's room.

  Lin Fan suddenly opened his eyes.

  Did this girl break through? !

  hold head high!

  A high phoenix roar suddenly sounded, shaking the audience.

  Fortunately, Lin Fan had set up a magic circle around Ao Ningshuang, otherwise, this sound would probably have shaken the house down.

  Lin Fan walked out and withdrew the surrounding circles.

  Seeing Ao Ningshuang's door open, she was sitting on the bed with a look of joy when Lin Fan came in. Like a bird, she jumped onto Lin Fan happily.

  Lin Fan's body sank and he hugged her.

  "Senior, I have broken through to the seventh level of Qi transformation!!" Ao Ningshuang was overjoyed, leaning on Lin Fan's shoulder, her slender hair pressed against Lin Fan's cheek.

  Subtle fragrance, but very nice smell.

  "You are so happy at the seventh level? You only gained one level after taking my Peiyuan Pill... Also, how did you jump on top of me?" Lin Fan shook his head. smiled.

  "Then let me down!"

  Only then did Ao Ningshuang realize that she was being held by Lin Fan, and her pretty face blushed involuntarily.

  "Don't let it go! You jumped up on your own, why should I let it go?" Lin Fan said with a smile, holding a beautiful woman, it was indeed a pleasure.

  Ao Ningshuang is the kind that is a bit fleshy, and it is very comfortable to hold.

  "Stinking rogue!"

  Ao Ningshuang bit Lin Fan's shoulder, of course she did not exert any force.Lin Fan's muscles are strong, and he is not afraid of her biting.

  Instead, he hit Ao Ningshuang on the buttocks, the pain made Ao Ningshuang blushed, and she bit Lin Fan's shoulder.


  Suddenly a cough sounded, and Lin Fan turned his head to see Lin Zhengying walking to the door.

  "Senior brother!" Lin Fan greeted.

  "Junior brother, you continue, I didn't see anything."

  Just now Lin Zhengying heard the whistle coming, and thought something was happening, but he didn't expect to see this blinding dog's eyes, which was quite embarrassing, and he hurriedly turned and walked away.

  Can't afford it!

  Can't be bothered! !


  Ao Ningshuang slapped Lin Fan on the chest, "Now that Uncle Lin has seen it, how can I meet people?"

  "It doesn't matter, you will be mine sooner or later." Lin Fan said with a smile.

  "Humph! Who is going to be your man?"

  Ao Ningshuang pouted her rosy lips, but there was an untraceable happy smile on the corner of her mouth.

  "If you don't want to do it, then forget it!" Lin Fan put Ao Ningshuang down.

  Ao Ningshuang hugged even tighter and whispered, "Don't!!"

  Lin Fan smiled: "Come down!"

  He put down Ao Ningshuang, and now Ao Ningshuang's cultivation base has reached the seventh level of Qi transformation, the body of mysterious yin has increased again, and the charm between his eyebrows is even stronger.

  Lin Fan was thinking that if this girl had a perfect body, she would definitely be a stunner in this world.

  By evening.

  Qiusheng and Qiusheng finally grinded three dans of tofu. They were so tired that they were out of breath and didn't want to move a finger.

  Three dan tofu.

  After completing the amount of other people for several days and several days in one day, the bones are all sore. When they think of going to catch ghosts tonight, they feel that life is dark.

  "Master, we are going to die!" Wen Cai Qiusheng sighed.

  "I'm going to die? I won't let you have a long memory, and you'll be fooling around all day!" Lin Zhengying sat on the side drinking tea and watching a play, and snorted coldly.

  Ao Ningshuang massaged Lin Fan's shoulders, and learned that the two were going to catch ghosts, and they were going to entangle them.

  Lin Fan couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

  First, let this girl practice her hands and get familiar with the power she just promoted, which will help her to become a Celestial Master.

  Secondly, if you catch these lonely ghosts and let them escape by yourself, you can also make a fortune in merit and yin.

  Anyway, he was sitting in the back watching the play.

  There is gain.

  why not?

  The night is dark and windy.

  At midnight, at 12 in the morning, the yin qi was strong.

  Qiusheng and Wencai were carrying their burdens and shouting on the street, selling tofu. In the evening, the two of them were still a little nervous.

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