"This kid is just talking nonsense!"

The laughter and wild laughter around him kept ringing out, and it was obvious that no one took Ye Tian's words to heart.

They all thought it was so funny that they kept laughing, as if they had heard the funniest joke in the whole world.

Ye Tian looked at them calmly and said indifferently:

"Listen to me, and I will not harm you. "

Seeing that Ye Tian did not explain how he had cracked his Dao Method, but instead persuaded them to leave, Daoist Qin's face sank.

He stepped forward and said indifferently:

"Ye Tian, you are so bold!"

"It's all because of you, otherwise it would be impossible for Gimhae County to die so many innocent people. "

"How dare you come here and shout?"

With a wave of Buddha dust in Daoist Qin's hand, a gust of wind rushed towards Ye Tian, and he said even more angrily:

"Get out of here!"

Seeing that Daoist Qin was so obsessed, Ye Tian frowned slightly, and as soon as he dispersed the gale, a fireball attacked him.

He had to go back several tens of meters.

Ye Tian frowned and looked at those people, his face was very gloomy.

These people seem to really want to die!

"Why don't you kid speak?"

Daoist Qin sneered: "Send a few people, keep an eye on this person, don't let him run around." "


Daoist Qin's apprentice Long Fa and several warlocks in Dao robes stared at Ye Tian with a grim expression.

"Boy, don't even think about going anywhere, just stay here obediently, you know?"

A warlock standing closest to Ye Tian sneered and said, "You still say that I'm not the opponent of that vampire?"

"I think you kid got kicked in the head!"

The warlock said disdainfully, "How can we not be the opponents of the Western vampires?"

Ah Zi was furious.

In a fit of rage, she was eager to strike at the warlock at once, staring at the warlock with anger on her face, trembling with rage.

Ye Tian shook his head and said, "Ah Zi, don't be impulsive, when they suffer, they will naturally know how to retreat." "


Ah Zi snorted a few times, looked at those people with disdain, and said with a sneer: "You will definitely die!"

"That vampire, but the existence of the Baron's Realm. "

Ah Zi said coldly: "My master is magnanimous and too lazy to care about what happened just now. "

"I didn't expect you to take my master's words so seriously, you are purely looking for death!"

"I'm going to see how far you'll be tormented by that vampire later. "

Ah Zi kept sneering, in her opinion, Ye Tian had taken a lot of steps back, and he had already given these people face.

Unexpectedly, these people kept not taking Ye Tian seriously, but kept laughing at Ye Tian, which was simply unreasonable!

"You're a pretty little girl, but it's a pity you're blind to keep up with such a shit. "

There was a lot of laughter in the crowd.

If it weren't for Ye Tian stopping Ah Zi, Ah Zi really couldn't help but want to attack them and kill them all.

Daoist Qin scolded: "Okay, don't talk nonsense with that kid, everyone follow me, let's go in and kill that Western Blood Vampire!"


"Didn't that kid say we're definitely no match for the vampire?

"That's it!"

Daoist Qin reprimanded even more angrily: "Where did the jumping beams come out, this will let you see the true power of the Daoists!"

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