"It's fine. Ye Tian waved his hand and said, "It's just a trivial matter." "

Seeing that Ye Tian was so magnanimous and didn't care about those juniors, Ah Zi couldn't help but look at Ye Tian with admiration.

If it were her, she wouldn't have been so generous.

But even so, Ah Zi snorted coldly a few times and followed behind Ye Tian.

Her speed was terrifying, and everyone in the city had their hands on the talisman.

Not only that, Ye Tian also left a place for the opponent's talisman, so that those who did not get the talisman or the talisman was broken could continue to get it.

Therefore, even if bats are flying all over the sky, there is no way to harm those ordinary people.

Miao Wei looked at that scene with emotion and said, "Mr. Ye is mighty!"

At this moment, he was slapped on the shoulder, and when he turned around, he turned around and turned to be the magistrate of Gimhae County.

I saw the middle-aged county magistrate, and asked with a serious face:

"Where did the stinky Taoist priest named Ye Tian go?"

Miao Wei's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly said:

"County Chief, Mr. Ye is very noble!"

"If it weren't for Mr. Ye, so many bats would have killed the entire county a long time ago. "


The middle-aged county magistrate squinted his eyes and said, "Listen to what you mean, I still have to thank that kid well, don't I?"

He looked at Miao Wei with a smile.

Miao Wei felt chills all over his body for no reason, frowned and said, "That's the case..."


County Magistrate Wang Shidao suddenly said angrily: "I heard it clearly just now, these bats are here because of that Ye Tian!"

"It's ridiculous that you even think of him as a savior!"

Wang Shidao slapped him hard in the face, and said with an angry face: "It's really stupid!"

"What, what?"

Miao Wei said dumbfoundedly: "This bat in the sky is actually because of Mr. Ye?

"Or else?"

Wang Shidao said indifferently: "Daoist Qin made things clear just now, and that kid didn't mean to refute. "

He sneered: "The root cause of all this calamity is that Ye Tian. If I ever see you very respectful to that kid in the future, I'll have to fire you. "

After speaking, he didn't say anything more, and looked indifferently at the scene that happened in front of him.

And Miao Wei's heart was complicated at this time, he was not only worried about Ye Tian and Ah Zi's situation, but also wanted to find out what was going on.

All of a sudden, it's hard to choose!

The other side.

Ye Tian and Ah Zi were extremely fast, and they quickly caught up with Daoist Na Qin and the others, only to see that group of people surrounding the cave.

Everyone stared at the cave with serious faces.

Ye Tian frowned, leaned in front of everyone, and said:

"I'll do this to destroy the vampires. "

"This matter began because of me, and naturally it will end because of me. He said.

Daoist Qin looked at Ye Tian in astonishment, and said in a deep voice, "You can actually crack the immobilization technique I gave you?"

Ye Tian didn't take this matter to heart, and still said: "The vampires in here are not something you can hostile to. "

"If you fight him, I can imagine the final result, you will either be dead or wounded. "

He said solemnly: "I am deeply ashamed to be the one who started it all, so I will make it up to you." "


"What is this kid talking about?"

"Thirty of us, aren't we still the opponents of a Western blood vampire?"

Ask for a wave of flowers and a monthly pass, thanks!

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