"That’s right, could it be that he is trying to scare us?"



However, some people quickly raised their doubts

"It is normal for you to be suspicious. Wencai, bring the knife!!"

Qiu Sheng also laughed when he heard others questioning them.


Wencai also quickly handed over the butcher knife he had prepared.

""Everyone, please watch out!"

Qiu Sheng said, raising the knife in his hand.


The next moment, he swung the knife in his hand and chopped the horse thief's neck fiercely.


Instantly, there was a sound of metal collision, accompanied by bursts of sparks that made everyone's scalp numb.

""Everyone, look!!!"

Qiu Sheng raised the knife in his hand, and a gap appeared.

However, the neck of the horse thief spy was intact.

At this moment, all the voices of doubt disappeared.

The emotions of horror, fear, and despair instantly spread throughout the square.

"Fellow villagers, rest assured! On behalf of my master and my eldest brother, I promise to all of you that as long as you unite as one this time, we will definitely be able to defeat the horse thieves this time!

You see, my junior brother and I can both take down a horse thief, so the so-called leader Su Mo is nothing in front of my master and eldest brother.

As long as my eldest brother and master take action, this matter will be nothing at all."

Looking at the terrified townspeople, Qiu Sheng stood up and spoke with great righteousness.

As soon as he said this, the thousands of townspeople who were originally a little horrified quickly calmed down.

"Yes, we still have Uncle Nine!"

"I heard that there were zombies in Master Ren's house these days. The zombies were so powerful that the walls of Master Ren's house and the government office were demolished! But those zombies were still subdued by Uncle Jiu."

"Yes, yes, yes. I remember that a few years ago, zombies were also causing trouble. When Uncle Jiu was fighting with them, he broke several houses."

"That’s right, I heard that Uncle Jiu’s eldest disciple Taoist Ling Xiao is almost as good as Uncle Jiu now!"

"That’s great, with Uncle Jiu here, we’ll be much safer this time!"



Soon, everyone in the square started discussing excitedly.

"Taoist Qiu Sheng and Taoist Wen Cai are right. As long as Uncle Jiu and Taoist Ling Xiao agree, our Renjia Town will be safe this time!

At that time, we just need to listen to the command of Uncle Jiu and Taoist Ling Xiao and make preparations in advance, and we will be fine this time."

At this time, the mayor also walked onto the stage and shouted

""Look, Taoist Ling Xiao is here!!"

However, as soon as the mayor said this, someone around Ling Xiao finally recognized him.

With this exclamation, everyone looked at Ling Xiao in the crowd.

Ling Xiao looked at the thousands of people looking at him, and immediately stepped down helplessly, and the whole person jumped up to a height of seven or eight meters.

Everyone present opened their mouths wide when seeing this scene.

Can he still be a human if he can jump seven or eight meters with just a light jump?

""Tap tap!!!"

The next moment, Ling Xiao landed on the platform.

"Big Brother! ?"

""Big Brother, you are here too!?"

Seeing Ling Xiao was actually here, Wencai and Qiu Sheng immediately spoke awkwardly.

"You two are amazing. You both found things for Master and me to do!"

Ling Xiao narrowed his eyes and spoke calmly. When he said this, Wencai Qiusheng was immediately frightened.

Ling Xiao was too lazy to pay attention to the two of them and looked at the people on the ground.

Looking at the expectant eyes of thousands of people, Ling Xiao also sighed.

""Don't worry, fellow villagers. With me and my master here, we can take care of the bandits this time!"

Ling Xiao spoke calmly on the stage.

However, although his words were very calm and he didn't shout at all, they were clearly heard by the thousands of people present.

Such a magical ability made everyone in the square even more shocked.

Ignoring their thoughts, Ling Xiao spoke again.

"There are a lot of bandits this time. I hope all the young and strong men in the town will participate in the bandit suppression.

After all, it's all for their homes and property. Wait a minute, my master and I will make a detailed bandit suppression plan.

And to avoid leaking the news, from now on, I don't want anyone to leave the town.

Everyone must be supervised. If someone goes out and exposes our plan, more people will die."

Ling Xiao spoke solemnly, and as soon as he spoke, everyone on the scene nodded repeatedly.

