Zongman: Beginning with the Killer Queen

Chapter 389 Question and Answer with Aleister


Roland made a confused sound.

Wait...what's going on?

Roland has always been curious about the fate of this world.

Because Qi Ling has a strong ability to get things done, he has basically never encountered a world that develops according to the original work.

But even so, he also understood that the advantages brought by the prophet were unparalleled.

Perhaps the character's situation will change completely because of the storm stirred up by the butterfly Qi Ling.

But even if there are profound changes, the weaknesses, strengths, and essence of that character's character will not change because of the changes in the story.

At most, it's just a branch line like a parallel world.

So during the first invasion, although he was bound by gravity and unable to explore freely, Roland was also using the Demon God to sort out the power system at the core of the world.

As a result, he hadn't even started his conspiracy yet, so why did the world style change?

It's too strange to suddenly have a superpower fight between the realms of demons and phases.

Aleister, in Roland's mind, could only represent one world.

"A Certain Magical Index?" Roland's eyes looked a little strange.

To be honest, compared to the title of this work, the first impression this story left on him was that Academy City was very fashionable and there were all kinds of superpowers.

Although it cannot be said that it has nothing to do with magic, the heroine who descended from the sky and the story line related to her really have no memory points for Roland, who has only briefly watched the animation.

This is a world that has not been invaded by contract spirits. Even a demon like Othinus is a pure native.

Judging from the information Roland has collected now, this story may not really be a headline-grabbing one.

The development trajectory of this world seems to be so parallel, and its main line is really inseparable from magic.

The story drawn from Academy City may just be a bright line to attract firepower.

The hidden thread involving the devil and the big and small people on this road is the truth behind it.

Roland suppressed the strange emotions in his heart and carefully recalled everything that the name Aleister represented.

The Hanged Man, at first glance, is the mastermind behind some conspiracy. He behaves ruthlessly and coldly, but judging from his temperament, his purpose does not seem to be an evil villain commonly seen in hot-blooded comics.

To be honest, Aleister's relationship with the original protagonist gave Roland a familiar sense of déjà vu.

Just like the father and son duo of Ikari Shinji and Ikari Gendo.

This similarity in temperament was just Roland's arbitrary decision, and he was just a mortal at that time.

But after all, he was looking at it from God's perspective, so he didn't feel that this premonition was worthless.

However... even if it is clear that Aleister may be the source of most of the incidents, it is not surprising that there are one or two hidden identities.

But Roland still couldn't let go.

The chairman of Academy City is actually a magician. This is probably a setting that even science fiction novels would not dare to adopt easily.

And even though he has studied it to this extent, he still doesn't believe anything. This guy is also very talented in a sense.

The Christian religion did not give birth to its own demon god.

But Roland still understood from the distribution of phase sparks that in the current surface phase, the forces that believe in it are still the mainstream.

Even if this reason is most likely because the demon gods do not care about the spread of knowledge about their aspects in the world, to achieve this, the Cross Religion must have its own unique advantages.

This sect does not deny the existence of other spiritual beings, but it only believes that other spiritual beings are not "creators" but "created beings", so they cannot be called "gods" and are not objects of worship.

Such characteristics can easily absorb the concepts of other sects and classify them into angels and demons to complete the logical closed loop, so there are many believers.

However, this broad road and overly grand description make the path of the devil in this aspect much more difficult than other aspects.

After all, if they believe in the same god, they can be divided into several self-contained sects.

And in a strict sense, although different branches interpret the original text in very different directions.

But if all goes well, these roads can all lead to the final return.

Therefore, even if you just draw on the theory, because of the diversity of paths, it is natural for even non-religious magicians to become pan-believers of this aspect.

A heretic in a superposition state like Aleister is truly a talent that may not emerge even in two thousand years.

Working with people like this sucks in every sense of the word.

Even if they haven't met yet, Roland can guess from his contradictory identity that Aleister is probably the kind of person who will make the world an enemy of you if you take the initiative to make him an enemy, and he still looks innocent. figure.

However, judging from the troubles and enemies we are currently facing, it is hard to say who will trick whom by then?

In terms of compatibility, this guy might really be a perfect match for me.

Not only are they trapped in one place, unable to move, but also that when they are in this state, they all have an increasingly strong fire of obsession.

Just as Roland was thinking about how to speak, suddenly, new handwriting slowly took shape on the half of the history book he held.

That's the question from the other side.

"What do you ask for?"

Such a question made Roland raise his eyebrows, and his expression suddenly became subtle.

There was no need for him to take the initiative to contact him. The man named Aleister overcame the temptation of the history books, understood its most essential usage, and even turned against the guest.

It was as if he was the one who wanted to fulfill Roland's wish.

"...I was given the upper hand."

Roland sighed, his eyes shining with interest.

Although judging from the way of use, the identities of the two are evil gods and believers respectively, but in terms of status, they are actually equal.

Roland from outside the boundary has to rely on Aleister from within to come, and Aleister also hopes that Roland can be a help in his wish.

Under such a premise, both of them need to confirm each other's will and bottom line bit by bit, just like the last screening before joining the job.

"Do you want to test my path now and prepare to seize the initiative in the future?"

Roland chuckled.

In negotiations, such an attitude will indeed make those who feel unsure feel at a loss.

But for Roland, who originally planned to reveal everything, such an aggressive attitude suited him exactly.

Without any hesitation, he wrote his reply in the history book.

“—Beyond Heaven.”

This is not the full picture of Roland's purpose, but it is undoubtedly a sincere statement without any falsehood.

Since Aleister has such an in-depth study of the aspects of Christianity, he will definitely understand the meaning of this sentence.

