At this time, the rain had stopped, and with great doubts, Ye Tian closed the medical hall and came to Yizhuang with Hua Yanyan, who was full of happiness.

At this time, Yizhuang is very lively, and a large round table has already been placed in the spacious courtyard, with fish and meat, meat and vegetarian, and seven or eight dishes have been arranged, wafting an attractive aroma.

Uncle Nine was sitting at the table reading a book, watching Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan enter the door, and hurriedly got up and greeted:

"Come, junior brother, Yan Yan, hurry up and take a seat!"

"Senior brother, what are you doing?"

Ye Tian sat beside Uncle Jiu suspiciously, looking at Qiusheng and Wencai who were carrying water and chopping wood in the kitchen, and Aunt Cane who was busy stir-frying in an apron, Ye Tian was really a little surprised.

"I'm here to tell you a few things!"

When Uncle Nine heard this, he didn't hide it anymore, and then poured Ye Tian a glass of wine and explained:

"I plan to retreat for a month and use this Gathering Spirit Fruit to sprint to a higher level of cultivation. "

Uncle Nine had been stagnant in the realm of the Third Rank Heavenly Master for more than a year, and now that Ye Tian had sent the Gathering Spirit Fruit, for him, it was like sending charcoal in the snow.

"Senior Brother Ye, you are really eccentric, I don't know how to leave a copy for Senior Sister I don't know!"

At this time, Aunt Sue walked out with a plate of braised pig's trotters, and saw that Ye Tian and Uncle Jiu were talking about it, pretending to be unhappy.

In fact, Ye Tian had already told Aunt Sue about the matter of gathering spirit fruit, but everyone was very happy today, so they were used by Aunt Sue to make a joke.



Doudou had long been attracted by the aroma of this table, and saliva flowed down the corners of his mouth.

Looking at the tempting braised pig's trotters on the plate, he stood in front of the table and kept shaking his claws at Aunt Cane again and again.

"Little one, he's still a glutton!"

Aunt Cane scolded with a smile, but still picked up a large piece of pig's trotter and threw it in front of Doudou.

Seeing this, the other party nodded again and again, then picked up the pig's trotters and quickly jumped under the table, and gnawed on it.

Ye Tian has never cared about Doudou's diet, and he has always eaten whatever he eats.

Sometimes this beanie will look for mice or frogs near the infirmary to hunt for food, in short, this guy is like a small rice bucket, and he will not refuse to come.

"How can I forget you, senior sister, I'll send you the four-eyed senior brother's share when I turn around, he is very annoyed, so I won't give it to him!"

"Come on, you better keep it for him!"

Aunt Su glanced at Ye Tian angrily, and then said jokingly: "Who doesn't know that the four of you senior brothers have one heart, so I won't insert a pole in the middle!"

"Senior sister, where are you talking about this, we are also a family!"

Ye Tian first poured a glass of wine for Aunt Sue and handed it over, then looked at Uncle Nine and the other party with a wicked smile, and said with a smile:

"Speaking of which, Senior Sister, you and Senior Brother have made so many delicious treats for me today, is there something important to announce!"

"You damn guy, you can't stop you with delicious food!"

Aunt Sue's cheeks turned crimson when she heard this, and then she glanced at the ninth uncle next to her, and said to Hua Yanyan: "Yanyan, come with me to help!"

"Yes, yes!"

Hua Yanyan is also very happy today, and she has never shown her cold expression towards Uncle Nine in the past.

"Ahem, junior brother, in fact, I have already discussed with my junior sister, after August 15 next year, I will officially marry my junior sister!"

Seeing that Ye Tian was looking at him with a smile in his eyes, Uncle Nine didn't hide it, so he told the other party about it.

"Okay! Okay! Then I will wish my brothers and sisters a good 100 years in advance!"

Uncle Nine and Aunt Sue have finally solved their relationship problems for so many years, and I, who is a junior brother, am sincerely happy for them.

"Good, good!"

Uncle Nine smiled faintly and touched a glass with Ye Tian again.

Soon, all the meals had been served, and the news of Uncle Nine and Aunt Sue's marriage had become the happiest thing for everyone at the dinner table.

For a while, I was so unhappy to push the cup and change the lamp, and laughter filled the courtyard of this Yizhuang.

Seeing that the meal was almost finished, Ye Tian pulled Uncle Nine and asked about what the other party wanted to let him go away.

"Look at my brain, how did I forget about this!"

Uncle Nine patted his head with some annoyance, and hurriedly said, "Senior brother, I want to ask you to go to Jiuquan Town to help strengthen the seal of the Three Evil Positions during my retreat!"

"Jiuquan Town?"

Ye Tian was surprised, but he still remembered something.

In his previous life, Ye Tian had watched a movie - "The Exorcist Dao Chief", and in the movie, there is such a Jiuquan Town and a church standing on top of the Three Evil Seats.

Once there was a priest in this church who died unexpectedly and was crucified alive by a huge cross, and then the church was closed because of this incident and was not opened for a long time.

After many years, another group of missionaries came to Jiuquan Town, and Uncle Jiu's repeated persuasion was ineffective, and finally the church was reopened and the seal of the Three Evil Positions was completely destroyed.

It is precisely because of this incident that the priest has become a Western zombie with special abilities, and he can freely switch between the status of vampires and native zombies.

It can be described as brutal and tyrannical!

Thinking of this, Ye Tian also thought of the Western priest zombies that had appeared in Hongfa Village, but he didn't know which of these two Western zombies was stronger or weaker!

"What are the three evil positions!"

Although the Hua family is a family of yin and yang, after all, it is a medical Tao into yin and yang, and it is not involved in feng shui attainments, so Hua Yanyan is very interested in the three evil positions in the mouth of Uncle Jiu.

"The three evils refer to the calamities, the calamities, and the calamities. "

Ye Tian shook his head and explained: "If these three evils are intertwined and converged together, they will form the position of the three evils. If the land is broken or lived, the wife will be separated, and the family will be ruined!"

"Is it so wicked?"

Hua Yanyan was surprised when she heard this, and hurriedly said, "Then why don't you just destroy these three evil positions, isn't it a hundred?"


Ye Tian waved his hand again and again and explained: "The three evil positions are formed by the collision and convergence of the three worldly evil qi, which cannot be solved by ordinary methods, if it is not handled properly, it will only cause the evil qi to leak out and implicate the innocent. "

"That's right, so these three evil positions can only be sealed with secret methods!"

Uncle Nine nodded in reply and said, "After I went down the mountain, I lived in Jiuquan Town for a few years, and those three evil positions were previously sealed by a senior master of Youfang, and then I took over, and they were sealed every four years.

Now that it's counted, this year happens to be the fourth year, so I think I'll leave the matter of the three evil positions this year to you, junior brother!"

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