Zong Manzhi is just to survive

The Story Is Just To Live Chapter 66

"You have to be gentle, this is my first time, you know? Otherwise, I will ignore you in the future."

"Of course, I pity Xiangxiyu the most, gently, um, love." When he said, Long Tianxiang kissed her wildly, and the kiss made her breathless. At the same time, she stroked her hands up and down. Gradually, she was flushed. The jade-breast undulates on the chest, the reverie triangle is full of mystery, black and fine pubic hair, deep in the vulva-household, flickering and appearing, slightly revealing the vagina-lip, red Are they drooling like a baby's mouth, one by one?Kinky-water is covered with yin-hair, yin-household.When Long Tianxiang saw this, he was even more angry-body, holding the baby in his hand, and taking a look at the entrance of her Taoyuan Cave, slowly inserting the baby into the jade door.

"Wow... Tianxiang... so big... a little pain..." Ye Yi felt a little pain, holding the baby backhand, and said shyly.

When Long Tianxiang heard this, he turned over and flattened her body. The hot baby pressed against the hole, kissed her fragrant lips, sucked her fragrant tongue tightly, and kept rubbing her nipples with her hands.After such provocations, her whole body was shaking, and the entrance of Taoyuan Cave was more like the flooding of the Yellow River, and finally couldn't help itching from the bottom of her heart, and whispered: "Heaven... Tianxiang... You can slowly... ...Softly..." As she spoke, she spread her legs apart again, straightened her buttocks, and faced the baby.Long Tianxiang knew that she wanted to-the fire was violent at this time, so that with a slight effort, the baby got in.

"Ah... it hurts me..." At this time, the baby had reached the hymen-menopause, and he was sweating, eyes closed and tears squeezed out.Long Tianxiang knew that this was the most painful moment, so he stopped moving and stopped pushing forward.Pressing her left hand on the tip of her breast, gently rubbing it, softly asked, "Yeichi...is still suffering? Is it better?"

"My husband...slowly twitching like this...I feel a little upset now...but inside..."

"Is it a little itchy?" Long Tianxiang quipped.

"Um...Puppy..." Just flirting and scolding, try to provoke her to make her lewd-water is like a spring, constantly flowing out, and at the same time her legs move around, sometimes retracted, sometimes straight, sometimes opened , And at the same time frequently greeted her ass, catering to the baby's light delivery, which means that her desire-fire has reached the extreme, to the point of unbearable.Long Tianxiang saw that her passion had moved at this time, and it was almost at its peak.And Ye Yi suddenly hugged his neck, greeted him again and again, breathlessly said: "My husband...I don't have any pain now...it feels bad inside...itchy...itchy...just hard... ...Plug in..."

Just as she clenched her teeth and couldn't help butt up and greeted her, Long Tianxiang took a sharp breath, the baby swelled and her ass sank, and he thrust into the wet pussy.With a sound of "zi", it broke through the hymen-men's membrane, and the big baby was completely gone.Ye Yi was trembling with painful tears and almost screamed out.

Long Tianxiang hurriedly sealed it with his lips. Ye Yi thought it was extremely painful. He couldn't help pushing back with his hands and shaking his upper body.After embracing for a long time, the pain abated slightly, so Long Tianxiang whispered in her ear: "Ye Yi, bear with me, this is unavoidable, just being broken--the melon is like this. It's better now Yet?"

"Um... better... I really hurt me just now... I'm much better now... you move..."

After a long while, the night is full of bitterness, the spring is full of joy, the eyes are as silky, and the charm is charming, and it makes Long Tianxiang desire-the fire is like blazing, hugging the tender body, shaking the buttocks, faster and faster, like a gust of lightning, every time Once fierce, like two tigers fighting each other, deepening one after another, and like a coal mining worker.

Chapter 53

In the afternoon, Yuezhi Meiyu came back first, and when he came back, he saw Long Tianxiang and Ye Yi two naked and embracing in the bedroom.She knew what happened when they were away.She was extremely ashamed. She knew that since Long Tianxiang had "eaten" Ye Yi, then she and Zhi Ji and Long Gui could not run away either.

