After doing this, Lin Fan put his hands on his back and looked at Luo Wuzhou.

  "Master Lin, spare your life!! Master Lin!" Feeling Lin Fan's gaze, Luo Wuzhou's scalp went numb, he knelt on the ground with a plop, and begged for mercy.

  "Forgive you, who told me the whereabouts of the key!"

  Lin Fan said lightly.


  Luo Wuzhou froze in his heart.

  "Master Lin, I am willing to say, I am willing to say, forgive me!!!" Luo Wuzhou knelt down and shouted.

  "You said? I'm not at ease! What if you lie to me?" Lin Fan sneered, "So... let me ask myself!!"

  As soon as Lin Fan waved his hand, Luo Wuzhou felt a terrifying attraction and flew towards Lin Fan uncontrollably.

  His short body was like a monkey, and he was caught by Lin Fan and strangled him by the neck.

  "Master Lin, spare your life!!! Master Lin!!" Luo Wuzhou begged for mercy.

  Lin Fan's face was grim, full of indifference, and there was an inch of gleam in his eyes.

  "Soul search Dafa!"


  Luo Wuzhou screamed, the light in his eyes dimmed, but a message entered Lin Fan's mind.

  "I see!"

  Lin Fan slowly opened his eyes and already knew the whereabouts of the key.

  The key is hidden under the altar in the distance.

  The feng shui of Baiyu Town is to mention Jinzhan Dengtianmen, which is related to the dragon veins here. If you want to get the key, you have to open the dragon veins here.

  The opening of the dragon veins requires the soul of a dragon in ninety-nine hours, plus the dragon energy of Lai Xiaohua.

  Only in this way can the dragon veins be revived, and then the golden dragon spit out the beads and spit the key out of the dragon veins.

  "Ninety-nine souls have already sacrificed ninety-eight, and there is still one left. With the addition of Lai Xiaohua's dragon energy, the altar here can be opened."

  Lin Fan looked at the altar in front of him, his eyes shining.

  Luo Wuzhou and the others were only one step away, and they were done, but they were destroyed by Lin Fan and became Lin Fan's fruit.

  "This Luo Wuzhou himself was born in Chenshi, and with the dragon energy I got from Lai Xiaohua, it was just enough to open the altar. God helped me!"

  Fortunately, Lin Fan kept his hand just now, and did not let Luo Wuzhou lose his soul under the Soul Search Dafa, otherwise it would be difficult.

  "Soul capture!"

  Lin Fan pointed at Luo Wuzhou's forehead, a transparent soul was peeled out from Luo Wuzhou's body, Lin Fan clicked again, Luo Wuzhou's soul turned into a ball of light, and he held it in his hand.


  Lin Fan threw Luo Wuzhou's body on the ground like garbage.

  "What kind of method is Master Lin? You can actually find the information he wants from Luo Wuzhou's soul?"

  Ma Yiyou watched from the side, secretly startled.

  He looked at Lin Fan, his eyes were full of awe. Lin Fan's methods could be described as ruthless, but the more he did, the more fearful he felt.

  This is the nature of the person who achieves great things.

  "Thank you, Master Lin, for taking revenge for my brother!!" Ma Yiyou hurried over and bowed.

  "It's just a hands-on effort!"

  Lin Fan waved his hand.

  "I'm going to open the altar now, take out the key, and you step back."

  "Yes, Master Lin!"

  Ma Yiyou bowed respectfully.

  Lin Fan took out Luo Wuzhou's soul and flicked his finger at the altar in front of him.


  The soul turned into a streamer and fell on the altar.

  A dazzling beam of light erupted from the altar, soaring into the sky, and then the sound of the dragon's roar was loud, and a faint golden light entwined the beam of light, and the blue clouds went straight up.

  Lin Fan turned on his six-fold speed and followed like lightning. The dragon energy in his body burst out and poured out towards the altar...  

  This dragon energy is like a fuse, and golden dragon patterns appear on the altar. These dragon patterns are like living things, covering the entire altar.

  Even more amazing.

  The centuries-old peach tree below the altar is now blooming and bearing fruit.


  at this time.

