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"It's nothing, I just didn't expect that the painting drawn by Mashiro was so alive, and it gave me the feeling of being face to face with myself."

Hearing Shiina Mashiro's somewhat doubtful words, Shirogane Miyuki smiled very softly and said softly, and then stroked her very soft golden hair for a while.


Shiina Mashiro nodded cutely, indicating that she understood

"Mashiro, why did you suddenly think of drawing me reading a book today?"

Looking at Shiina Mashiro who was expressionless as usual, Shirogane Miyuki asked her softly with some curiosity.

"Because I want to draw."

In response to Shirogane Miyuki's question, the three-no girl answered softly without any hesitation.

Shiina Mashiro's simple and clear answer was both within and beyond Shirogane Miyuki's expectations. After all, if you think about it carefully, you will know that this three-no girl, who is like a blank sheet of paper, is such a simple girl. No matter what the occasion is, she always does whatever she thinks of and acts only according to her own wishes.

""Okay, I'll give it to you."

While Shirogane Miyuki was thinking, Shiina Mashiro slowly stood up, handed him the painting he had already drawn, and said softly in a calm tone:

"Give it to me?"

After hearing what Shiina Mashiro said, Shirogane Miyuki, who was in deep thought, was a little slow to react. He asked the three-no girl in disbelief.

Even though Shirogane Miyuki had no involvement in the art industry, he roughly knew that the painting drawn by Shiina Mashiro was definitely a rare treasure in the world.

The reason why he couldn't believe it was not this. For a real painter, the paintings created with all their heart and soul are like their children. They are the most precious treasures in their hearts, and there is no other one. They will never give it away so easily.

It is precisely because of this that he couldn't believe it.

If this painter was the innocent girl Shiina Mashiro, it would be another matter. When Shirogane Miyuki thought about it, it was not surprising at all.


Shiina Mashiro nodded gently and said"Hmm"

""Thank you, Mashiro. I really like the painting you drew."

Shirogane Miyuki touched Mashiro's head affectionately. This time he didn't refuse.

This was Mashiro's good intention, and this was the first gift this three-no girl gave him. In addition, Shirogane Miyuki was very interested in this painting that seemed to come alive. All these factors added up, and Shirogane Miyuki would refuse Mashiro Shiina's gift that he had prepared with great difficulty.

"Mashiro, let's go."

After putting the painting that Mashiro gave him into the system space without attracting anyone's attention, Shirogane Miyuki whispered to Shiina Mashiro beside him.


Hearing what Shirogane Miyuki said, Shiina Mashiro nodded gently, and that jade-white little hand quickly took his hand. This scene seemed so natural and harmonious.

Looking at the group of students who were doing club activities not far away, Shirogane Miyuki showed a smile full of nostalgia. I don't know why every time he saw this scene, he would always think of the painful and happy time on campus in his previous life.

"Mashiro, do you want to join the Service Club as well?"

After the two of them slowly walked to the club activity building, Shirogane Miyuki seemed to have thought of something, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he asked Shiina Mashiro who was expressionless beside him

"Service Club?"

Shiina Mashiro asked back with a hint of doubt.

"It's the club we go to after school these days."

Shirogane Yuxing, who knew what Zhenbai meant, explained softly.


After hearing Shirogane Miyuki's explanation, Shiina Mashiro nodded without any hesitation.

Shirogane Miyuki brought the three-no girl to the door of the service club's activity room. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Yukinoshita Yukino quietly reading a book as usual. However, what was different from usual was that there was another beautiful girl in this classroom. Yuigahama Yui was sitting next to Yukino and playing with her mobile phone with great interest.

After the two of them came to their exclusive seats in this service club's activity room and sat down, Shirogane Miyuki turned his head and looked at Yuigahama Yui, who looked like she was staying here as a matter of course, and asked her softly with some curiosity:

"Yuigahama-san, have you already joined the Service Club?"

"Yes, I submitted my application to join the club yesterday, and now I am a regular member of the Service Club."

After hearing the sudden question, Yuigahama Yui, who was playing with her phone, was a little confused at first, but then she reacted and replied happily.

"Although it may be a little late to say it now, Yuigahama-san welcomes you to join."

Shirogane Miyuki was not surprised at all that Yuigahama Yui joined the Service Club. He could even say that he had expected it.

After all, according to the things he had experienced in this anime world, Yuigahama Yui would definitely follow the original trajectory and join the Service Club founded by Yukinoshita Yukino, not to mention that she had clearly stated her intention to join the Service Club yesterday.

"Then, President, please give me more guidance in the future."

Hearing what Shirogane Miyuki said, Yuigahama Yui was slightly stunned, then smiled and said softly in her energetic voice

"Of course, no problem."

Baiyin Yuxing also replied with a smile

"Yukinoshita-san, Mashiro wants to join the Service Club."

After chatting with Yuigahama Yui for a while, Shirogane Miyuki remembered that he hadn't done anything important yet. He told Yukinoshita Yukino, who was still reading a book, what he meant.

"No problem, bring the application form tomorrow and I'll sign it."

After hearing what Shirogane Miyuki suddenly said, Yukinoshita Yukino just looked up at Shiina Mashiro and agreed with her unique cold voice, then lowered her head to read again.


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