Long Tianxiang was awakened by the sound of Yue Zhi Meiyu's opening the door, and when she woke up, she found Yue Zhi Meiyu standing by his bed. She was bending over to look at him and Ye Yi.Long Tianxiang's gaze passed through the collar of Yue Zhi Meiyu's loose robe, and he saw Yue Zhi Meiyu's greasy chest, which was bent over, and his desire-wang fire was aroused again.When Yue Chi Meiyu's slender hands slowly wandered on his completely naked skin, he finally couldn't help but put this charming beauty in his arms, and greedily sucked and kissed the fragrant and fragrant beauty. His lips, his big hands also intruded into the robes of Yue Zhi Meiyu, and her plump and charming carcass was greatly thinned.Yue Zhi Meiyu let out a charming gasp and Jiao Yin from the bottom of her throat, and while kissing him warmly, she motioned for him to hug her.

After the sound of Xixi's pawns, Yue Zhi Meiyu's robe slipped down like a cloud, and fell to the ground revealing a naked female body, perfect curves, and stunning white jade skin, beautiful and alluring. The carcass-the body is dedicated to Long Tianxiang's eyes without reservation.Under her timid gesture, Long Tianxiang hugged her naked carcass and entered the bath with her. Yue Zhi Meiyu began to carefully scrub every inch of skin on Long Tianxiang's body.

Long Tianxiang aroused a familiar feeling, Yue Zhi Meiyu's jade hand stirred a series of electric currents on his skin, making him feel the strong affection of this beautiful beauty for him.The flames of Liaoyuan's desire are out of control.After some foreplay, Long Tianxiang put Yue Zhi Mei Yu on the deck chair by the pool, separated Yue Zhi Mei Yu’s two flawless legs, and welcomed his fiery heat and firmness. The two naked bodies finally merged into one with a cry of pain.A moving groan-groan came from the bath.

After the battle between Long Tianxiang and Yuezhi Meiyu ended, Yuezhi Meiyu was exhausted. Long Tianxiang cleaned up Yuezhi Meiyu's body, and took her back to the room to rest.

Soon after Zhi Ji and Long Gui returned with Ruoruo, their hands were full of things.After shopping for nearly a day, if I come back, I will go back to my room and sleep.There are three of Zhi Ji, Long Gui and Long Tianxiang left.

"Let's take a shower." Orihime said.

"Good." Long Gui reconsidered.

After a while, the two women entered the bath with their pajamas, and Orihime walked out first half an hour later.The hot body, the turbulent breast-the room, the dragon who looks at it, and the desire for it-the fire rises.He suppressed the excitement in his heart, stepped forward to hug Orihime, his fiery lips tightly sealed Orihime's small mouth.The two kissed frantically, the kiss was so fierce, so wild-wild.The two of them breathed more and more heavily, and their throats made a moan-groan similar to a beast.At this moment, they have lost their reason and don't need reason at all. They only know to express their fiercest love in the most primitive way.

After a long time, the two fiery lips parted, and there was still a crystal silver thread hanging from the corner of their lips.The eyes of the two of them ignited a raging desire-fire, and their bodies turned into a raging fire that could burn the entire world, and any restraints on their bodies were unnecessary.With a soft "chi," Orihime's pajamas had already turned into cloth scraps and scattered in all directions.Inoue Orihime screamed instinctively, and gently covered her plump breasts.But such occlusion has no effect at all.Long Tianxiang finally saw Zhiji's moving body.

Orihime's skin is fair and looks so mysterious and beautiful under the slightly blue light.A pair of jade rabbits on their chests trembled in horror. Not only were they huge, they were also very beautiful, especially the pair of red cherries above, they were even more beautiful and lovely. Long Tianxiang looked straight.Turning his gaze downward, Zhi Ji's slender waist was unbearable, and she twisted gracefully in Long Tianxiang's arms from time to time, drawing beautiful and alluring arcs.

Chapter 54 "Eating" Zhi Ji and Long Gui Again

Looking at Orihime Inoue's perfect body, Long Tianxiang couldn't help lowering his head to kiss Inoue Orihime's slender waist. The beautiful touch brought by Orihime's smooth skin made Long Tianxiang disappear-soul eroded. He couldn't help kissing every inch of his skin like an addiction.And the tingling and irritating feeling made Zhi Ji groan-groaning and twisting her body, inserting her hands-into Long Tianxiang's hair, rubbing his hair frantically.Long Tianxiang's lips moved up slightly, and the strange hand also climbed up the jade-peak of Inoue Orihime.Inoue Orihime was trembling all over by the excitement, whispering something in her mouth.Long Tianxiang sucked greedily and rubbed wildly, as if he was about to swallow Zhi Ji into his belly.

