"Senior brother, what's wrong!"

The four-eyed Daoist rushed into the tent for the first time, and at this time, under his gaze, the Thousand Crane Daoist was constantly struggling and convulsing, and the clothes on his body had already been soaked with sweat.

Streams of incomparably black corpse qi were constantly spurting out of its mouth, and even the golden needle in its heart was rapidly flashing with golden light.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine soon!"

Seeing the four-eyed Taoist and Master Yixiu with a worried face, Ye Tian waved his hand to signal the two of them not to speak, while he quietly adjusted the operation of the aura in his whole body, and said lightly.


Suddenly, the Thousand Crane Daoist instantly sat up straight, and a mouthful of thick dirty blood sprayed out, and in an instant, the entire tent was filled with a rotten and stenching smell, which was really unpleasant.

"Uh... "

Spit out this mouthful of black blood, the Thousand Crane Daoist rolled his eyes, and instantly lay back on the ground, fainting again.

However, this time, it can be clearly seen that the corpse qi on the Thousand Crane Daoist people has almost been completely expelled, the corpse poison near the wound has completely dissipated, and even the black marks at the mouth of the heart have completely disappeared.

Seeing this, Ye Tian was relieved, and then his strength weakened a little, and his legs involuntarily became weak.

"Senior Brother Ye!"

The four-eyed Daoist was shocked, and hurriedly helped Ye Tian up, and asked anxiously: "Senior Brother Ye, Senior Brother Ye, are you okay?"

"It's okay! too much mana is consumed, and I need to rest for a while!"

Ye Tian's face turned slightly pale, just now he used all the mana of his body to drag the Thousand Crane Dao people back from the ghost gate, and now at this time, he was already in a state of some prostration.

"By the way, why did you two come out too!"

Just sitting on the ground, Ye Tian only reacted at this time that the Four-Eyed Daoist and Master Yixiu had also followed him here, and he was surprised again and again.

"Jia Le said that you ran out as soon as it rained, I thought you must have come for the sake of Senior Brother Chizuru, so I wanted to come together to see if there was anything you could help with!"

"Yes, the poor monk also heard about this and rushed here!"

Seeing this, Ye Tian shook his head helplessly, then took out a porcelain bottle from the cloth bag he was carrying, poured out two pills, one was stuffed into the mouth of the Thousand Crane Daoist, and the other swallowed it by himself.

With the swallowing of the pill, Ye Tian's face improved significantly, and his breath gradually calmed down.

"Hurry up! That zombie has escaped from the coffin, there are only two of you in the dojo within a radius of dozens of miles, it will definitely go there! Only the three of Jia Le are definitely not the opponents of the royal zombie! Go back!"

"Oops, oops!"

Hearing Ye Tian say this, the four-eyed Taoist patted his head with remorse, and said loudly: "How did you forget about this matter, I said it, how do I feel that there is always something missing outside, it turns out that the zombie is gone!"

Thinking of this, the four-eyed Taoist hurriedly stood up, holding a bronze sword and said loudly to Master Yixiu: "Monk, you hurry back to help, and leave it to me here!"

"Okay, the poor monk will go back!"

Master Yixiu also understood the seriousness of the matter, and did not dare to delay at the moment, so he rushed out of the tent with his legs raised and shuttled into the dense forest.

"Senior brother, you should also hurry back, just Master Xiu alone, he is not the opponent of that zombie at all!"

"But I'm leaving, what should you do with Senior Brother Chizuru!"

The four-eyed Taoist was shocked when he heard this, and hurriedly asked anxiously on the side.

"Don't worry about the two of us, Senior Brother Chizuru's corpse poison has almost been expelled, and there will be no more danger to my life! I have my own special pill, and I will soon regain my strength! You hurry up! Go quickly!"

Ye Tian said that, poured another pill and threw it into his mouth, and drove the four-eyed Taoist man again and again, telling him to hurry back to the dojo to stop the attack of the royal zombies.

"Okay! In that case, Senior Brother Ye, you have to be careful!"

The four-eyed Daoist was actually very worried about the safety of Jia Le and the others in his heart, but Ye Tian and the Thousand Crane Daoist were both here, and there was absolutely no reason to leave the two of them behind.

Now that he heard Ye Tian say this, he also realized the seriousness of the situation, stood up and said goodbye to Ye Tian at the moment, and rushed towards the scene like the wind.

"Whew... "

Ye Tian exhaled a long breath of turbidity, only to feel the bones around him click, and the aura in the dantian also began to regather, constantly swimming all over the body, filling every tissue in the body.

Gradually, Ye Tian closed his eyes and started the Maoshan Sect's luck cultivation method.

At this time, a faint aura of heaven and earth slowly gathered from all around to Ye Tian's side, and gradually penetrated into each of his pores.

For a while, Ye Tian's face began to gradually return to blood, and the aura around his body was slowly becoming richer...

"Help, help!"

Originally, Jia Le, Wencai and Jingjing in the house were still waiting for the return of several elders, and at this moment, there were voices calling for help from outside the courtyard.

The three of them saw that the black steward who was still angry during the day actually ran all the way to the courtyard of himself and the others, and he was still holding a child who was dying with blood in his arms, who was the little brother of the royal family!

"What's going on!"

Jia Le ran out first, looked at the panicked appearance of the steward, and hurriedly asked.

"There are zombies! There are zombies! Fierce! Fierce!"

The steward was already so frightened that he seemed to have lost his soul, and when he saw a few people asking about Jia Le, he hurriedly explained in a panic.

"Oops, this kid got caught by a zombie!"

Wen Cai was most familiar with zombie scratches, and he looked at the little brother's arms that were turned outward and full of black holes, and he knew what was going on at first glance.

Seeing this, the steward begged for help again and again and said: "Yes, yes, the master was scratched by that zombie, you hurry up and save him!"

Seeing this, Jia Le hurriedly took the little brother over, and ran into the room with Wencai all the way.

The shouting of the steward just now also alarmed Jingjing in the house, and now when he heard about the zombies harming people, he hurriedly asked the steward:

"Have you seen my master and them!"

"Who is your master?"

During the day, the steward didn't pay attention to Jingjing at all, so after hearing her inquiry, he didn't know who her master was referring to.

Seeing this, Jingjing asked again: "My master's Dharma name is a monk!"

"I didn't see it, I didn't see it!"

The steward waved his hand again and again, concerned about the safety of the little brother in the house, and said impatiently as he walked inside: "I don't know what monks are not monks, I only know that when I escaped with the little brother in my arms, the Taoist of Qianhe was fighting with the zombie!"

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