The news broadcast by the TV station is for the entire island country, so Liangshanpo can also see this sudden urgent news.

"The Bear Country has an extremely cold prison in the Arctic and a deep sea prison 200 meters underwater."

"Being able to escape from such a harsh environment, it can be said that these death row prisoners are quite strong."

Misakikoshi Akiyu, who was carving the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in his hand in the dojo, shifted his attention after hearing the urgent news broadcast on the TV station.

As someone who had been trained in other parts of the world, he happened to have heard about the extremely cold prison and deep sea prison in the Arctic.

The former is built in the uninhabited area of the Arctic, and there is no human habitation within 50 kilometers around it. The latter is a deep sea prison 200 meters below the surface of the Pacific Ocean. If an ordinary person dares to go out without wearing a special diving suit, he will be directly crushed to death by the strong water pressure from the outside world.

Being able to escape from such a place made Misakikoshi Akiyu believe that the physical fitness of these death row prisoners has reached the level of martial artists.

"But I am curious, why do these people choose to come to Tokyo collectively?"

Don't fugitives usually choose to hide in a safer place directly after escaping from prison?

Why do these people choose to come to Tokyo at the same time?

"Is it something about Tokyo that attracts them?"

Just as Kasakoseji Akiyu was lost in thought, Niki Shio, who was drinking beside him, expressed his opinion

"I got some information about these guys from some of my friends who work for Interpol."

"how to say?"

"These guys are all very arrogant when they have strength. By the way, these guys all broke the news of the prison break after hearing the news that the world's strongest fighter was chosen in the private underground arena of the Tokugawa family."

"Qiu Yu, do you think these guys are here for the new fighting champion named Hanma Baki?"

As a martial artist, both Misaki Koshiji Qiuyu and Niki Chioko know the truth of the saying that civil and martial arts are the best, and martial arts are not second.

It is normal for some people to be impatient and challenge the title of the strongest fighting champion.

When he said this, Niki Chioko took a big sip of beer and continued

"But they are really some boring guys. Since they want to challenge the strong, wouldn’t it be better to come directly to our Liangshanpo?"

It’s no wonder that Nigui Zhixu thinks so. After all, beating up the challenger and throwing him to Misakikoshi Akiyu for treatment and then collecting the treatment fees is one of the extremely limited sources of income for Liangshanpo Dojo.

And if the other party is a wanted criminal, then you can also use those people in exchange for rewards.

Hmm. Wait, since these guys are jailbreaks, there should be a bounty, right?

Thinking of this, Nigui Zhixu wanted to call his acquaintance in the Metropolitan Police Department to ask for more details.

"Although that is the case, our Liangshanpo is a place that only other martial arts masters know about."

"As long as these people have not reached the level of this master, the world they know is only the outer world."

"Well, judging from the world these guys know, they might go to look for the young man named Fanma Baki."

Having said this, Misakikoshiji Akiyu stood up and prepared to go out for a while.

"These guys are vicious murderers after all. If they enter Tokyo again, they are likely to attack other ordinary people. I should go and deal with them first, right?"

Just when Misakikoshiji Akiyu thought so, he heard the voice of Xiangban Shigure who was maintaining the knife outside the door.

"Reverse Ghost...Are you going out?"

After hearing Shi Yu's words, Nigui Zhixu, who was about to walk out of the door, explained

"I'm sure you've heard the urgent news that was just broadcast?"

"It is not a good idea to let those vicious guys wander around in the outside world."

"I'll go get rid of them."

At this point, Nigui Zhixu also said another important reason.

"Also, I'm going to the Metropolitan Police Department to inquire about the bounty on these guys."

"Recently, our Liangshanpo Dojo has been in financial difficulties, so much so that even Meiyu has to go out to work to earn money? I think in this situation, I still have to make some contributions to the financial situation of the dojo."

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