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"The rules in your family are really a bit strange!"

Hearing Fujiwara Chika's regretful words, Shirogane Miyuki complained speechlessly.

It's just going to the cinema to watch a movie, not to find a boyfriend. The family actually forbids such a small thing. If Fujiwara Chika really finds a boyfriend, her family will be in turmoil.

"It seems that my father said that there are many bad things in the movie, and I should wait until I am an adult before I can watch it."

Fujiwara Chika touched her chin cutely and said dejectedly

"How should I put it? It's a very traditional way of education."

"It seems that your family should pay special attention to your education."

Baiyin Yuxing said with some sighs. As for the many bad things in the movie, he certainly knew what they were.

He just didn't expect that in this society where logistics are flying, there are still families that maintain such a traditional way of education. He kept sighing in his heart,"It is worthy of being a political family with a continuous inheritance."

"Indeed, our family has set a lot of rules for us three sisters."

After hearing what Shirogane Miyuki said, Fujiwara Chika said with a headache, and she was obviously unwilling to abide by those annoying rules at home.

In addition to not allowing her to go to the movies, her family also forbade her to play video games and other vulgar entertainment.

Of course, Fujiwara Chika would not abide by all the family rules, as long as she didn't let her family know that she had broken the rules, there would be absolutely no problem.

【Sure enough, everything is going according to my plan. Haha, President, please come and invite me to the movies quickly, so that everything I have done before will not be in vain. President, please don’t let me down! 】

Looking at the two movie tickets in Fujiwara Chika’s hand, Shinomiya Kaguya showed a beautiful smile that everything was under control.

It was precisely because she knew the house rules of the Fujiwara family that she deliberately forged that Fujiwara classmate had won a prize and sent movie tickets to her mailbox, just for this moment.

That’s right, all of this was manipulated by Shinomiya Kaguya behind the scenes, just to make Shirogane Miyuki confess to her on his own initiative. This is also one of her trump cards to decide the outcome of the game.

As long as Shirogane Miyuki invites her to the movies, Shinomiya Kaguya has prepared many back-ups in the cinema, and she is very sure that Shirogane Miyuki will confess to her on his own initiative.

"Fujiwara, you should give these two movie tickets to someone else. I have no interest in movies."

Shirogane Miyuki shook his head without hesitation. Besides the fact that he really had no interest in the movies in this world, the most important thing was that he felt that what would happen when he went to the cinema was not what he thought.

【Not interested? Why didn't I think of this! Damn it, all the preparations I made were wasted, damn it!

Hearing Shirogane Miyuki's unhesitating rejection, Shinomiya Kaguya was instantly petrified.

She was just thinking about how to induce Miyuki to ask her out to watch a movie, but she didn't expect that when she came to her senses, Shirogane Miyuki gave her a surprise.

"So that's it! Then there's nothing we can do, Kaguya, are you going?"

After Shirogane Miyuki refused, Fujiwara Chika didn't show any disappointment, but turned to Shinomiya Kaguya who was sitting motionless on the sofa and asked

"I'm not interested."

Shinomiya Kaguya refused weakly like a deflated balloon. Why would she go if the president wasn't going? Was she really going to watch a movie?

"Since both of you don't want to talk, I'll give it to someone else."

Seeing that Kaguya Shinomiya also refused, Fujiwara Chika took the two movie tickets back indifferently.

When Shirogane Miyuki finished dealing with the affairs of the Student Union, it was almost time for class.

Shirogane Miyuki, Shinomiya Kaguya, and Fujiwara Chika left the Student Union activity room at the same time and went to their respective classes to prepare for class.

In the afternoon, Shirogane Miyuki did not use his privilege as the president of the Student Union to skip classes, but finished the afternoon classes as usual. Of course, he just attended, and whether he listened or not was another matter. The school bell rang on time, and when everyone had almost left, just as Shirogane Miyuki was about to get up and leave the classroom with Shiina Mashiro, a beautiful girl who was very familiar to him came into his sight, and a pleasant voice rang out.

"President, do you have time now?"

Satsuki Nakano, who had already left the classroom, came back again for some reason.

Shirogane Miyuki narrowed his eyes and carefully looked at the Satsuki Nakano in front of him.

Exactly the same appearance, voice and clothes as before, anyone who knows Satsuki Nakano will recognize that this is Satsuki Nakano as soon as they see this beautiful girl, and no one will doubt it.

But only Shirogane Miyuki knew that this was not Satsuki Nakano but Ichika Nakano, the eldest daughter of the Nakano family, when he saw the beautiful girl in front of him for the first time.

"You are not Nakano Satsuki-san."

The first sentence that Shirogane Miyuki said made Nakano Ichika look puzzled.

""President, how could that be? I am Nakano Satsuki."

Nakano Ichika immediately put away the incredible look on her face, blinked her beautiful eyes, and smiled exactly like Nakano Satsuki.

"You are not."

Baiyin Yuxing's face did not show any fluctuations, he just said lightly, his tone full of affirmation.


I am here to beg for flowers, collections, monthly tickets, rewards, and subscriptions.

The most important thing is that flowers are free. Please use flowers to kill me. Please support me!

If there is anything wrong with what I wrote, you can raise it in the comment area and I will modify it in time.

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