I saw Yinshan Ghost Dynasty walked out with Ma Yiheng, and possessed him.

  He opened his eyes, and the boundless murderous aura rolled in.

  With the physical body, the strength of the ghost king of Yinshan seems to be even more terrifying.

  The Qinglong Yanyue Saber on the ground waved and fell into his hands, and the evil spirit on his body also skyrocketed several points, like the waves of the sea sweeping the crowd.

  Ma Yiyou's heart sank. The strength of this ghost king of Yinshan Mountain was so terrifying that he felt the majesty of facing Lin Fan.

  Master! !

  And this time.

  The fierce battle between the female soil bat and the Tianshi Zhong Kui in the sky is also completely over.

  "Zhong Kui punishes evil!"

  Ma Yiyou gritted his teeth and drove Zhong Kui to kill the ghost king of Yinshan Mountain.

  "A clone should also show off in front of me, courting death!!" The Yin God and Ghost King smiled disdainfully, only to see the long sword in his hand shining with black light, and countless black qi condensed on the blade.


  With a flash of sword light, a knife slashed on the demon-slaying sword of Tianshi Zhong Kui.And his body was also cut into two pieces by this knife, turning into a sky full of light and rain.


  Ma Yiyou's face turned pale, he opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, unable to stand still.

  The Zhong Kui avatar he invited naturally had a close connection with him. At this moment, Zhong Kui's avatar was destroyed, and this force also attacked him.

  "it is good!"

  Seeing that the Ghost King of Yin Mountain was so powerful, Luo Wuzhou couldn't help shouting loudly, feeling joy in his heart.

  Killing Zhong Kui's clone with one blade, what kind of terrifying strength is this?

  "You are not dead yet?" Luo Wuzhou sneered at Lin Fan and Ma Yiyou.

  "Hey! Why bother to load it!"

  A faint sigh sounded.


  The Ghost King of Yin Mountain stood with a sword and exclaimed, feeling a threatening aura.

  He looked towards the source of the sound.

  But seeing Lin Fan walking slowly with his hands on his back, his aura was not strong, like a mortal, but as he walked, the Yinshan Corpse King's eyes were full of solemnity.

  "Who are you?"

  Where was Lin Fan standing just now, it was ordinary, there was no special place, but when Lin Fan moved, it was as if the sky and the earth changed color, and the aura of this place was completely controlled by Lin Fan.

  "Master Lin, be careful, he is very powerful! He has the power of a Celestial Master!!"

  After Ma Yiyou stood firm, he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and reminded.

  He knew that Master Lin was a Heavenly Master, but the ghost king of Yinshan Mountain was not inferior to a Heavenly Master, he was stronger than the average Heavenly Master, unless he was sitting and watching the Heavenly Master's scenery, he could compete with him.

  "Master Lin?"

  "Are you a Celestial Master?"

  Luo Wuzhou's face changed when he heard the words. He could only be called a master, but only a celestial master. At this moment, he finally realized that Lin Fan was a celestial master! !

  "What about the Celestial Master? The Ghost King of Yin Mountain is here, and the Celestial Master has to retreat!" Luo Wuzhou calmed down and said boldly,

  He didn't realize that something was wrong on the face of the ghost king of Yinshan Mountain behind him.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????????

  "Ghost King Yinshan, do you want me to take action?"

  Lin Fan glanced at the Ghost King of Yin Mountain lightly.

  His voice is not loud, but he has an unquestionable majesty, which is caused by the dragon's qi, and he has the arrogance of a tiger, looking down on the world.

  "Hum! Boy, although you are a Celestial Master, how can I be afraid of you! I have practiced for thousands of years, but I have not practiced in vain, try it with a knife from me!!" Chase Lin Fan.


  Lin Fan's eyes turned cold and empty.


  After the wind, Qimen unfolded like lightning. When the light of the knife fell, it was like falling into a quagmire. The knife that was hurried as lightning was now extremely slow.

  "What spell is this?"

  The ghost king of Yinshan looked terrified.


