"Really, great, great, great!"

As if seeing his son's joy, Long Dashuai seemed to have no sense of prostration just now, and came to Mi Qilian's side on the bed with the child in his arms, and said happily:

"Wife, wife, we have a son!

"Yes, I know!"

Mi Qilian had just given birth to a child and was very weak, but now she saw Long Dashuai and her son by her side, and her face was filled with a happy smile.

"Sister, brother-in-law, let's give my little nephew a name!"

Mi Nianjiao saw that the matter of the evil baby was finally lifted, and her sister Mi Qilian finally gave birth, and she felt very happy in her heart.

Seeing this, Long Dashuai looked at Mi Qilian with a tender face, and said gently: "Wife, will you name your son?"


Mi Qilian was a little surprised, but after looking up at the figure of Uncle Nine at the door, a smile appeared on her face, and she said softly:

"I think it's called Aijiao, okay?"


Qiusheng and Wencai glanced at each other, and then looked at Uncle Nine with deep meaning, each of them with a different smile on their faces.

"Uh... "

Even Uncle Nine was surprised that Micheline would give her child this name, and he didn't know what to say for a while, so he could only stand aside dumbfounded, speechless.

"Hmph! Lin Fengjiao!"

Aunt Sue was obviously the most dissatisfied with this name, so she immediately yelled at Uncle Jiu, and then pulled Hua Yanyan beside her, turned around and walked out of the Shuai Mansion.

Ye Tian looked at this scene and had to admire this Micheline as a fighter in green tea!

Using her son's name to honor her old lover, this Micheline is definitely a great character!

"Tut-tut, my aunt is gone!"

Seeing this, Qiusheng and Wencai secretly smiled again, as if they were waiting to see Uncle Jiu's appearance.

"Hmph, you two stinky boys, no one is allowed to sleep when you go back tonight, practice horse walking for two hours first!"


Seeing Uncle Nine turn around and leave angrily, Qiusheng and Wencai were already dumbfounded at this time.

And Ye Tian patted the shoulders of the two of them helplessly, sighed and said, "Sometimes, if you don't die, you won't die!"

Autumn Students: ???

Literary talent:???

"I don't want to love Jiao, I want to love dragons, I want my son to be called love dragons!"

This time, even the big-brained Long Dashuai realized the meaning of his son's new name, and began to be unhappy on the sidelines, constantly shouting about Mi Qilian's name change.

And Mi Qilian didn't pay attention to Long Dashuai, but looked at the backs of several people who disappeared at the door, revealing a faint smile.


Since the matter of the evil baby in the Dashuai Mansion was resolved, Aunt Sue took Hua Yanyan back to the dojo in Wujia Village, and there was no movement for several days.

Even Ye Tian was a little skeptical that this Aunt Cane was really staying at the inn for a night with Uncle Jiu as in the movie.

However, one thing Ye Tian can be sure of is that Uncle Nine and Aunt Sue must have discussed some things between the two, otherwise there would definitely not be a matter of Aunt Sue coming to help in the Shuai Mansion.

Regarding the Gathering Spirit Fruit, Ye Tian also handed over one to the Ninth Uncle, and as for the rest of the arrangements, it was naturally the Thousand Crane Daoist and the Four-Eyed Daoist.

As for the one that belongs to him, Ye Tian naturally won't eat it, because he doesn't need it at all.

Of course, I won't take it out and give it to Aunt Cane.

Because Ye Tian knew that once Uncle Nine knew that he didn't leave that share, Uncle Nine would never accept this Gathering Spirit Fruit.

Therefore, Ye Tian could only lie to Uncle Nine and Aunt Sue that these four spirit gathering fruits were one for each of the four senior brothers.

It was raining lightly, and the pedestrians on the street were hurrying home, not daring to stop for half a minute.

Ye Tian stood in front of the door of the medical hall, looking at the gray sky, and for a while he thought of the hazy sky in his previous life, and couldn't help but be a little pensive.



Under Ye Tian's careful care, Lightning Mink Doudou's injuries have fully recovered, and he is also familiar with his new living environment.

Seeing Tian standing at the door alone in a daze, Doudou quickly jumped onto Ye Tian's shoulder and whispered in his ears.

"What's the matter, you're homesick too?"

"Chirp. "

"Hey, there are some things that can't go back, once they come, let's be safe!"

Ye Tian said this lightly, as if he was comforting Doudou, as if he was comforting himself.

"Yo, Dr. Ye is so excited today, he actually looked at the sky in a daze!"

At this time, a shadow appeared in front of Ye Tian, and I saw Hua Yanyan standing at the door with an umbrella with a funny face, with a faint smile on her face.

"What's the matter?

Ye Tian shook his head and smiled, then turned around and returned to the medical hall, poured a cup of hot tea and handed it to the other party.

"You're really cheap!"

Hua Yanyan glanced at Ye Tian angrily, and then stretched out to hug the beanie on Ye Tian's shoulder.

The other party shook her ass at her, and in the blink of an eye, she disappeared into the house.

"This little guy is so uncute!"

Hua Yanyan stomped her feet angrily, then looked at Ye Tian and continued: "I'm not afraid of calling your uncle to call you old, besides, the two of us will still be partners in the future!"

"What do you mean?"

Ye Tian was a little surprised, then put down the teacup in his hand and looked at the other party with a puzzled expression.

"Ha, you don't know yet, you're going to go far away, and during your absence, I will take over the medical hall!"

Hua Yanyan glanced at Ye Tian with a wicked smile, and then walked up in the hospital with her hands behind her back, and kept chanting:

"Well, it's clean, it's good!"

"It's just that the quality of this table is not good, I'll ask them to send a mahogany one over when I go back!"

"Ah, is this where you cook? Why do you feel like there's nothing?"

"Hey, is this piece of on the ground pulled by Doudou?"


"You wait first, come back and make it clear to me!"

At this time, Ye Tian was confused, he was not in the mood to watch this eldest lady of the Hua family pointing at her own medical hall.

All he wanted to know now was what had happened.

"Ha, I'm sorry, I forgot, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Hua Yanyan patted her head again and again and shook her head, then sat at the table, looked at Ye Tian and said:

"Uncle Nine asked me to invite you to Yizhuang for dinner, and by the way, I will tell you about his retreat and arrange for you to go out of the house. "

Ye Tian: ?????

The ninth uncle was going to retreat, and Ye Tian guessed the reason, it was very likely that it was because of the matter of gathering spirit fruits.

But when it came to arranging for him to go far away, Ye Tian felt very confused, and he didn't know what Uncle Nine was doing.

And why it was Hua Yanyan who came to inform herself, which made Ye Tian even more puzzled.

The last one will be served tonight.

After a while, I will pack up and take the early morning train home.

Happily, the leader will give a day off tomorrow, so you can have a good rest and rest!

Tomorrow's five more 10,000 words, and please support your friends! Thank you!

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