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"President, I…I remember that I have nothing to do, so I’ll leave first."

Ishigami Yuu was frightened by Kaguya Shinomiya and his face turned pale. Tears fell from his eyes uncontrollably. He said to Shirogane Yuxing who was sitting at the desk in a trembling tone.

Without waiting for Shirogane Yuxing to reply, he fled the student union activity room as if escaping from a devil’s cave without looking back.

"Good afternoon, everyone!"

Not long after Ishigami Yu had just escaped, Fujiwara Chika's energetic voice came from outside the door, and then the door of the student union activity room was gently pushed open.

"Didn't senior Ishigami come? I told him again and again, but he still didn't come today. It seems that he should understand my dignity as a senior."

As soon as Fujiwara Chika entered the room, she glanced around the student union activity room, and then muttered to herself angrily, feeling that her dignity as a senior was seriously challenged by Ishigami Yu, and she had to let him understand what the dignity of a senior is.

【Ishigami Yu is definitely here, but he was scared away by Shinomiya Kaguya again. No wonder that guy came today. He was threatened by Fujiwara Chika. It seems that his future life will become much more difficult. 】

Hearing Fujiwara Chika's muttering, Shirogane Miyuki complained in his heart.

When he thought that Ishigami Yu's future life would be very difficult, Shirogane Miyuki was not worried about him, but smiled in his heart.

"Good afternoon, Chika-san."

Shinomiya Kaguya sat elegantly on the sofa, looking at Fujiwara Chika with a cold expression, but a hint of displeasure could still be seen in her eyes.

Just when Shinomiya Kaguya was about to give up and get the answer she wanted from Shirogane Miyuki, she heard a voice that sounded like a savior in her ears.

"President, I just saw a photo of you and Yuuki in the campus newspaper. What is the relationship between the two of you? Are you in love?"

Suddenly, as if she remembered something, Fujiwara Chika didn't think about how to educate Ishigami Yu and let him know how to respect seniors. Instead, she took out a campus newspaper from her pocket, walked in front of Shirogane Miyuki, and asked him very seriously.

【That's right, I asked the president this question. Fujiwara-san, you are indeed my best friend. You are really reliable.

Hearing the question Fujiwara Chika asked Shirogane Miyuki, Shinomiya Kaguya pricked up her ears and listened carefully to the answer that Shirogane Miyuki gave.

"It's nothing, I just helped Yuuki-san yesterday, and she treated me to a lunch box today as a reward."

Shirogane Miyuki glanced at the one in Fujiwara Chika's hand and said calmly, it's not a big deal anyway, just say it.

Gossip, which has no meaning, is one of the most interesting topics for people at any time and anywhere. Shirogane Miyuki doesn't care about it at all. In his eyes, gossip is not as real as a meal. Even if this gossip has a lot to do with him, he doesn't care at all. After all, as the president of the student union who is well-known in the school, has he been on the gossip headlines enough?

What about being a perfect match with Shinomiya Kaguya, and what about Shiina Mashiro is his girlfriend, etc. If he cares about it, how long will he care about it? It's better not to take it seriously like now, anyway, the rumors will disappear without a trace in a few days. What

Shirogane Miyuki didn't expect was that he was just...

How come he was caught on camera by the News Department after chatting with Yuuki Asuna for a while in the classroom? As far as he knows, no one in his class, Grade 2A, seems to have joined the unscrupulous club of the News Department.

The unscrupulousness of the News Department is well known in Shuchiin Academy.

In order to pursue the so-called hot articles and get more attention, they"exaggerate" the various news they collect and then spread them on a large scale.

Now, Shirogane Miyuki understands why Ishigami Yu was so scared by Shinomiya Kaguya.

It is 100% true that Ishigami Yu just happened to see Shinomiya Kaguya, who exuded a cold aura because of the photo in the campus newspaper.

Ishigami Yu himself had a big misunderstanding about Shinomiya Kaguya, and coupled with his own imagination about this matter, he thought that this was a prelude to killing him, and he was immediately scared into the cowardly look he had just had.

【But since he had come in just now, why did he run away in such a panic? 】

When talking about Ishigami Yuu, Shirogane Miyuki inexplicably thought of this question

"So that's how it is. I thought you had some special relationship with Yuuki-san!"

After hearing what Shirogane Miyuki said, Fujiwara Chika showed an expression of"I see" and breathed a sigh of relief.

【So that's how it is! I just helped you with a small favor, but why do I feel that this small favor is not that simple? Yuuki Asuna, you are indeed my biggest enemy at this stage. But you are still too young, let me see how I will decide the outcome in one round. 】

Thinking of this, the corners of Shinomiya Kaguya's mouth slightly raised, revealing a confident smile

"By the way, listen to me, I won two tickets to the cinema, are you interested?"

Fujiwara Chika suddenly took out two movie tickets and asked softly.

"There are two movie tickets, why don't you go with your friend?"

Baiyin Yuxing asked indifferently. He had no interest in movies, not to mention that the quality of movies in this world was far inferior to that in his previous life.

"Um... Although I really want to go to the movies, I can't go because my family forbids it."

Fujiwara Chika waved her hand and said softly, her tone full of regret.

This is the rule set by her family, so even if she wants to go, she can't go. Fujiwara Chika is a good girl at home, so she will naturally not violate the rules set by her family.


I am here to beg for flowers, collections, monthly tickets, rewards, and subscriptions.

The most important thing is that flowers are free. Please use flowers to kill me. Please support me!

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