"Thank you for your support!!!"

Ling Xiao also nodded slightly, and the next moment, his right hand turned into a sword.


The next moment, golden flames burst out from Ling Xiao's hand and turned into a flaming sword.


Then, with a wave of Ling Xiao's right hand, the flaming sword instantly slashed across the horse thief's neck.

The horse thief's neck, which even an iron knife could not cut, was instantly cut off by Ling Xiao's sword.


The huge head instantly hit the ground.

This scene made everyone present stare with eyes wide open, with a look of disbelief on their faces.

"Gulp! Everyone, in this case, from today on, Taoist Ling Xiao will be the leader of the anti-bandit brigade in Renjia Town, and Wencai Qiu Sheng will be the squad leader.

Everyone must obey the command of Taoist Ling Xiao and Uncle Jiu!"

The mayor swallowed his saliva and quickly stood up and spoke loudly.

Now Ling Xiao is so awesome after just showing off his skills. If he really takes action, wouldn't it be awesome!

""Captain is mighty!!!"

The mayor's words instantly awakened everyone who was shocked.

One of them shouted excitedly

"Captain is awesome!!"

"The captain is awesome!!!"

"The captain is awesome!!!!"



At this moment, the grand sound instantly spread throughout the town for several kilometers.

At this moment, they knew that with Ling Xiao here, they were absolutely safe.

Next, under Ling Xiao's quick coordination, the entire town was running rapidly.

The entrances and exits around the town were quickly closed.

After knowing this, Uncle Jiu did not hesitate and started to make plans with Ling Xiao.

After confirming that the other party was a warlock, things became easy. Uncle Jiu and Ling Xiao thought of a lot of ways to restrain these warlocks. Those who had black dogs at home were killing black dogs. Those who had roosters slaughtered roosters, and even prepared several large buckets of boy's urine.

Decades later, the little boys in the town still remembered that day when the whole town was looking forward to watching them pee.



Time went by and it got dark.

At the same time, in Taishan Town, more than ten kilometers away from Renjia Town, at the gate of the newly built house of Tan Baiwan's family,

Tan Baiwan, along with seven or eight sturdy servants and a Taoist priest with a mustache and wearing a Taoist robe, Mao Shanming, looked at the haunted house with some fear.

"Taoist priest, I don't know what's wrong with my house. There have been problems since it was built. Every day we go to bed in the room and wake up in the yard the next day."

Tan Baiwan said to Mao Shanming with a sad face.

"Well, those who move people to the table are evil people, and those who move people off the bed are evil ghosts! You should be afraid of evil people, but as for evil ghosts, you don’t have to be afraid of them as long as I am here!"

Mao Shanming spoke with confidence.

"Alas, you are already the tenth Taoist priest who said this. The previous nine priests couldn’t do anything to him!"

When Tan Baiwan heard Mao Shanming’s words, he was so angry that he cursed.

"Don't worry, nine out of ten Taoist priests don't do anything, I am the tenth one! Let's go, I'm going to meet this ghost!"

Mao Shanming boasted again after hearing what Tan Baiwan said.

After that, he walked directly into the gate of the house with the uneasy Tan Baiwan and the servants.

Ten minutes later……

"Help! It's haunted!!!"

Screams came from the house.

The next moment, Tan Baiwan and the servants were so scared that they crawled out of the house and ran away.

"Wow, there really is a ghost, Dabao and Xiaobao, run!!"

However, the next moment, Mao Shanming also rushed out of a mansion with two ghosts, one big and one small, and ran towards the outside of the village.

It was not easy to run out of the village.

"Uncle Ming, what should we do now!?"

Dabao looked at Uncle Ming who was out of breath and said hurriedly.

The three of them were here to defraud money. It was the same as the original plan. Uncle Ming pretended to be a Maoshan Taoist priest catching ghosts, while Dabao and Xiaobao pretended to be ghosts being caught.

Unexpectedly, there was really a ghost in this family, and it was not just one ghost, but a family of ghosts. It's okay if there are ghosts, but the ghosts in this family are all powerful, all of them are at the level of yellow-shirted ghosts, and there are so many people, how can the three of them be their opponents?

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