Zhi Ji enthusiastically responded to Long Tianxiang, opening herself to him shyly.Suddenly, a mischievous hand came across the virgin land that Zhi Ji had kept for fifteen or six years.Orihime Inoue was shocked, her whole body tense.A pair of slender and white jade legs are even tighter together, blocking the evil hand from the door of holiness.A strong pleasure that has never been seen before, like a tide attacking every cell of Orihime, a rebellious pleasure rushes to the brain, making Inoue Orihime indulged in this indulgence.Long Tianxiang accelerated the invasion of Orihime, and Inoue Orihime Jiao - panting and lying softly in Long Tianxiang's arms, she didn't have any strength.

"I'm coming, Zhi Ji..." Long Tianxiang was already under the city, but out of respect for her, he hoped to hear her wishes himself.

"Come on...husband...pierce me..." Zhi Jijiao-panting and whispering, her arms around Long Tianxiang's back also pressed him down.Long Tianxiang took advantage of the situation and fiercely pierced the defenseless Inoue Orihime.

"Ah." Inoue Orihime screamed, and a burst of pain made Inoue Orihime tremble all over, and Inoue Orihime bid farewell to her beautiful girlhood.Soon, the pain was replaced by unprecedented pleasure.

"Are you ready? My dear baby." Long Tianxiang said softly, kissing Inoue's ear.

"Yeah." Inoue Orihime didn't say anything, just swayed her soft and slender waist like a water snake, and answered Long Tianxiang with her actions.Long Tianxiang didn't say anything, because no language was needed at this time.He moved violently, using all his enthusiasm to love Orihime.

After sending the weak and weak Zhi Ji back to the bedroom to rest, Long Tianxiang came to Long Gui who had been eavesdropping in the bath for a long time.Took it out.

Long Tianxiang hugged Long Gui, stroked her hair, smelled the faint virgin fragrance on her body, and couldn't help feeling beautiful. He whispered in her ear: "Long Gui, let her husband come Love you."

Youze Longgui also heard the meaning of Long Tianxiang’s words, and said softly: "Good husband, from now on, I am yours. You can listen to everything you want. You can cherish me. Ah, this is the first time for me..." As soon as she finished speaking, she buried her head in Long Tianxiang's arms in shame.

Long Tianxiang hugged Youze Longgui into Long Gui's bedroom, and Long Gui lay softly in Long Tianxiang's arms, watching Long Tianxiang affectionately, and Long Tianxiang lowered his head and stared affectionately at her.Youze Longgui was ashamed by Long Tianxiang’s affectionate eyes, closed her beautiful eyes, raised her head slightly, and put on her slightly sakura lips, her delicate red lips, round and round, Bright as ripe cherries.

Long Tianxiang kissed it, sucked hard, put his tongue into her mouth, exploring her fragrant tongue, Long Gui also put out his fragrant tongue empathetically, and let Long Tianxiang suck it softly and tenderly. After learning from Long Tianxiang, he began to suck Long Tianxiang's tongue awkwardly. After a while, he cooperated with Long Tianxiang like that.

After a long and sweet kiss, the kiss was so breathless that Ze Longgui could not breathe. They reluctantly separated and stared at each other affectionately. They had no words, because they all knew clearly that they would love each other forever.The pajamas on Long Gui faded from him very naturally, without pretense or pretentiousness. They attached to each other, sought each other, and gave each other the true meaning of love.They kissed deeply, each other's tongues entangled in each other's mouths, entangled and confused...

Long Gui’s breathing began to become rapid, and his chest began to rise and fall rapidly. The pair of not very plump but very firm breasts—the room kept swelling and trembling in front of Long Tianxiang’s chest, making Long Tianxiang very excited, and Long Tianxiang gently He put her on the bed, lowered his head and kissed her very elastic jade-milk, and kept stroking the sensitive parts of her body.

