Uncle Ming, who finally caught his breath, waved his hands.

He originally planned to stay in this town for a few months and cheat a few more families, but he didn't expect to run into such a thing right after he started. Fortunately, the ghosts in that family were not bad ghosts, they just played tricks on people and didn't kill people. The trick was that they built their house on the graves of the ghost family, making the ghost family restless.

After all, people don't want to live with ghosts, and ghosts don't want to live with people either.

"Uncle Ming, the Renjia Town we passed by before seems to be very prosperous. Do you want to stay there for a while before leaving?"

Xiaobao suddenly suggested to Mao Shanming.

Mao Shanming nodded slightly after hearing this. If it is more prosperous, there will be more people, and the probability of things happening will be greater.

Then he can make a fortune.

It just so happens that Tan Baiwan was scared by him and gave him dozens of dollars, which can improve the food.

"Okay, let's go to Renjia Town!!"

Mao Shanming nodded, put Dabao and Xiaobao under his umbrella, and set off immediately.


Because it was already late, Mao Shanming quickened his pace.

The journey of more than ten kilometers took only an hour.

""Wow, why is Renjia Town so quiet!"

However, after arriving in Renjia Town, Mao Shanming was stunned.

There was no one on the huge street in the dark!

Then he came to the entrance of the reception building.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

"Is anyone there?

Mao Shanming knocked on the door and asked curiously.


However, the door opened instantly.

"Huh? There's someone here!

Mao Shanming was stunned.


However, before he could react, a hand instantly stretched out from the reception building and grabbed Mao Shanming's collar, pulling him in.

The next moment, ropes were quickly put over and Mao Shanming was tied up.

""Puff, puff, puff!"

Before Mao Shanming could react, torches lit up the entire restaurant.

A group of strong young men had already surrounded him tightly.

"Great! The horse thieves actually dared to come to our doorstep!"

An excited shout suddenly came, and the next moment, Qiu Sheng suddenly jumped out and grabbed Mao Shanming's neck from behind.

"Cough, cough, cough!!"The suffocated Mao Shanming started to cough violently.

"You must not be a good person if you come into the village in such a black and sloppy way! Tell me if you are a good person or not!"

Qiu Sheng shouted loudly.

However, Mao Shanming, who was strangled, could not say a word.

"Don’t tell me!? That’s it?"

"Tell me, are you a spy for the bandits?"

Qiu Sheng snorted coldly when he saw that the other party didn't speak.

However, the other party still couldn't speak.

"Don't tell me!? That's it?"

Qiu Sheng smiled proudly. At this time, Mao Shanming had rolled his eyes.

"Qiu Sheng, if you pinch him again, he will die!"

Wencai, who was standing by, couldn't bear to watch this scene.

"Die!? Tell me, if I pinch you again, will you die!?"

"Still not telling? If you don’t tell me, then it’s true!"

Qiu Sheng continued to shout

"If so, let go, you are going to kill him!"

Wencai hurried over to pull

"Oh! Where was I talking about?

Qiu Sheng also came back to his senses and loosened his grip a little, and asked Wencai in a daze

"You are asking and answering your own questions here, it is useless no matter what you say!"

Wencai said speechlessly.

"Useless!? If that's the case, then I won't ask any more questions, I'll execute him right here!!"

When Qiu Sheng heard this, he shouted and pushed Mao Shanming out.


The next moment, he pulled out a long knife.


With a roar, Qiu Sheng slashed at Mao Shanming fiercely.

Mao Shanming was really scared at this moment, and he was frozen in place.

However, just as the knife was about to fall, a peach wood sword stabbed over in an instant.


In an instant, the peach wood sword hit the blade and directly knocked the blade out of Qiu Sheng's hand.


It finally stabbed into the wall not far away.

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai turned their heads and saw that the person coming was Uncle Jiu.



The two were shocked.

"Executing someone on the spot without any evidence, isn't that too outrageous!?"

Uncle Jiu glared at Qiu Sheng speechlessly.

"Hehe, I just want to scare him, maybe if I scare him, he will confess!"

When Qiu Sheng heard this, he immediately scratched his head in embarrassment.

Of course, he couldn't really have seen Maoshan Ming

"Oh, right, evidence! Wencai, go search him!!"

Qiu Sheng's eyes suddenly lit up. Yes, wouldn't it be great if we could find evidence?


Wencai also hurried over and began to search Mao Shanming's bag.

However, pieces of talisman paper, cinnabar, and brushes were taken out.

"Wow, I didn't realize you're a Taoist priest! Now you're even more suspicious!"

