"Tai Xuan, I want your life!!"

  Seeing that Lin Fan was holding the seal of his ancestor, Shi Jian shouted up to the sky, his eyes were violent.

  He didn't know where he was, he had already fallen into Lin Fan's calculations, and today he was ruined.

  Whether he is dead or alive.

  From today onwards, he is like a lost dog...

  Ah ah ah! !

  Shi Jian shouted in the sky, he lost, and he lost completely.

  Tai Xuan, you are very talented! !

  He was deeply hated.

  boom! !

  The thunder snake shone on Shi Jian's body, and at a point under his feet, countless electric lights gathered together, and finally turned into a long snake the size of the mouth of a bowl and killed Lin Fan.

  "." Junior Brother, be careful!!"

  Lin Zhengying hurriedly reminded that this blow was too terrifying, and it was Shi Jian's hateful blow.

  However, Lin Fan, with his hands on his back, was unmoved as if he hadn't seen this powerful blow.

  "go to hell!!"

  Shi Jian let out a loud roar in his mouth! !


  The terrifying power exploded, and the Myriad Thunder Snake slammed into Lin Fan, urging the lightning bolt to the extreme!It's terrifying to the extreme!

  This fist exploded in the air, making a crackling sound, directly destroying everything, tables, chairs, and shattered into pieces when touched.

  "It's so scary!!"

  Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng were terrified.


  Ao Ningshuang was also worried.

  "Shi Jian. That's all you are capable of? It seems that I think highly of you!!" Lin Fan shook his head and saw this shocking punch, with a trace of disdain on his face, as if he was watching a child's trick.

  "Tai Xuan, you are too arrogant!! As Heavenly Masters, even if there is a huge gap between you and me, it is impossible to block my punch without paying the price!!!"

  A sneer appeared on Shi Jian's face.

  He brought together (Qian Hao's) life's skills in one punch, even if he was a master of the third level of the Celestial Master, he had to avoid his edge, but Lin Fan had no way of resisting it.


  He will make Lin Fan pay a painful price! !

  "An ant is an ant after all, how do you know my ability?!!"

  Lin Fan sighed softly, and then his eyes shot out a dazzling divine light.

  Golden Light God Curse! !

  He stepped on his feet suddenly, and countless streaks of golden light burst out from his body. The golden light rose into the sky and turned into a chicken egg, wrapping Lin Fan in it, just like the golden bell cover of the Shaolin Temple.



  Shi Jian slammed with a punch, as if a meteor collided with the atmosphere, bursting out with terrifying firelight, but what made him change his color was that no matter how much he was urging mana, he couldn't make an inch.

  Shi Jian looked up.

  Lin Fan still carried his hands on his back and looked at him calmly.

  From beginning to end, the wind is light and cloudless.

  Shi Jian was terrified for a moment, his eyes were sluggish, like petrification, his whole body was cold, and his hair was standing up. What kind of strength is this?

  He almost desperately said: "How is it possible?".

Chapter 172

  "how is this possible?"

  Shi Jian couldn't believe the scene in front of him. He tried his best to strike, but he couldn't hurt Lin Fan in the slightest. The whole person was stunned.

  This is a blow that can make the third-level master of the Tianshi avoid its sharp edge! ! !

  But in front of Lin Fan, like a child playing a house, he blocked it without any effort.

  How terrifying is this?

  What is the level of strength?

  Lin Fan held the decree, like a god, shining brightly, making Shi Jian dare not look directly.

  Not only him.

  Countless Maoshan disciples saw this scene through the token projection, and they were all dumbfounded.

  "Brother Taixuan, mana is so terrifying? It's a pervert!!"

  "This is still a human? It's not bad that I am a genius that Maoshan has rarely seen in ten thousand years!!"

  "The eighteenth generation of Maoshan disciples, I only serve Senior Brother Taixuan!!"


  "Senior Brother Taixuan, mighty!!!"

  These disciples let out bursts of exclamations.

  Lin Zhengying, Ao Ningshuang, Wen Cai, and Qiu Sheng were also relieved. Lin Fan's mana was beyond their imagination, and even such a terrifying blow could not hurt the slightest.

  Then next, only Shi Jian is worried.

  "Senior brother is still so perverted!!"

  The four-eyed Taoist head shook his head and sighed, he would never be able to catch up with Lin Fan in this life.


  Shi Jian's scalp suddenly became numb, a chill went from his spine to the sky, and a crisis of death hit him from the bottom of his heart, and he did not hesitate to madly retreat.

  next moment.

  I saw Lin Fan snap his fingers into a knife, and a golden sword light condensed on his fingertips, turning into a knife as thin as a cicada's wings, and slashed in the air.

  Shi Jian just backed away.

  This knife fell, as if there was a thunderous power, and there were long gaps on the ground, like tofu being cut in half, extending from where Lin Fan stood to the door.

  The section is smooth and flat.

  I go! !

  Shi Jian was horrified, what kind of magic is this Nima?

  Even more powerful than his lightning bolt punch! !

  If it wasn't for his quick reaction just now, he could have cut him in half with this sword! !

  "Senior Brother Taixuan, it's too awesome!! A casual strike is so terrifying!! Heavenly masters don't dare to take it!!"

  "Shi Jian met Senior Brother Taixuan, and today is his burial place!!"

  "Senior Brother Taixuan is mighty, please kill this beast!!"

  The Maoshan disciples were stunned when they saw Lin Fan's scalp-numbing blow. Such strength was simply terrifying.

  Lightning Strikes Thunder Fist! !

  Shi Jian sensed Lin Fan's terror, how dare he fight against Lin Fan, he almost broke his courage, waved two Thunder Fist, his mana left his body, and rushed towards Lin Fan.

  The dazzling thunder of this punch turned into two dragons, directly smashing the beams of the roof. The terrifying power made people terrified, but it came to Lin Fan.

  This terrifying thunder snake seems to be soft around the fingers.

  Under the golden light curse, all were annihilated.


  Shi Jian was really frightened and ran away.

  The power that Lin Fan showed was not comparable to ordinary Celestial Masters. He was like a master who had been in this realm for a long time and possessed extraordinary magic power.

  Shi Jian had just entered the Heavenly Master Realm.

  how to spell?

  Can't fight! !

  "Shi Jian, where did you escape?"

  Lin Fan sneered, and jumped a dozen meters away from his feet, and then the Qimen magic circle appeared after the wind, expanding in all directions, instantly covering Shi Jian silently.


  Shi Jian was stunned.

  He only felt an invisible force coming towards him, as if there was a layer of shackles on his body.

  "what happened?"

  Shi Jian's pupils shrank, and the whole person was stunned.

  "Tai Xuan, what have you done to me?"

  Shi Jian shouted loudly, with a ray of light in his eyes.

  Lin Fan carried his hands on his back, as if he was strolling in a garden, with a sneer on his face: "I want to kill you easily! But such a rare magic experiment, before you can exert your greatest value, it would be a pity to die like this. It's gone!!"

  In Lin Fan's eyes, Shi Jian was not a celestial master, but a rabbit in the eyes of a tiger, killing him at will.

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