Long Tianxiang carefully looked at Ze Longgui’s charming carcass: she saw her round face, under the willow brows as light as distant mountains, bright apricot eyes with moving autumn waves, and the rosy cherry mouth, let Long Tianxiang couldn't let it go.A white and tender jade skin, smooth and smooth; a beautifully curvy figure, full of relief; plump jade arms, full of sensuality; towering jade-milk, just like two opposing jade peaks with two bright red peaks The colored nipples are like two bright and moving pearls; because the two nipples are too high, a deep canyon is formed between the two peaks, and underneath is a smooth and soft belly.

The charming slender waist is full of feminine charm, full of sexy; spring onion-like thighs, plump and tender, with pink makeup and jade; the triangle at the base of the thigh, the shaggy yin-the hair is fluffy and slightly curled, arranged in an orderly manner The small hill like a steamed bun is covered with a bright red flesh-slit, and a protruding and ruddy clitoris in the middle of the flesh-slit, like a ruby, is dotted on this beautiful small hole, the whole Small-holes are like peach blossoms dripping with dew, beautifully beautiful.Youze Longgui exudes the warm and charming fragrance that is unique to a virgin, floating into Long Tianxiang's nostrils, twitching the heartstrings of Long Tianxiang.

At this time, Long Gui was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, constantly moaning-groaning, screaming, making Long Tianxiang's whole body scorching hot, and his desires, fires, and emotions burned like emotions.Long Tianxiang suppressed her, pressed on the beautiful and moving body, ready to enjoy this unmanned paradise, and let Youze Longgui get the supreme happiness.

Long Tianxiang’s baby just rubbed back and forth between her petals and the "ruby", and was not in a hurry to get in, but Youze Longgui was so excited by Long Tianxiang, her body trembled, her yin-household unconsciously Desperately pushing upwards, the baby broke through the hymen when Long Tianxiang's depression and her upright were both pressed together.

"Ah." Yuzawa Longgui ended his girlhood after a painful cry.

Chapter 55

Long Tianxiang had also planned to take Ruoruo to play in this world after Ye Yi and a few females also entered the [Dragon Realm] practice, but [Dragon Realm] has recently entered the final stage of evolution, so that he can’t just do whatever he wants. Life again.

He must find a place as soon as possible to concentrate on cultivation, enter the ethereal realm with all his heart, and personally experience the changes in [Heavenly Dragon Realm], because this is related to the future changes of [Heavenly Dragon Realm]. As the master of [Heavenly Dragon Realm], [Heavenly Dragon Realm] said he is the God of Creation, and [Heavenly Dragon Realm]'s future development depends on him.His will determines the future of [Sky Dragon Realm].In the final stage of [Sky Dragon Realm], he has to decide the rules in [Sky Dragon Realm], which is the future development direction of [Sky Dragon Realm].

The laws of [Heavenly Dragon Realm] also determine whether the beings born in [Heavenly Dragon Realm] can become the key to cultivators.If the laws in [Tianlongjie] tend to be the five elements, then their future development direction will be close to our Eastern system.Other elements that tend to be outside of the five elements will develop in a Western way.Of course, if Long Tianxiang can integrate the Five Elements Rule and the Elemental Law into the [Tianlong Realm] at the end, then the laws in [Tianlong Realm] will form the Law of Chaos, and a variety of abilities will appear.If this is the case, Long Tianxiang's own strength will also change, and it will be easier to perceive "Tao".

Every saint has his own world. The Buddhist saints have three thousand worlds. Although they have many worlds, they are not very big. They are all small worlds. The three thousand small worlds add up to be similar to the big world of other saints. Big.Because they have many worlds and the laws are more chaotic, they are not complete laws. Only when they are integrated together can they form a complete law, but this kind of ability can only be achieved by the saints.So Buddhism has the most cultivation methods, but none of them are advanced.

The strength of the saint's world determines the strength of its own strength.They not only rely on their own strength, but also on the power of the world.The power of a world is so powerful, so the saints will not do it easily, otherwise the world will fall apart at every turn.Lead to the destruction of thousands of worlds.

