
  Shi Jian paused, raised his head and laughed.

  "What kind of bullshit reputation, the world's strength is respected, as long as I, Shi Jian, kill you, I will be the first person in Maoshan, who will care about this?"

  The lightning flashed in Shi Jian's eyes, and there was a burst of black smoke from his body.

  This stone has been enchanted!

  Lin Zhengying frowned.

  He didn't expect Shi Jian to be so crazy.

  Lin Fan put his hands on his back, looked at everything coldly, and had no intention of making a move.

  "Lin Fengjiao, go to hell!!"

  Shi Jian suddenly let out a loud shout, and lightning bolts condensed all over his body, turning into thunder snakes and shooting at Lin Zhengying.


  Lin Zhengying flashed, came to the golden body of the patriarch, and took the floating dust on it in his hand. Seeing Lei Ting taking it, he flicked the dust away, and miraculously swayed the thunder away.

  "Wow!! I didn't expect the whisk that has been enshrined to be a treasure?!"

  When Qiusheng and Wencai saw this scene, their eyes lit up.

  They didn't expect this inconspicuous thing to be just an ornament, but it turned out to be an artifact instead of an ornament!!

  This whisk is a magic weapon left by Lin Zhengying's lineage, and it is extremely powerful.Lin Zhengying has been offering it all the time, and it will only be used in times of crisis.

  "Do you think you want to block me with this thing? There are ants under the Heavenly Master!!!"

   Shi Jian's lightning bolts are full of power.

  The whole person was shrouded in lightning, and all the talismans attached to the Yizhuang were activated under the stimulation of lightning.

  Lightning Strike Thunder Fist is really not to be underestimated.

  What a mighty power!!

  "very scary!!"

  "It's scary!!"

  Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai originally wanted to help Lin Zhengying, but when they saw Shi Jian appear with Leihuo Domain, they instantly became uneasy.

  When I saw the floor slam, a big hole was blown out and it burned.

  The two hurried back.

  This motherfucker, if the electricity does not die on people, there is only half life left.

  "Uncle Master, Master can't beat it!!"

  Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng exclaimed and looked at Lin Fan.

  "It doesn't matter, your master has yin and virtue to protect him, his strength has reached the ninth level of Qi transformation, and he has the patriarch's brush in his hand. For the time being, nothing will happen. I still have important things to do!!" Lin Fan said with a smile.

  "Uncle, what's the matter?" Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng asked.

  "Clear the door!" Lin Fan's eyes shone with a cold light, and when he stretched out his hand, a transparent bead in Shi Shaojian's body fell into his hand.

  Looking at this bead, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng were curious.

  And Lin Fan walked under the statue of the patriarch, bowed three times, and said loudly, "Maoshan sent eighteenth-generation disciple Taixuan, and today I'm here to order the crime of Shi Jian, the eldest disciple of Maoshan! Please show me the spirit of the patriarch! !".

Chapter 171

  "Taixuan, the eighteenth-generation disciple of the Maoshan faction, is here today to order the guilt of Shi Jian, the eldest disciple of Maoshan! Please show the spirit of the ancestors!"

  Lin Fan knelt in front of the patriarch's statue and bowed three times.

  After the worship, I saw the golden light behind the statue of the ancestor, as if it had been opened in Kaifeng, with the divine power.


  The thunder in Shi Jian's hand shone with light, and with a punch, the patriarch's whisk in Lin Zhengying's hand was blown away, and there were bursts of blue smoke coming out of the whisk.

  Lin Zhengying took two steps back, looking at the dust in his hand that lost more than half, but his eyes sank.

  The power of the master.

  So powerful! !

  Shi Jian was pressing step by step, even if Lin Zhengying had his ancestor Fuchen, such artifacts could not stop Shi Jian's attack.


  Lin Zhengying accidentally took a punch from Shi Jian, and the whole person flew out, smashing a human-shaped hole in the wall of Yizhuang, showing the power of the punch.

  "Lin Fengjiao, what other means do you have?"

  Shi Jian carried his hands on his back with a proud look on his face.

  At this time, Lin Fan's voice suddenly sounded: Shi Jian, the eldest disciple of Maoshan, committed an unforgivable crime, the crime cannot be forgiven, and the disciple Taixuan ordered his guilt!