Aleister wanted to pry into his will, and Roland also wanted to see the other person's capabilities.

Whether it is the party asking the question or the party answering, it is a two-way choice.


School District 7.

This is a school district in Academy City that is dominated by high school and junior high school students.

For a city that is nominally aiming to revitalize education, students in these two age groups can be said to be the city's flagship and mainstream population.

Therefore, it should be regarded as the center of Academy City.

Even so, when it comes to this iconic building in the central area, compared to various bustling commercial buildings and famous schools with international reputations, people will still choose the same answer.

A building with no windows.

As the name suggests, this white building, which is a hundred meters high, has no entrances or exits such as doors, windows, or even vents.

Such a special nature has long made it a part of urban legend in Academy City.

But unlike most urban legends that have no chance of being verified, no one can decipher the truth even if this building that will not move voluntarily will always stand there.

From the perspective of those who know the inside story, this is perfectly normal behavior.

Because more than the building itself, what really scares them is the character living in it.

It is the residence of Aleister Crowley, the true ruler of the city and the current Overlord.

As if to adapt to the chairman who never shows his face, this building has the characteristics of being completely enclosed, having an internal self-circulating environment, and being able to block cosmic rays.

But what’s truly stunning is what’s inside the building.

You can't even see the top from the bottom, it seems like the space will extend infinitely.

It will not change due to reasons such as altitude, and the air pressure, temperature, and humidity will always be constant.

Continuing upward, you can even see artificial stars and the moon. The appearance is a five-pointed star and a crescent moon with a diameter of several meters. Even the artificial gravity opposite them is reproduced.

After walking through the last section of the huge spiral staircase, you will be on the top floor of outer space.

Occupants within it can simply look down and see the extended earth.

Although it is far from comparable to Roland's Temple of Infinite Time in terms of scale and realism, as a prototype created by humans, it is enough to be called a masterpiece.

Just as Roland's temple serves himself, the core of this building is not a false starry sky, but a tempered glass cylinder filled with red liquid that is tens of meters long in a wide space.

Although there is no natural light, the numerous signal lights and screens keep the brightness in the room low despite the lack of natural light due to the large number of cables extending from the walls and floors of the room.

In this carefully prepared life support device, a man wearing a green surgical suit with long silver hair reaching his ankles opened his eyes in the dim light for the first time in a long time.

Because his body is in hibernation, most of his thinking is assisted by machines.

But today's situation is obviously not a problem that can be left to the device and left alone.

"Aleister, why did you stop answering?"

Inside the device, where there was only the cold sound of mechanical operation, and even the sound of breathing was almost non-existent, plain but noisy words suddenly sounded.

A tall, shining angel with long golden hair appeared in front of Aleister.

From the loose white cloth covering her limbs and torso, her gender could not be determined at all. She could only be classified as female from her appearance.

However, when you see the simple and profound halo above her head, even the recognition of her as a woman will gradually become blurred in the mystery from the other side.

"I'm thinking, Aiwass, this is a Q\u0026A across the abyss, and every opportunity to speak counts."

Aleister said calmly in a voice that was imitated by a machine without any characteristics, without any sadness or joy.

There was no delay in the question-and-answer session between him and the angel named Aiwass, but despite this, neither of them focused their gazes on each other, but instead stared at the same thing invariably.

It was cut into half haphazardly and floated in the air, as if it were a piece of paper torn from some book.

This is something that travels from the Tree of Life, which has great significance in the Kabbalistic aspects and symbolizes the realm of God.

As the greatest magician in this century, Aleister once used the blood of three doves to summon the great demon guarding the abyss in an attempt to cross the abyss.

Although that experience was interrupted due to an accident, he still came into contact with the source of knowledge hidden in the Tree of Life, and benefited a lot from it.

He knew the dangers involved, so he needed to deal with them with more caution.

If the cost of just touching this piece of paper and using Aiwass as a catalyst was still within his tolerance, further contact would need to be seriously considered.

【What do you want? 】

【Beyond Heaven. 】

After the silence lasted for more than fifty seconds, Aleister looked at the two lines of writing and said calmly: "Isn't it a demon?"

He has already made his own judgment on this issue, but the performance of being able to modify the phase arbitrarily just by writing words is too much like a demon.

Even if this piece of paper falls into the hands of a real demon, they will probably regard it as a work of the same kind.

Regarding this question that has been repeated many times, Aiwass shook his head as always.

"It's not them..."

Aleister was lost in thought.

He does not doubt Aiwass's judgment, but under the influence of his own characteristics, it has long been his habit to confirm certain things many times so that he can have a way to recover after he loses control.

Not the Demon God, or any other being known to him.

A strange visitor that he didn't know, but could cross over from the end of the abyss and give a signal.

"Unknown changes..."

Aleister murmured softly and looked at Aiwass again.

After feeling Aleister's will, Aiwass also slightly raised the corner of his mouth.

She was once in the position of a summoned one, imparting knowledge to Aleister.

At that time, she was responsible for dictating and Aleister was responsible for recording. Unexpectedly, their roles would be completely reversed.

Aiwass used his hand as a pen and wrote down Aleister's question.

"What is the so-called Kingdom of Heaven?"

"It is the reality and future that cannot be changed."

Seeing the same clean answer as before, Aleister spoke again.

"Even if we know the truth and future that cannot be changed, what can we do?"

The being on the other side seemed to pause for a moment because of this seemingly controversial issue.

But this pause does not seem to be because of the need to think, but more like nostalgia.

Aleister judged this, and then looked at the new lines of writing.

"If you know the future, you can be prepared for enlightenment. Only those who are prepared for enlightenment... can achieve happiness."

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