Zong Manzhi is just to survive

The Story Is Just To Live Chapter 67

Yagomaru Lisa has now returned to the corpse soul world Jingling Garden and has become the captain of the second division under Shiba Iwawashi.Ichigo and Long Xiaoya also lived in the Jingling Garden.Ichigo assumed the position of captain of the juvenile team.Hisugaya was promoted to the captain of the mysterious zero division, and Kurosaki Ichigo's father was the deputy captain.The rest is the same as in the anime, the damn it is dead.

Now that Nilu is left by Ruoruo, Long Tianxiang can start at any time in the future.But Lisa Yagomaru is more troublesome. She is in the soul world, Long Tianxiang is more difficult to start, and he has no time to pursue it, because he will immediately leave the world of death and go to the chaos void when he ends his retreat.Because his exit means that he is about to become holy, and he must leave this world immediately.

And all the wives of Long Tianxiang who practiced in [Tianlongjie] are now sober.They have been cultivating in the [Heavenly Dragon Realm] for too long, and now they all gather together to observe the [Heavenly Dragon Realm] that is about to evolve.Because they enlightened the Tao in [Heavenly Dragon Realm], all the women can control some laws in [Heavenly Dragon Realm].It's just that the control is different.For example, Bouma, who was the first to retreat, controlled more laws than Yeyi and others.

Moreover, the strength of Buma and the others finally reached the realm of "Tianjin" in the god level.And all the girls in the god of death are now in the realm of "god man" in the god level.All the girls are now gods of [Tianlong Realm], and they work together to open up a world in the sky of [Tianlong Realm], that is, the God Realm of [Tianlong Realm].[Humans have now been born in the Heavenly Dragon Realm, plus the beasts, Pokémon and their offspring born before, it is already very prosperous.Except for the Pokémon and the original beasts, humans and the beasts born after the day do not have any abilities. That is because Long Tianxiang has not yet completed the creation of the laws in [Dragon World].

These humans are protected by Pokémon.Their current life is still extremely primitive.The girls couldn't help them, because as the gods of this world and their girls, they can only rely on them to adapt to the world, and then slowly evolve towards civilization.This is a world and something that a race must experience.Climbing to the sky in one step is not conducive to world development.No matter what, you have to experience it yourself.Otherwise, where does the history come from?History is an experience.There is no memory only after experience, and no memory is equivalent to walking dead, meaningless.

(The things that happened in the past three years have not been written in detail, but everyone has watched the death anime and knows the plot inside, so I didn't write it in detail. I hope you will understand.)

Chapter 57: Leaving the Death God Realm

On this day, Long Xiaoya, who was chatting with Ichigo in the Jingling Garden, and Hisugaya who was busy at work, and Xiaoli, the captain of the fourth division who was trained by Long Tianxiang, received the transmission of Long Tianxiang, which is Long Tianxiang. To leave this world.Long Tianxiang was saying goodbye to them.I couldn't meet them because of the lack of time.This is Long Tianxiang's transmission to them just after the retreat.Long Tianxiang also taught Hissugaya a set of "Cold Ice Jue".Hisugaya was moved and cried. He knew that Long Tianxiang had not forgotten him, and he still remembered that his named disciple, when he was about to leave, passed him a technique.Compared to Hisugaya, Xiaoli was even more moved. She did not expect Long Tianxiang to remember herself. She was just a small person who trained for a week as the successor trained by Long Tianxiang for Uozhihualie. Long Tianxiang is leaving this The world still remembers to say goodbye to her.Long Xiaoya’s feelings for Long Tianxiang are quite special. She was just a substitute puppet of Rukia made by Long Tianxiang, and then she had her own consciousness and was reshaped by Long Tianxiang, giving her life and strength. And recognized her as a daughter.In fact, she didn't have much contact with Long Tianxiang.But in any case, Long Tianxiang is the person who created her to give her life, and she is also her nominal father. Her mood is the most complicated, with sadness and joy, joy more than sadness.What she likes is not that Long Tianxiang left, but that Long Tianxiang did not forget her daughter when he left.

