Looking at the Dragon Slayer Daoist's most questioning, David didn't pay attention to it at all, and the mayor of the town also had a sad face, sitting at the table and not speaking.

"Hey, what do you mean by that! said that the transaction was made according to the time, why did it change temporarily? My brothers are still waiting! "

The Dragon Slayer Daoist was also a little anxious, and stood up angrily directly, pointing at David's nose and scolding.

"What? Do you mean to kill me? "

David was already upset about the church and Ye Tian's affairs, so he left tonight's transaction behind.

Now looking at the fierce light on the face of the Dragon Slayer Daoist, he couldn't help but explode a little.

"Not really!"

Although the Dragon Slayer Daoist was very angry with the other party, he was quite sensible, knowing that if he offended them, he would lose a fortune.

However, he still felt a little angry, and couldn't help but complain: "So what do you mean now?" You can't cancel the transaction! "

"Cancel the transaction? Of course not! "

The corners of David's mouth snorted coldly, then he poured a glass of foreign wine and handed it to the Dragon Slayer Daoist, and said, "I will still ask for the goods, but now, I want to ask for Ye Tian's head first!" "

"What? Didn't you say give me three days? "

The Dragon Slayer Daoist was a little surprised, and looked at each other in surprise with wine.

"That's right, but I've changed my mind now!"

David drank all the foreign wine in the cup and said, "I'll add another thousand oceans to you, and I want Ye Tian's fate tonight!" "


"Two thousand! If you don't want to, we don't have to continue trading in the future. "

"Okay, I promise!"

Hearing this, the Dragon Slayer Daoist immediately responded, and then drank the foreign wine in the cup in one gulp.

"Very good, they live in a dilapidated yard at the end of Dongchang Street now!"

"Okay, get ready for the ocean, wait for my news!"

After that, the Dragon Slayer Dao didn't look back, quickly turned around and ran out of the door.

"Son, do you think that guy who slays the dragon can kill Ye Tian?"

At this time, the mayor finally spoke, looked at the open door, and asked nervously.

"There must be a brave man under the heavy reward, since he should go, he will have his own way!"

David stood up, stretched lazily, and a sneer appeared on his face:

"Ye Tian, I'll let you know today, if you offend me David, you won't end well!"


At this time, in a remote open space in the backyard of the church, a group of young people wearing shrouds held up together, laughing and scolding.

"Ha, Twin Heavens Supreme, kill through! Kill! "

"Damn, why did you win again!"

"yes, I earned some money, and you won it all!"

"That's right, I suspect you're out of the woods! Let's search our body! "

"Fart, the clothes we wear are all the same, how can we make a thousand!"

One of the young men folded his sleeves disdainfully, looked around, and said admonishingly:

"Keep your quiet, if someone else finds out about us, the big brother will have to abolish us!"

"What are you worried about, don't you see that the entire Jiuquan Town is more than half empty?"

"yes, I'm curious, how can I be so lonely? Could there be ghosts in this town? "

"There's a fart, don't scare yourself, okay!"

"Yes, our eldest brother is a Taoist priest of Maoshan Mountain, don't be afraid of ghosts!"

"That's right, hurry up, let's do another game!"


For a while, everyone started a new round of gambling and played forgetfulness.

Click. Click. Click.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps came from not far away.

Seeing this, the young man who dealt the cards immediately put away his things and said vigilantly:

"Hurry up and put it away, someone is coming!"

"Damn, I almost won! Damn it! "

Although it was a burst of complaints, these young people still kept in mind what the Dragon Slayer Daoist said when he left, and hurriedly pulled the group to stand outside the courtyard wall again, motionless.

"It seems that no matter how the plot changes, the guy who slays the dragon really appeared as promised!"

At this time, the person who came out with footsteps was none other than Ye Tian.

In the movie, Ye Tian remembered that there was such a group of fake walking corpses hiding outside the walls of the church, and then they were bitten by the Western zombies and turned into real zombies.

Now Ye Tian took advantage of the night to come to ambush, just to be able to successfully ambush the elusive Western zombie.

Time passed minute by minute, and to Ye Tian's surprise, the Western zombie had not yet appeared.

And the people below who pretended to be walking corpses were already standing and asleep, and some even snored.

"Strange, has the plot changed again?"

Ye Tian was a little surprised, and then carefully looked at the surrounding environment, but what he didn't expect was that there was no trace of the Western zombie at all.

Seeing that the whereabouts of the Western zombies had not yet been discovered, Ye Tian jumped in front of these fake walking corpses.


I saw Ye Tian raise his leg and kick on a fake walking corpse beside him, the fake walking corpse was originally sleeping soundly, but suddenly he only felt a sharp pain in his lower abdomen, and as soon as he opened his eyes, he had already fallen to the ground.


The screams of pain from the fake walking corpse woke everyone up.

Seeing this, the others woke up from their dreams one after another, but their faces all showed surprise.

"Yes ... It's you! "

Ye Tian's figure couldn't be more familiar to them, and they had also seen Ye Tian's power with their own eyes.

Just one move made that dragon slayer Taoist who had kung fu no room to fight back!

Based on this, several people categorically did not dare to provoke each other again, so they had to retreat again and again, begging for mercy and saying:

"Dao Chief, Dao Chief, what are you doing, we are all eating with Brother Dragon Slayer!"

"Mixed food?"

Ye Tian picked up the fake walking corpse that he had kicked by himself, took out a piece of opium paste from his body, threw it on the ground, and said angrily:

"Is that what you eat from this bastard?"

"I... I... "

Seeing this, the fake walking corpses showed their intentions, and then hurriedly took out all the opium on their bodies and threw it on the ground, not daring to delay at all.

"You're interested!"

Seeing this, Ye Tian waved his fingers, and a talisman instantly burst out of flames, igniting the opium paste.

In an instant, the flames were rolling, and the opium paste had been completely consumed.

Seeing this, all the fake walking corpses did not dare to make any complaints, even if they were reluctant to do so.

"Let me find out that you are selling opium again, and next time I will break your legs, and get out of here!"

"Yes, yes!"

Seeing Ye Tian speak, a group of fake walking corpses agreed again and again, and then crawled into the distance, not daring to hesitate at all.

"Where did this Western zombie go?"

Although the matter of opium was solved, Ye Tian's heart was filled with a trace of sorrow.

Now this Western zombie has never shown up, and if you want to eliminate it, I'm afraid it's a lot of trouble!

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