  One of his sins is to indulge his disciples and rape women and children.

  The second crime is to use this access control method, Yin Puppet Refinement Technique.

  The third crime is killing hundreds of innocent people, refining corpse demons

  The fourth crime is to harm the same family, and the crime is extremely heinous.

  The fifth crime is...


  Lin Fan said one crime after another. There were [-] crimes in total, and each of them was a heinous crime that was unimaginable.

  Shi Jian was stunned for a moment, then his face was ashen, and finally he burst out laughing.

  "Tai Xuan, what if you sue my grandfather and master? If you don't have any evidence, who will believe you?"

  "And I can declare to the public that you killed my apprentice and avenged it. It's just and righteous, who would blame me? Hahahaha!" Shi Jian laughed proudly.

  "Shi Jian, do you want evidence? I have it here!!"

  Lin Fan sneered, reached out with his hand, took out the child-mother image bead, and flicked his finger, turning it into a stream of light and shooting at the patriarch.

  Shi Jian secretly said that it was not good, and it was too late to stop it.


  I saw countless images manifested in the sky above the ancestors.

  It is a scene of evidence, starting from Shi Shaojian's rape of Mary, to the resurrection of Shi Shaojian, using the puppet refining method, killing innocent villagers.

  He turned Shi Shaojian into a corpse demon and killed hundreds of people.

  After that, Lin Zhengying was injured and his fellow students were injured.


  boom! !

  The tokens of all Maoshan disciples vibrated, and the images in the mother and son burst out.The evidence of these crimes was manifested, and countless Maoshan disciples saw it.

  The four-eyed Taoist priest who returned to Jiuquan Town saw the image of the token in his hand manifested, gnashing his teeth and angered the sky.

  "Is this Shi Jian still a human? A human would not do such a thing! 〃"!"

  "Don't let the kids go, damn it!!"


  Daoist Qianhe, who was thousands of miles away, also burst into anger in his eyes: "Senior brother, how could you do such a treacherous act?"

  "I didn't expect you to have such a vicious heart! Usually you are full of precepts, and you can't live forever. Now doing this kind of thing is simply a beast!"

  An angry scolding came from the mouths of many Maoshan disciples. They couldn't believe that the majestic senior brother on weekdays would be such a proud person.

  "He turned out to be such a person?"

  "Blood in one hand!"

  "Let the disciples rape women and children. What's more terrifying is that this person is still his son! Like a father, there must be a son, maybe he is also such a person."

  "Even killing your own son is too vicious!!"

  "Tiger poison doesn't know children! He is more poisonous than a tiger!!!"

  "How can such a person be worthy of being the head of my Maoshan faction? Fortunately, Senior Brother Taixuan revealed his true colors!!"

  "I heard that Shi Jian's strength has reached the Heavenly Master Realm! Isn't Senior Brother Taixuan in danger?"

  "Don't be afraid, Senior Brother Taixuan's strength has also reached the Heavenly Master Realm!!"

  Maoshan shook on this day.

  However, Lin Fan's voice sounded again at this time, like the mighty heaven: Today, the eighteenth generation disciple of Maoshan, Taixuan, implores the patriarch to lower the decree to clear the door for my Maoshan, so as to rectify the majesty of Maoshan! !

  The decree of the ancestors means that the ancestors can clear the door and kill the traitors.Like a decree, there is supreme power.


  The picture in the eyes of the disciples of Maoshan changed again, only to see the patriarch appearing, a golden seal fell in Lin Fan's hand, Lin Fan held the seal, and the golden light shone like a god.

  "Grandpa has appeared!"

  "Grandpa has appeared!"

  Countless Maoshan disciples shouted wildly:

  "Please, Senior Brother Taixuan, I am Maoshan Fawei!!"

  "Please Master Taixuan, I am Maoshan Fawei!!"

  "Please Taixuan Shizu, I am Maoshan Fawei!!"


  Lin Fan held the decree of the patriarch, with a majestic expression on his face, and said loudly, "Disciple, respect the decree!! Kill this villain and show the majesty of Maoshan!!"

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