Qiu Sheng got excited when he saw it. Those horse thieves heard from their senior brother and master that they were sorcerers.

"Is there something in this umbrella?"

Wencai picked up the umbrella that contained Dabao and Xiaobao and was about to open it curiously.

"No, you can't open it!"

Mao Shanming was immediately anxious when he saw this.

"Alas, you can’t open the umbrella in the house!"

Uncle Jiu, who was standing by, spoke at this time.

Uncle Jiu took the umbrella and stroked it with his right hand.

Instantly, he sensed the two ghosts in the umbrella.

"Daoist friend, why did you come at this time instead of earlier? Uncle

Jiu didn't care. He just thought that these two ghosts were caught by Mao Shanming and he hadn't had time to save them.

Then he returned the umbrella to Mao Shanming.

"Daoist friend, what's going on?"

Mao Shanming was stunned.

"We received a secret report that a group of bandits are planning to rob our town! And I am the leader of the bandit suppression team! This is our master, Master Jiushu, the Taoist Master Yimei!"

Qiu Sheng said proudly with his hands on his hips.

"What? You are the Taoist Yimei? I am Mao Shanming, I have heard of you for a long time!!"

After hearing Uncle Jiu's name, Mao Shanming immediately complimented him, but he did not know Uncle Jiu. After all, strictly speaking, he was not a Taoist from an orthodox sect.

"Daoist friend, you are too polite!!"

Uncle Jiu also smiled and bowed.

"Oh no, oh no!!"

At this moment, a townsman rushed in in fear.

"What's going on?!"

Qiu Sheng asked quickly

"The bandits are coming. They have already passed the mountain and are about to reach the big forest!"

The townspeople hurriedly reported

"Where is your captain Ling Xiao?"

Uncle Jiu asked hurriedly.

"Taoist Ling Xiao said that he was going to meet the bandits alone and had already gone there in advance!"

The townspeople quickly spoke up.

""What!? Let's go!"

Uncle Jiu's face changed immediately after hearing this. The leaders of the three bandits were at least at the Earth Master level. Ling Xiao would be in danger alone.

So after saying this, Uncle Jiu led everyone out of the reception building.



At the same time, at the entrance of the forest, a tree several dozen meters tall was on top.

Ling Xiao stood on the treetop and looked into the distance. The black and white yin and yang forces surged in his eyes. He saw more than 20 warlocks exuding a strong yin energy rushing towards the direction of Renjia Town a few kilometers away.

"It's finally here! With so many people, this is a big harvest."

PS: I won't write any words of thanks for the book being put on the shelves this time, I'll just say it at the end of this chapter. Dear readers who can see this are naturally the readers who have always supported Xiaoyu. Xiaoyu thinks that she has written it very carefully. Xiaoyu doesn't know whether the readers think it is good or not, but Xiaoyu has tried her best. After all, who doesn't want their book to be popular.

Xiaoyu is now looking for a job after graduation, preparing to get married, and saving money to buy a car and a house! Men are all like this, but it is difficult to survive on a monthly salary of no more than four or five thousand in this city, and buying a car and a house is even more delusional.

In order to avoid unemployment before leaving school, and because of his love for online literature for more than ten years, Xiaoyu joined the ranks of online writers. Unfortunately, the results are a little bit, but he will not starve to death.

However, in order to get such a little royalty, Xiaoyu gets up at seven in the morning every day to write, and then writes until the evening. It’s eleven or twelve o’clock before I can finish the day’s tasks.

After all, I’m a new writer. Not only do I have a slow typing speed, but I also have to think about the plot introduction every day.

And because I sit on the chair for a long time, my waist has gradually developed problems. And because I don’t have time to exercise, I already have fatty liver. It’s funny to say that others say that I look very thin, but the test results are like this.

However, for this bite of rice, Xiaoyu will keep writing with all my heart. I also hope that all readers will continue to support Xiaoyu, so that Xiaoyu can feel a little comfort in her heart when writing books.

Shelf time: It will be on the shelves on time at 10 o'clock tonight. At that time, I also hope that all readers will give a first order. Xiaoyu does not ask for more. If possible, one first order will be enough. Of course, if all readers think it’s okay, please continue to support Xiaoyu. Xiaoyu will be very grateful! I won’t say more. I hope all readers will continue to support Xiaoyu.

On the day of the release, at least 20,000 words will be updated. If the release lasts for a whole day, at least 40,000 words will be updated. As for the more words, it depends on how many words Xiaoyu can write.

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