Zongman: Beginning with the Killer Queen

Chapter 390 The tacit understanding between Roland and Aleister

"Can only those who are enlightened achieve happiness?"

Aleister did not dislike the idea of ​​seeing heaven as the future.

Rather, this view is actually the most objective truth of the world.

From the perspective of the physical phase of the universe, whether it is the sun or the light of stars, they actually come from the distant past.

The same is true for human beings. What they are experiencing now was actually destined long ago.

An abnormal magician who relies on magic in order to find a way out, as the phases become superimposed and distorted due to the arbitrary actions of the demon gods.

Their existence will continue to accumulate phase sparks, allowing the world to always walk on uncontrollable accidents and the future.

The former Aleister was also one of them.

At that time, he was deeply arrogant about his own talents, thinking that he was a genius who could easily change the future of the world and make the times leap forward.

Just like all young people who are just starting out and don't know what the world is like, Aleister's style and personality at that time perfectly corresponded to this adjective.

The only difference between him and this description is that

——Aleister is really a genius.

So he is embraced by gold, chased by knowledge, and even favored by the end of the road.

At a very young age, he became one of the best magicians in the world. Under the protection of the association's secret treasure, he was different from other magicians who had to transfer the price.

Even the phase sparks who treated him equally had forgiven him, and Aleister had been living without any sense of crisis, walking on his own path of seeking the truth as a magician standing at the top of the world.

Until the bullet he shot when he was young hit him between the eyebrows.

His daughter was given the fate of death by the phase spark, a fact so heavy that he could not change it at all, destroying everything about Aleister.

This man has countless flaws and weaknesses, but it may be precisely because of this character that his love for his family has such a high and inviolable status in his heart.

After obtaining the secret treasure that could only protect him as a magician and could not be given to his daughter, Aleister developed a deep disgust for existences like magicians.

It was these beings who knew that cutting down the trees would turn the planet into a desert, but still didn't care whether people in the future would starve, killed his daughter.

What's even sadder is that he himself is no different from these people he spurns.

But this fact not only did not discourage Aleister, but further ignited the fire of hatred in his heart.

This flame is far deeper than that of Uchiha Obito who lost Nohara Rin.

The most important thing is that Aleister is not a child who can be satisfied just by creating a false world.

Even a phase that is more real than the illusion cannot extinguish his hatred.

What can truly satisfy him is a pure world that erases those hypocritical landscapes with colored eyes.

Even if you want to do this, you need to be truly hostile to the world.

He wants to destroy the anomaly called magic and destroy and eliminate all unnecessary phases. For this reason, he will not hesitate to fulfill his dream of killing the Demon God.

Because this essence that arises from revenge has long been forged into a consciousness that is as hard as iron and as dazzling as gold through repeated failures and setbacks.

Yes, what has supported Aleister to this point is not ambition, nor is it pure hatred.

It’s about creating the consciousness that can restore his happiness and create a new world where everyone can laugh and cry as a matter of course.

"The enlightened person who strives for happiness, Aleister, the reason why you are chased by this piece of paper is precisely because you have a very similar part to Him."

Aiwass said softly, looking away from the paper for the first time and looking at his contractor.

"This is good news and at least means there is a basis for us to be able to work together."

Aleister looked at the lines of writing with indifferent eyes, constructing an image of the person he was talking to in his mind.

Being able to say such words means that there is naturally a part of the other person's nature that he can understand.

"But it still needs to be confirmed that your evaluation of him is similar to mine. In this case, there is a high probability that the other party is also an out-and-out scumbag."

Aleister's words were very calm, but with a sense of confidence.

He has a very clear understanding of himself.

No matter what he thinks or does, he can bear the word scum.

Because of this, Aleister understands that people who can say the words "The enlightened are eternally happy" are not necessarily selfless.

Just like his purpose is also great.

But whether it is the means or the original intention to promote this goal, they all come from the ultimate selfishness.

However, Aiwass’s words are also correct.

After realizing that the other party could understand his motives, his interest in cooperation also greatly increased.

"The other party is an unknown existence that can cross the abyss and throw an olive branch. To guide his future at will may cause huge harm to the plan itself."

Aleister whispered to himself, and once again directed Aiwass to write down new questions on paper.

"Are you a god or a human being?"

"I am both a primitive human being and a god who will be born before he is born."

Ambiguous answer.

But it’s not like false words.

In the light of the instrument, Aleister's eyes could not help but reflect a faint light, showing no emotion.


"We can't tell whether he is lying. Judging from the poison contained in the words, this sentence has a certain degree of truth."

Aiwass's tone remained unchanged. She knew that Aleister didn't want to ask for an opinion, but was just trying to get support.

It didn't matter whether the other party was a god or a human. Aleister just wanted to know from this question his attitude and plan for facing him in the future.

The reason why Aiwass chose to cooperate with Aleister was largely because of his high purity.

After deciding to take revenge, he immediately launched a war against the association to which he belonged.

Both his master and his friends died in his hands.

Because when he decided to realize this wish, as the best magician, they were all mortal enemies who had to be excluded.

In the process of realizing this matter, Aleister's own emotions did not remain silent, but he never hesitated.

He knew very well that there was no room for compromise in this matter.

Once he is entangled in the unnecessary emotions in his heart during the process of revenge, leading to a compromise, Aleister will become an empty shell that gradually becomes dull.

Just like if the fate brought about by the phase spark had not befallen his family, or his family had been protected by the secret treasure, would he still be so determined to have the consciousness to destroy magic?