As soon as Long Tianxiang came out of the retreat, the world of death began to tremble. Everyone, whether human, death, or imaginary, felt a great deal of pressure. Long Tianxiang did not dare to stay longer, and teleported directly to the Jingling Court to be taken care of by Long Xiaoya. With her daughter Long Ruoruo, she took Ruoruo and Nilu, who was with Ruoruo, into the [Dragon World].Then he teleported to two places again, which was only accomplished in an instant, but the god of death trembled even more.Long Tianxiang left as soon as he went to that place, then broke through time and space and disappeared inside.The world of death returned to peace.The power of the saint is different. Before Long Tianxiang has been officially sanctified, his power has caused oppression on the world of death.It was not caused by Long Tianxiang, but the power nature of the world of death was too low to bear the pure high-level power of the saint.The qualitative difference between power is too great.

After Long Tianxiang left, the old man Yamamoto held a captain meeting again.

"You guys will immediately check what happened to the tremor just now, how it was caused. It actually made the whole world tremble, and what is the suffocating feeling. And why Captain Yagomaru Lisa didn't come. ?" said the old man Yamamoto.

"No, I know what's going on. The strength just now was caused by the adult, but he has left this world and went to a higher level. Captain Yagomaru Lisa did not come, I guess it was The adult took away." The fourth division captain Xiaoli said.

"What? You said that the person who trained you was the one who caused the whole world to tremble? He has such a powerful force?" The old man Yamamoto said in shock.

"Master Captain, you are right. This is the strength of that adult, and it is his extremely small strength. He has already sent me a goodbye message. I think it is the same with Hisugaya. So you There is no need to send someone to investigate. The adult has already left the world, so the shaking stopped." Xiaoli explained.

After hearing Xiaoli's words, everyone was shocked and did not speak.

After a while, the old man Yamamoto soberly said: "Now that you know the whole story, let's end the meeting."

The captains left one after another, but Xiaoli stopped Ukitake Shiro.

"Captain Floating Bamboo, please stay, I have something to give to you." Xiaoli called.

"Oh? What's the matter?" Floating Bamboo asked in confusion.

"It's a pill. The adult said it can cure your illness. He said Ise Nanao asked him to refine it for you." Xiaoli explained.

"Oh? Really? I didn't expect Nanao would still care about me, her former boss. I thought she had forgotten me." Ukitake Shirirou said sadly.

"I have handed the medicine to you, and I have to leave beforehand." Xiaoli looked at Fuzhu's pale face and wanted to care about it, but she didn't know what to say, so she could only leave with an excuse.

Chapter 58

It is said that after Long Tianxiang left the world of death, he did not stop moving forward.He has been breaking through time and space one after another, heading to the highest level of chaos.It broke through several time and space almost every second, and finally reached the periphery of Chaos Void after half an hour.He finally could no longer suppress the power in his body.The majestic and unparalleled power exploded in the periphery of the chaos void, bursting out billions of light.In the God Realm at the bottom of the Chaos Void, countless gods couldn't breathe under the power of Long Tianxiang.Then the sky was full of clouds, and the spirit of the entire God Realm was rioting, and it had to converge towards Long Tianxiang from time to time.The chaotic power of Chaos Void is the same.It lasted more than an hour before stopping.The power of the gods and men under the pressure of Long Tianxiang is slowly growing under the sunlight. This is also the benefit of the saints when they are born.And a sacred beam of light descended from the void to cover Long Tianxiang's body.At the same time, a dragon and phoenix composed of spiritual energy appeared in the sky, and the dragon and phoenix screamed through the sky.The beam of light disappeared after half an hour, and Long Tianxiang stood in the void with his eyes closed, calmly.After a few seconds, he opened his eyes, and the two golden lights flashed away.Then the sky and the earth warned, the new Christmas born, and all the creatures of the God Realm worshipped in the direction of Long Tianxiang.

After accepting their worship, Long Tianxiang disappeared. He appeared in the depths of the chaotic void, where there was something wrapped in a light ball. Long Tianxiang stepped forward and took it away.It is a sword, a dragon-shaped sword.Long Tianxiang knew that this was the innate treasure'Tianlong Sword' rewarded by Heaven.Long Tianxiang heard the metaphor of heaven in the golden light.So come here to find his own innate treasure.Because after every saint is sanctified, Heaven will reward an innate treasure.Used to open up the world in the chaos, as his future residence.And the innate treasure is to suppress this world.Because the chaotic aura in the chaotic void is too violent, it must be suppressed by the innate treasure.Therefore, most of the innate treasures of the saints are not used for combat.Of course, if he has a few, it's a different matter.