  From the beam of light, a fist-sized bead, like a crystal, was spewed out. It was dazzling and extremely dazzling.

  The bead ascended to the sky with the beam of light.

  When Lin Fan saw this bead, he suddenly understood why this feng shui is called Dianti Jinzhan Dengtianmen. Looking at the formation of this bead, isn't it Dengtianmen?

  hold head high!

  Another thunderous sound of dragon roar resounded throughout the mountains and forests.

  A huge golden dragon head rose from the beam of light. This head was exactly the same as the legendary real dragon, with a head like a camel, horns like a deer, eyes like a rabbit, and ears like a cow.

  Lin Fan knew that this was not a real dragon, but a spirit dragon formed by dragon veins. Immediately after, the dragon's body came out and came alive.

  "Master Lin, the Dragon Ball is the key, don't let it escape!!" Ma Yiyou suddenly said as if he had remembered something.

  "Don't worry, you can't escape!"

  Lin Fan's feet directly rose into the air, and a huge force of more than [-] kilograms exploded. He ascended into the sky, ten meters above the ground.


  The golden light magic spell shone in all directions, and then condensed into a long golden whip in Lin Fan's hand, and rolled towards the dragon ball in the beam of light.

  This beam of light was like substance, like a layer of glass, preventing Lin Fan's golden light from penetrating.


   Lin Fan shouted, and the golden light soared. The original size of the thumb was twice as large. With a bang, the beam of light was broken open, and the glass cracked into countless cracks.

  The golden light rolled towards the Dragon Ball and brought it out.

  Lin Fan grabbed the Dragon Ball and was overjoyed: "The key is finally in hand, and the fourth Eight Magical Skills are not far away!!" He said happily.

  And this time.

  The dragon veins in the beam of light turned into a dragon shape. When he realized that the dragon ball had been stolen, he roared and charged towards Lin Fan. Lin Fan was not surprised but delighted.

  "You dare to come to trouble me, just refining you, boosting the imperial dragon energy in my body, and increasing my strength!!"

  Lin Fan laughed, and under Ma Yiyou's horrified eyes, he rushed towards the beam of light, the rich golden light of thunder illuminating the sky and the earth, like a huge rising sun.


  Lin Fan directly crushed the beam of light on the altar and flew towards the golden dragon. .

Chapter 205

  "Master Lin is really lawless! Even the dragon veins dare to provoke!"

  Ma Yiyou was shocked.

  The dragon vein is the spirit of a mountain, containing the air of a mountain, as heavy as a mountain. How can ordinary people resist it in front of it?was crushed directly.

  But Lin Fan was not afraid, his eyes shone brightly, and his heart was even more excited, and he even wanted to scream in the sky.


  In front of him, there is a huge machine in front of him.

  Once intercepted the Qi of this dragon vein.

  His strength is bound to reach an unimaginable level.

  Now that the world has changed drastically, dragon veins are hard to find.

  Not to mention the dragon veins that have condensed into a spirit, at least the heritage of thousands of years. If someone didn't arrange it here, it would be impossible to become a spirit at all.

  Because the dragon veins are changeable.

  It doesn't stay in one place all the time.

  Maybe it has been in this place for decades, or maybe it has changed for some reason and gone to another place.

  It is impossible to transform into a spirit.

  Unless it is locked with a formation, the spirit will be born.

  "You will be me, the resources on the road to immortality!!"

  With a loud shout, Lin Fan slammed into the sky, like a Dapeng spreading his wings and punching out, the entire beam of light exploded.

  hold head high!

  The golden dragon roared in rage and opened its bloody mouth to bite Lin Fan into pieces.

  "Good come!"

  Lin Fan was not afraid, his body was filled with 17 golden light, and layers of thunder dragons wrapped him. The lightning bolt punch of the original level of perfection was Lei Jiao.

  However, after Lin Fan devoured the Dragon Qi of Emperor Dao, he directly transformed into a Thunder Dragon, but it was not complete. If he absorbed the spirit of the dragon veins, he would completely transform and become a real Thunder Dragon.


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