Seeing that the steward ignored himself with a strange face, and rushed into the room instead, Jingjing felt extremely anxious, worried about the safety of Master Yixiu and others.

However, after thinking of the master's order that he and the others should not leave without permission when he left, he finally reluctantly returned to the courtyard and waited for the return of several people.



As soon as he entered the house, Jia Le tore off the tattered shirt of the little brother, and what caught his eye was the arms full of claw holes.

The flesh and blood were blurred, the corpse was full of qi, and the little brother had fallen into a deep coma at this time, and his face was rapidly deteriorating.

"Knorr, hurry up and get some glutinous rice!"

Wen Cai knew a lot about the treatment of corpse poison, and seeing that the little brother was exactly the same as his original injury, he hurriedly ordered Jia Le on the side.


Jia Le has been following the four-eyed Taoist for many years, and he also knows that glutinous rice can cure corpse poison, but now when he heard Wencai's instructions, he hurriedly turned around and ran back to his courtyard.

"Jingjing, you're just in time!"

Seeing that Jingjing and the steward also entered the house, Wen Cai observed the little brother's injury and said loudly: "Please go and boil some water, this child needs to soak in glutinous rice water to drive away the corpse poison!"

"Okay, no problem!"

Although Jingjing didn't have a good impression of Jia Le, Wencai and others, he also knew that his behavior at this time was to treat the child who was scratched by zombies, so he didn't say a word at the moment, and hurriedly went to the kitchen to boil water.

"Little brother, little brother!"

Seeing the little brother's painful face, the steward was very anxious, and then hurriedly came to the front and asked Wencai loudly: "Can I help with anything?"

Little brother?

Wen Cai felt very awkward when he heard this word read out of the mouth of the man who was neither male nor female, but this was not the time to care about this, seeing that the other party took the initiative to ask, he pointed to the kitchen and said, "Then you will go to boil water with Jingjing!"

"She, I'm not going!"

The steward's head shook like a rattle, and then he looked at Jia Le, who ran to the front to get glutinous rice, and said with a smile: "I'm going to help do something with him!"

Knorr: ?????

Wencai: @#%*!

Seeing the steward staring at Knorr's strong muscles with an obsessive face, Wen Cai only felt goosebumps all over his body, so he simply pointed to the stone mill in the yard and said loudly: "Knorr, you hurry up and take him to grind some glutinous rice water, go quickly!"

"Yes, little brother, I'll go with you!"

Knorr: ?????

Jia Le's face was full of confusion and incomprehension, so he was dragged out of the house by the black steward.

Looking at this scene, Wen Cai shook his head again and again, as if he felt uncomfortable in his stomach.

immediately grabbed a handful of glutinous rice, and instantly slapped it on the injured arm of the little brother.


A thick black smoke rose straight up, and the stench of corpse poison wafted around the glutinous rice, and the little brother was constantly struggling all over his body, and his mouth was constantly screaming miserably.

"Master, master!"

Seeing this, the steward was about to rush into the house to check on the situation of the little brother, but he was suddenly dragged back by Jia Le, and said angrily:

"Hurry up and put glutinous rice on me, I have to grind glutinous rice water hard!"

"Oh, little brother, you make me so painful!"

The steward was coquettish again and again, and blamed Jia Le angrily.

Jia Le's face was full of black greetings, and he didn't understand why this black steward had such an attitude towards him, but he still urged the other party to help him on the side.

In less than a while, Jia Le and Wu Guan had already grinded two buckets of glutinous rice water, and Jingjing had already boiled hot water and poured it into the bath bucket.

At this time, the flesh and blood on the little brother's two arms have recovered their bloody state under the treatment of glutinous rice, and they are not as black and hard as just now, but the little brother is still in a coma and has not woken up.

Seeing this, Wen Cai instructed Jia Le and the steward to pour glutinous rice water into the bath bucket, and then took off all the clothes of the little brother and threw it into the bath bucket full of glutinous rice water.



The moment the little brother entered the bath tub, the whole bucket of glutinous rice water was churning incessantly, and faint black smoke continued to drift out of the bath tub.

In less than half a minute, the originally white glutinous rice water in the bath bucket had turned into a turbid black state, and the little brother's body was constantly swaying with black corpse gas.

"Look at this, Jia Le, let's go get some glutinous rice water!"

Seeing that the glutinous rice water in the bath bucket was turning black at a speed visible to the naked eye, I pulled Jia Le after the next day, and I had to go to the yard to continue grinding glutinous rice.

"Hehe, don't worry, I'll take care of my master!"

The steward nodded again and again, and did not forget to look at Jia Le at the same time, and said with a charming smile: "Little brother, don't get tired!"

Knorr: ?????

Wencai: @#%*!

Jingjing: @#%*!

Jingjing was already very tired of Jia Le, but now she saw him and Wu Guan Shi flirting like this, and she was even more disgusted with him.

I swear that in the future, I must stay away from these people who like and are not men or women, and never have any close contact with him!

Absolutely not!

After changing the glutinous rice water three times in a row, the state of the little brother was completely stabilized, and although the glutinous rice water in the bath bucket also turned a little black, it was no longer as violently tumbling as just now.

Seeing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, especially the steward, who looked at Jia Le with a gentle face, and said sweetly: "Little brother, thank you, for helping my master grind glutinous rice water so hard, people are really moved!"

Wencai: @#%*!

Jingjing: @#%*!

Seeing this increasingly strange scene, Wen Cai excused himself to go out to get glutinous rice, and ran back to the courtyard of the four-eyed Taoist in a hurry.

Jingjing, on the other hand, gave the two of them an angry look, then turned around and went back to the house, slamming the door shut.

"Hehe, little brother, there are only the two of us left now!

The steward clapped his hands again and again, and kept approaching Jia Le's side.

And Jia Le was full of confusion, and he couldn't understand why this black steward was so gentle with him, so he hurriedly waved his hand and hurriedly said: "Don't lean over, I'll beat you if you come over again!"

"Oh, the little brother is quite fierce, but people like it so much!"

Hearing this, the steward looked at Jia Le with a shyly face, and from time to time he looked at the other party's strong muscles, as if saliva was about to flow out.

Knorr: ?????

Just when a few people were busy with their own things, several figures slowly appeared in the dense forest, swaying and slowly approaching in the direction of the dojo.

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