Long Tianxiang opened up a world the size of a Quiet Spirit Garden in the chaos void, as a place for him to live in the future.Saints cannot go to the bottom world, but they can appear casually in the gods.Otherwise, who wants to be holy, what else to play without freedom?

Long Tianxiang's sanctification was a major event, because he was the first acquired saint, so he alarmed the other saints.They didn't come to congratulate themselves, but they all sent their disciples to congratulate them and gave a lot of things.Can the things sent by the saint be worse?They are all superb.And the one who gave the house was not an ordinary house, but an innate spiritual treasure class house.Long Tianxiang was worrying about the mansion now, and it was formed now, he was extremely happy.This magic weapon house is magnified and located in the center of the world opened by Long Tianxiang. It is an ancient palace house.Very solemn and majestic.And it's very big.Long Tianxiang released all his wives from [Tianlongjie], let them visit, and choose the room they like.Of course, the big imperial room in the middle is a paradise for Long Tianxiang and his wives.

As soon as the girls came out, they began to observe their surroundings.And a girl stood there blankly, not knowing what happened.She is the result of Long Tianxiang disappearing twice in the Jingling Garden.One time, I went to Xuquan to send Shiba Iwajiu a letter from Feng Zhibo Konghe to his brother.It was her once.She is Yagomaru Lisa.She was taken into the [Dragon World] by Long Tianxiang without her knowledge.But Nilu is very happy, with Ruoruo, she can go anywhere.

Looking at Yagomaru Lisa somehow explaining to her, Long Tianxiang hid in a room to check other gifts.These gifts are all given by legendary figures.There are Eastern Taoist saints and Buddhist saints.There are saints from the West and the North.Anyone is a famous person.They are all superb cows that can only be heard in myths and legends, and now Long Tianxiang is on the same level with them.Had to make Long Tianxiang excited.Although he was sanctified, Long Tianxiang didn't have much personality.Not at all as majestic as other saints, indifferent to joy and anger.

It was the girls who understood the truth, pulled Yagamaru Lisa and explained something to her, and continued to comfort her.Long Tianxiang looked all these things in his eyes, and Yagomaru Lisa's dazed, horrified, and angry expressions fell in his eyes.With a guilty conscience, he did not dare to come out to see Lisa Yagomaru.

The comic is just to survive _ Hokage (Chapter 1-10).txt

Chapter 1 Coming to Hokage

Long Tianxiang lives in Chaos Void's own palace, plays with the wives every day, and takes them to the God Realm when he has time. Life is so happy.But there are also times when he suffers. Although Lisa Yagomaru is in a better mood and no longer hates Long Tianxiang, she still can’t forgive Long Tianxiang for taking the force into captivity without her consent. Seeing Long Tianxiang is a while. Beating and scolding, Long Tianxiang's body was not painful for her to beat.So she took a knife and slashed at Long Tianxiang to vent her dissatisfaction.She knew that this wouldn't hurt Long Tianxiang, she just wanted to bring some pain to Long Tianxiang.Long Tianxiang didn't care, so he was scratching it.Looking at the angry Yagomaru Lisa every day is also a great joy for Long Tianxiang.

Just living a happy-yao life in the chaos, Long Tianxiang also checked the three sons of the lower world. They are doing very well now, and Long Tianxiang told them. He said his own affairs, and wants to take it. They came to meet in the chaos and were rejected. They didn't want to return to the chaos. They had to play for a few more years.Long Tianxiang cured Nilu's body and restored the appearance of that mature royal sister.And teach her to practice with Yagomaru Lisa.

When all the wives are fine, they will enter the [Dragon World] to play.[Heavenly Dragon Realm] The law in the world was created by Long Tianxiang into the law of chaos. The time inside was also functioning normally when the world was over, and the people inside had already begun to touch the cultivation method.There are abilities, magic, and kung fu.But they are all very basic things, not very esoteric, and they have to be studied and created slowly.