  Lin Fan raised his hand and punched, and directly blasted the sword of the Ghost King of Yin Mountain into the air.

. 0 0

  "how is this possible?"

  The ghost king of Yinshan was shocked.

  Thunder Fire Talisman!Mysterious Ice Talisman!Ottomu Thunderbolt!

  With a wave of Lin Fan's hand, dozens of talismans suddenly appeared, and then like cannonballs, they frantically attacked the Ghost King of Yin Mountain.

  "I block, I block!!"

  "Block it!! Block me!!"

  Talisman's terrifying power exploded, and the ghost king of Yinshan madly resisted, but he couldn't stop it. The powerful force attacked him, making him madly retreat, and the ground under his feet burst.

  "Too strong! Too scary!"

  "How could there be such an existence in the world!! I'm not an opponent!"


  "Escape! Escape! Escape!!"

  The ghost king of Yinshan's scalp was numb, and he was terrified.

  "Where to escape!"

  Lin Fan shouted loudly, snapped his fingers into knives, and acted 6 times as fast, turning into a streamer and chasing after him.


  A golden light accompanies the thunder to fall, bang!Jin Guang directly cut the ghost king of Yinshan in half as if cutting a cake.

  Cut again!

  The second knife fell.

  Turned into boundless thunder, thunder dragon roared, instantly beheaded by the ghost king of Yinshan Mountain, the most yang and strong thunder and lightning combined with the golden light magic spell, is the nemesis of all monsters and monsters.


  The ghost king of Yinshan turned into a rain of light in the sky!Soul fly away! !

  "Master Lin!!"

  Ma Yiyou trembled with excitement, knelt on the ground, and called out to Master Lin.

  Kill the ghost with a knife.

  What kind of power is this?

  See you today, even if you die without regrets! !

  And Luo Wuzhou was like a concubine in mourning, his face was like golden paper, his mind was blank, and he stumbled back. His proud trump card was so vulnerable.

  Killing the ghosts and gods of Yinshan with one knife.

  Just like a fairy tale! !

  How can there be such horrible people in the world?righteous.

Chapter 204

  Lin Fan killed the ghost king of Yinshan Mountain with a flick of his fingers, shocking the audience. Ma Yiyou was shocked by Lin Fan's strength, and he couldn't hold himself back and knelt on the ground, shouting at Master Lin.

  Luo Wuzhou's soul was scattered, his mind was blank, such a terrifying strength, even his sect leader is not as good!

  【Ding!Congratulations to the host for beheading the ghost king of Yin Mountain, obtaining 10200 merit points and 423 Yin virtue points]

  【Ding!Congratulations to the host for discovering the B-level item, Ghost King Yin Dan, whether to pick it up! 】

  【Ding!Congratulations to the host for discovering the middle-grade magic weapon, the Ghost King Sword, whether you have picked it up! 】

  【Ding!Congratulations to the host for discovering C-grade ore, Xuanyin ore, have you picked it up! 】

  A series of system prompts sounded, and Lin Fan was overjoyed.

  This time I really got rich, and I got so many things at once.

  "Pick up!"

  After Lin Fan finished speaking, there was a fist-sized Yin Dan emitting blue light in his hand.

  This is the essence of the ghost king of Yin Mountain, and it is also a yin pill at the level of a Celestial Master.

  After collecting Yin Dan, Lin Fan had another black knife in his hand.

  This knife exudes an icy and icy aura, and at first glance it is a very rare treasure, but Lin Fan did not intend to use it, but planned to strip the raw materials out of it and refine a more powerful magic weapon for him.

  As for the last piece of ore the size of a fist, he was also included in the ring.

  What made Lin Fan happy was that his Yin Virtue value was as high as 400. In addition to his original Yin Virtue value, he had more than 5000 points, which could be exchanged for the second volume of Soul Soul Sutra.

  Once cultivated, spiritual power can be converted into spiritual thoughts, which is of great benefit.

  It can be said that the harvest is full!

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