After being sanctified, the saints will open up a small world to live in the chaos void.Only Chaos Void can bear the pressure of their saints.In a world like the world of the gods of death, the aura that the saint exudes can crush it.So the saints themselves are not free, but when they are bored, they can indeed separate part of their spiritual knowledge and enter the world to play freely.Legend has it that "Lao Zi" is the incarnation of a certain Taoist saint.Shakyamuni was also the incarnation of a certain Buddhist saint.After Long Tianxiang's sanctification, his body must go to the Chaos Void to live.He can only use his avatar to appear in other worlds to continue his life of hunting beauty.

The benefits of incarnation are many. You can change yourself at will, or you can reincarnate in a certain world to re-experience a growing experience. The memory will wake up when you are an adult, normally at the age of 18.Of course, you can also choose to keep your memory after reincarnation.

Long Tianxiang chose to retreat in the underground world where Urahara once trained Ichigo. In order to prevent being disturbed, he placed a ban around him.His daughter Ruoruo was entrusted to Long Xiaoya to take care of her.Long Tianxiang estimates that this retreat will be between two women and four years.

Long Tianxiang has now fully understood the law of time and space, and the law of the five elements is also roughly understood, but he has not realized much of the law of elements.Time and space are his own abilities, which are easy to realize.The Five Elements Rule also has previous experience.It's not like the earliest ones, although they all need their own understanding bit by bit.But to integrate the law into your own world, you must do it when the world is about to evolve, so Long Tianxiang is much luckier than the previous saints.It will be much easier for them to understand the laws after they are sanctified, but they cannot be integrated into the world.So the final stage of world evolution is the most important.

Since the birth of those innate saints, no acquired saints have been born, and Long Tianxiang will be the first.Although there are many transversal people, they are not as lucky as Long Tianxiang, because after Long Tianxiang was reborn, he suffered from the body of Xuanyang, which was rare for thousands of years. He also has a special cultivation method for the cultivation of the body of Xuanyang. Burning Body.So Long Tianxiang is the luckiest one.Whether he can comprehend the law of chaos in [Heavenly Dragon Realm] is the key to whether he can advance to the heavens in the future.The saint is in control of the laws of heaven and earth, the law of heaven is the law of chaos, and the "dao" is the law of the origin."Origin" is the beginning and end of everything.But "Tao" controls the original development invisibly.Therefore, everything has a beginning and an end. The heavens and the earth follow an invisible trajectory. They are following the origin, rebirth and reincarnation.

Chapter 56

Long Tianxiang has been in retreat for three years, and what happened in the world of death in these three years is consistent with the animation.The difference is that Aizen was not sealed, nor defeated by Ichigo, but was killed at Absolute Zero by Bessugaya in the final battle with Hitsugaya in the virtual circle.At that time, Airan had completely merged with collapsed jade, and he used the jie that he had never used before, "The Truth of Vientiane" (I made up myself).

It is to create a world similar to an illusion, in which Aizen's attacks are very powerful, and everything inside is aggressive.Flowers and plants are all blue dyed weapons, and they will be really injured if they are attacked.Therefore, only the absolute zero of Hissugaya can have a solution to the destruction of Aizen: the reality of Vientiane.Others can't help it.Hisugaya’s Absolute Zero ice sealed Aizen's entire Vientiane world and cracked Aizen's swastika, but he also tried his best and almost lost his ability.Aizen's swastika was destroyed, and he himself was frozen in the world of his creation, and was shattered along with his Vientiane world.

And Ichigo is not bad, it is completely free to blur, and it is not limited by time, and the full manifestation technique is the same as in the anime, and it is married to Long Xiaoya created by Long Tianxiang.He has not lost his ability like in anime.And our stunned green tea crossing Taihu actually caught up with the poisonous peak Liluka, and Ishida Yulong was even more amazing to get together with the black beauty Jackie Tristan.They are all the feelings cultivated when participating in the virtual circle battle.The rest is the same as in the anime plot.

It's just that Hlibel is more out of the list. She became the king of the virtual circle and abducted Shiba Rock Eagle from the Soul World. As for how the two of them got together, no one knew.If Long Tianxiang knew that Hlibel and Poison Peak Liluka had been abducted by Chadu Taihu and Shiba Iwajiu, I don't know how he would feel.When Nilu came to this world, she met Long Tianxiang's daughter Ruoruo. She was a child and became very good friends with Ruoruo.And has stayed in this world without participating in the battle of the virtual circle.

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