"Wencai, where did you say Uncle Shi went back so late?"

In the courtyard of the dojo, Qiusheng was wiping the stone table while curiously asking the Wencai beside him.

"How do I know, Uncle Shi has always had his own ideas about doing things, since he didn't let us follow, it must be for our good, just wait honestly!"

Wen Cai also scratched his head, although it was late at this time, but the two were worried about Ye Tian's safety, so they still didn't go back to the room to rest, and waited quietly in the courtyard.


However, just when the two of them were bored, waiting for Ye Tian to come back.

A figure instantly rolled in from outside the wall and landed in front of the two of them.


Seeing this, the two of them instantly took two steps back and looked ahead vigilantly.

"Hehe, two little bunnies!"

I saw the man snort coldly, then stood up straight, and appeared in front of him.

"It's you! Uncle Dragon Slayer! "

Wen Cai recognized the person in front of him at a glance, it was the Dragon Slayer Daoist he met with Ye Tian in the suburbs last time.

"Huh? Teacher? "

Qiusheng was very surprised, especially when he heard Wen Cai call him uncle, he was very puzzled.

"Boy, don't shout so kindly, I'm not your uncle!"

I saw that the dragon slayer Daoist glanced at the two of them coldly, and then his body moved, and in the blink of an eye, he came to the front of that Qiusheng, clasped his neck, and said loudly:

"Say, where is that stinky boy Ye Tian!"


Qiusheng only felt that he couldn't exert his strength at all, and couldn't help but scold loudly.

And Wen Cai raised the broom on the ground from the general and said loudly: "Let me tell you, if my uncle comes back and sees you doing this to us, he will definitely not let you go!" "

"Hehe, it seems that I came unfortunately!"

A sneer appeared on the face of the Dragon Slayer Daoist when he heard this, and then he punched on the lower abdomen of that Qiusheng.


A heart-piercing pain struck, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of Qiusheng's mouth instantly, and half of his body seemed to be paralyzed.

"Bastard, let him go!"

At this time, Wen Cai finally bumped into his courage, raised the broom in his hand and hit the head of the Dragon Slayer Daoist.


The Dragon Slayer didn't move, but the wooden broom had broken in two.

Wen Cai looked at the severed wood in his hand, a little dazed, and then felt a force kick on his body quickly.


Wen Cai instantly crashed into the wall next to him, as if all the bones in his body were falling apart.

At this time, Wen Cai only felt that the sky was spinning in front of him, and then a pitch black appeared in front of him, and he didn't know what was going on.

"Bastard! How can you be so heavy on us! "

Qiusheng looked at Na Wencai and fainted, his teeth itched with hatred, and he immediately swung his fist and hit the dragon slayer Daoist in the cheek, and his entire right arm was broken by his punch.


Qiusheng screamed and lay on the ground and kept rolling.

And the Dragon Slayer Daoist looked at all this in front of him, and said in a cold voice: "Boy, I originally planned to use your lives to blackmail Ye Tian, but now, I have changed my mind!" "

As he spoke, the Dragon Slayer Daoist squatted down, picked up Qiusheng's clothes, and continued: "Let you see the new spell I just learned!" "

"Phantom Pupil Technique! Chi! "

With that, the Dragon Slayer Daoist's eyes widened in an instant, and then his pupils turned pitch black, as deep as a black hole.

Qiusheng didn't know what trick he was going to do, but after seeing his eyes, his whole face instantly became expressionless, and his swallowing became hollow.

"Master, please give orders!"

"Hehe, that's good! It worked! "

The Dragon Slayer Daoist nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile: "I wonder if that guy will be surprised to see that I have practiced such a pupil technique so quickly?" Hahaha! "

Seeing this, the Dragon Slayer Daoist stood up, looked at the other party coldly, and said, "When Ye Tian comes back, take advantage of his unpreparedness and pierce this dagger through his heart!" Did you hear me clearly? "

"Hear me clearly!"

When Qiusheng heard this, he mechanically agreed to the other party, and then put the dagger given to him by the Dragon Slayer Daoist into his arms.

"Excellent! Very good! Hahaha! Ye Tian, tonight is your death! You would never have dreamed that your nephew would kill you with his own hands! Hahaha! "

When the Dragon Slayer Daoist heard this, he laughed, then turned around and jumped out of the wall and disappeared.

Just after the dragon slayer Daoist left, Qiusheng's originally numb expression disappeared in an instant, and then he quickly ran to Wen Cai's approach, and shouted with concern:

"Wencai, Wencai! Wake up! Wake up! "


Wen Cai opened his eyes with difficulty, looked at Qiu Sheng Zheng looking at himself with great concern, and said weakly:

"Autumn birth, dragon slaying... He... Is he gone? "

"Gone, gone!"

Qiu Sheng showed a relieved smile and said, "He punched me a few times just now, and then he ran away!" I guess I'm afraid that Uncle Shi will trouble him! "

"Who's the trouble?"

As soon as Qiusheng's words fell, Ye Tian's voice came from the door over there.

Seeing Wen Cai lying by the wall with a painful face, and Qiusheng squatting aside, Ye Tian hurriedly felt close and hurriedly asked:

"Wencai, Qiusheng, what's wrong?"

"Uncle Shi!"

Maybe he was too excited to see Ye Tian appear, and Wen Cai, who had just woken up, fainted again in an instant.

"Uncle Shi, just now a man named Dragon Slayer Daoist came here, and he was the one who injured us!"

Seeing this, Qiusheng hurriedly explained what happened, but he didn't say a word about other things.

"This damn dragon slayer!"

Ye Tian knew that the original goal of the Dragon Slayer Daoist tonight was not Qiusheng and Wencai at all, but himself!

He never expected that the other party would completely ignore the status of his siblings and make such a ruthless move!

If you let yourself meet him again, you will definitely make him pay the price for this matter!

Thinking of this, Ye Tian was furious, and then picked up the unconscious Wencai and rushed into the room.

"Qiusheng, go get a basin of hot water!"

"Yes! Teacher! "

Ye Tian placed Wencai on the bed, and then applied the Golden Needle to seal several acupoints on his body, which could be regarded as preserving some of his vitality.



Doudou was also worried about Wencai, and kept jumping and chirping at the head of the bed.

Ye Tian carefully inspected Wen Cai's injury, but fortunately, only two ribs were broken, and there was a slight bleeding from the internal organs.

With his own medical skills, he will not let him worry about his life.

"Uncle Shi, the hot water is here!"

At this time, Qiusheng walked in quickly with a basin of water, put it next to the bed, and asked with concern: "Uncle Shi, how is Wencai's injury?" "

"It's no big deal, don't worry!"

Ye Tian was using a golden needle to release the blood in Wencai's abdominal cavity, so he didn't turn back to answer the other party, but kept his attention on Wencai's body.

"Hey, that's good!"

When Qiu Sheng heard this, the corners of his mouth gradually showed a wicked smile.

And the right hand has been quietly stretched into his arms...

Ask for flowers! Thank!

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