After happily spending a few years in the chaos, Long Tianxiang wanted to go to the world below to play again. This time it was not the body, but the spiritual consciousness clone.His body has to stay in the chaos to accompany the wives, and his body cannot go to the lower planes.Time can obliterate everything.Youdao has been in love for a long time. After a few years, Yagomaru Lisa and Nilu could not resist Long Tianxiang's stalker and fell in love with Long Tianxiang, but Long Tianxiang did not attack them. Anyway, there will be time in the future.Ruoruo's appearance has grown a little bit, only a little bit.

Today, Long Tianxiang split up a bit of spiritual knowledge and transformed into a clone, ready to go to the next world to play.The age of this clone Long Tianxiang is ten years old.Long Tianxiang chose the plane of the Naruto World, and prepared to send the clone to that world.But this time Long Tianxiang's clone didn't have any power, and Long Tianxiang was going to let the clone cultivate and grow together with the people in Naruto World.Have a good time in that world.But before going, the body has prepared two partners for the clone, two beautiful partners.They are Saber Altria, who was just summoned by the male protagonist, and the female protagonist Rin Tosaka, whom Long Tianxiang found for the clone from the world of "Fate Night".Breaking through the space channel leading directly to the Naruto World, the clone Long Tianxiang got in.

The time when Ryu Tianxiang appeared was also set by the body long ago, which was the same period as Uchiha Itachi.It was also the year Uchiha Itachi was promoted to Nakanin when he was ten years old.

Long Tianxiang appeared in the forest not far from Konoha Village.After he appeared for a while, Altria and Tosaka Rin were also sent to him by the body.

"Are you the one we want to protect from now on? Really, who are you, why the mysterious person doesn’t say anything, just let us protect the first child we see, otherwise we won’t let us go back Go to the original world. The strength of that person is really terrifying. The Holy Grail we are fighting for will not have the ability to send people to other worlds, right?" Tosaka Rin complained when he saw Long Tianxiang's clone.(From now on, Long Tianxiang's clone will not be added to the word'Clone' in Naruto World.)

"Yeah, I am the person you want to protect. My name is Long Tianxiang. How about you?" Long Tianxiang asked pretendingly.At the same time, the eyes were looking at the two girls.The best, the absolute best beauties, especially the cold and arrogant Altria, is even more beautiful.Had it not been for his current identity as a 10-year-old kid, he would have been drooling.

"This is Rin Tosaka." Rin Tosaka said generously.

"I'm Saber." Altria said.

"Oh? What about my real name? I don't know how to remember English names." Long Tianxiang said.

"Real name? I...My name is Altria." Altria hesitated and said.

"Hello, please take care of both of you in the future." Long Tianxiang said friendly.

"Don't worry, we will take good care of you in order to return to the original world," Rin Tosaka said.

"Yeah." Altria responded.

Then let's go out first.Long Tianxiang walked out of the woods as he said, and the two women followed behind.

Chapter 2 Entering Konoha

"Stop, who are you? What are you doing here?" The three of Long Tianxiang were stopped by guards as soon as they reached Konoha's gate.

"Oh, we came here to learn ninjutsu. Our home was destroyed by a group of mysterious people, and the family died. We know that ninjutsu here is the most powerful, so if we come here to learn ninjutsu, we will die. The people of the people avenge." Long Tianxiang pretended to be full of hatred.

"Oh? Then who are you two of them? It seems that they are a bit strong. Why do you come here to study?" a guard asked.

"They are my foreign sisters, who have always protected me. They only know ordinary physical skills, they can't know ninjutsu, and we can't get revenge if they don't know ninjutsu." Long Tianxiang explained.

"We don't know if what you said is true or false, we can't be the lord, you wait, I will report to Master Naruto. See if he will accept you in." A guard said.

"Thank you, big brother, thank you very much." Long Tianxiang pretended to be grateful.

"No thanks, you can wait here first. I'll go to inform you." The guard went into the village to report after he said it.

After a while, the guard came out and said to the three of Long Tianxiang: "You follow me in, we Hokage Master wants to see you."

"Thank you, this big brother, you have helped us lead the way." Long Tianxiang thanked him.

"No thanks, this is my duty, do you need to thank me." the guard said.

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