Aleister did not deny this possibility.

But whatever the possibility, he won't chase the past.

Therefore, in order to prevent this change, after destroying the association, he did not forget to turn his fangs towards the last mortal enemy.

A magician named Aleister Crowley.

He swallowed a poison called homemade and transformed himself with abnormal technology.

It negates the possibility that he will become a demon god during the implementation of the plan, leading to a cycle of the dragon-slaying warrior becoming a new evil dragon after the plan succeeds.

For this reason, Aleister was content even if he was burdened with the curse that every decision he made from now on would be doomed to failure.

Cooperating with angels or demons is not a burden to Aleister, but the devil is an exception.

But he didn't expect to get such a vague answer.

This kind of answer will only further aggravate one's suspicion compared to one party, so it should be very clear.

Or maybe the other party was really too honest and didn't understand his own hint.

After all, the viciousness contained in those brief words was not false.

Every sentence and every word that comes across the abyss can reflect its essence.

Although it is only a short page at the moment, if this thing is taken out of this building, it will become a magic book like the Dead Sea Script in the next moment.

Even if the weight of language can be hidden from himself, it is impossible to fool Aiwass.

The name of a god who is about to be born is not something that can be written casually.

"Demon, no... they are not qualified to bear such a name..."

Aleister could not guess what the other party was thinking, but after chewing on this line of text carefully, he still noticed something was wrong.

"He claims to be a primitive human being. If he were a born spirit, he would not be able to describe himself in such a way, nor would he step on the path of the devil."

He was never a devout believer, but he was by no means an unbeliever who despised everything.

Whether they are human beings or gods, they are all very special words.

Demon gods can distort the phase at will and construct all impossible rules.

But there are still underlying logics in the world that they cannot break through. The most obvious example is the world's barriers.

After a pause, Aleister suddenly spoke.

"So that's it. He's not using honesty to win my trust. He's just using candid words to hint at the source of all this."

A piece of paper whose origin cannot be determined, but whose phase can be changed.

It is contrary to the underlying logic of this world and a contradictory way of existence.

"—He comes from outside the world."

While Aleister was thinking, Aiwass's distant voice suddenly came over.

This was the first time Aleister heard Aiwass's voice so clearly since summoning the other party.

The joy hidden in the depths and some joyful expectations are all visible.

It was as if the veil had been removed, and the calm and peaceful true nature behind the emotions, anger, sorrow and joy was completely revealed.

She is an angel in the original phase that cannot be explained by the Bible or theology. Faced with this miracle, even demons and gods will be moved. It would be strange if there is no fluctuation at all.

As for the reason why the other party told this secret that was supposed to be hidden so readily, Aleister only thought about it for a moment and understood it.

The source of such an item cannot be traced, no matter how fanciful it is, it will inevitably make the holder doubt whether there is some ulterior conspiracy behind it.

Revealing this information to him, which would be targeted by all the demon gods if exposed, was both a kind of insurance and proof of complicity.

It is clear that he is from outside the world and can easily cross the world barrier to deliver a messenger, but he still does this. There are only two possibilities.

Either his condition is not as good as that of the Demon God and he needs an internal guide to hibernate, or he is brewing a greater plan and must be cautious at every step.

Aleister raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and in Aiwass' silent gaze, let the piece of paper covered with writing float towards him.

Since answering the previous question, the other party has not taken the initiative to ask questions.

This is not because the other party has a calm personality, but because he is waiting for his choice.

Aleister had a hunch that even if he continued to use Aiwass as a medium to ask questions, he might not get answers.

In this two-way choice, it's his turn to show sincerity.

So, after who knows how many years of silence, Aleister once again used his own will to welcome the contract from the abyss.

"What kind of god do you want to be in the future?"


This wonderful answer made Aleister look solemn.

The words that appeared on the half piece of paper in his hand were all conclusive. Seeing that there were only about four lines of space left, Aleister realized that there were not many opportunities left for him.

But I know that every extra line of text written will greatly reduce the value of the few pieces of paper left on the page.

But Aleister still did not hesitate to ask the question he wanted to know the most towards this being that had no human qualities.

"Who do you want to be in the future?"

Roland looked at Aleister, with a meaningful arc at the corner of his mouth.

Under Aleister's gaze, he gave the answer with a gentle tone that seemed to penetrate the other person's heart.


As if he heard a joke, Aleister closed his eyes and let this contract from the outside come to him completely.

"I'm Aleister Crowley."

"I'm Roland."

After telling each other their real names, Aleister's figure disappeared into this space.

The last two lines of this half piece of paper were also wasted in such a frivolous way.

They didn't even discuss the time of invasion.

Because there is no need to say more, and there is no need to communicate more.

The contract linked to this thin piece of paper and this only one meeting were enough for the two people standing at the gambling table to make their own choices.

Roland put away the half piece of paper in his hand and waited quietly.

After sensing Aleister's return to the present world, he penetrated into the world barrier in front of him without hesitation.

What was different from last time was that Roland had just touched multiple phases, and before the gravitational force that surged up from one of them touched him, another force of gravity had already locked onto him.

Although it was just their first meeting, there was a tacit understanding between Roland and Aleister like they had been friends for many years.

The surrounding phases passed crazily behind Roland like the scenery receding in a high-speed car.

This is completely different from the last time when he was gradually drawn into the real world under the influence of inertia, and it was much rougher.

Soon, the long-lost feeling of weightlessness and dizziness came one after another.

After just thinking for a moment, Roland came to the conclusion of his current situation——

He is falling.

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