
Hearing that Yukinoshita Yukino agreed so readily to Shiina Mashiro joining the Service Club, Shirogane Miyuki was a little bit unbelievable.

You know, Yuigahama Yui spent a lot of effort yesterday to get Yukinoshita, a very awkward beautiful girl, to sign her application for joining the club. Shirogane

Miyuki originally thought that even with Shiina Mashiro's extraordinary charm that appealed to both men and women, it would be impossible to convince Yukinoshita Yukino in a short time.

Unexpectedly, it was not in a short time that Yukinoshita Yukino was convinced, but she agreed in an instant.

【As expected, no one could refuse Mashiro, a girl as pure as a blank sheet of paper, not even the very awkward ice beauty Yukinoshita Yukino.】

Glancing at Yukinoshita Yukino not far away, Shirogane Miyuki once again marveled at Shiina Mashiro's extraordinary charm.

The reason why Yukinoshita Yukino agreed to Shiina Mashiro's joining so readily was not only because she couldn't bear to refuse this girl as pure as a blank sheet of paper, but also because Mashiro came to the service club activity room with Shirogane Miyuki every day after school. There was basically no difference between joining and not joining, so this absolutely self-centered girl agreed to Mashiro's joining without any hesitation.

"Shiina-san, are you going to join the Service Club too? That's great. Let's eat lunch together here when we have time in the future!"

After hearing the news that Shiina Mashiro was going to join the Service Club, Yuigahama Yui walked quickly to her side and said to her excitedly,


Facing Yuigahama Yui who came to her side with enthusiasm, Shiina Mashiro had the same reaction as Yukinoshita Yukino, or even more exaggerated, and could only look at Shirogane Miyuki with a helpless look. Facing Shiina

Mashiro's helpless look, Shirogane Miyuki simply pretended not to see it, took out a book from somewhere, and started reading it with great interest.

"Shiina-san, can I just call you Mashiro like the president does?"

"Since you have no objection, that must mean you agree. From now on I will call you Mashiro."

"Mashiro, I'm really into cooking now, you must try my cooking when the time comes."

After seeing that Shirogane Miyuki ignored her pleading eyes, Shiina Mashiro had no choice but to retract her gaze. Mashiro looked at Yuigahama Yui who was chattering in her ear with a silly face, and didn't say anything, hoping that this would make her give up sooner.

"President, I heard that your student council will also be performing on stage at this school festival. I wonder if it is true.

Yuigahama Yui chatted with Shiina Mashiro for a while, and her eyes accidentally swept to Shirogane Miyuki who was concentrating on reading a book. She suddenly asked him curiously,

"Well, our student council will also participate in the school festival this time."

Faced with Yuigahama Yui's sudden words, Shirogane Miyuki was slightly stunned, and then replied in a nonchalant tone

"Great, President, have you decided what to perform on stage?"

After confirming that the gossip she heard was true, Yuigahama Yui excitedly asked Shirogane Miyuki, the student council president,

"It's almost confirmed. Fujiwara and Shinomiya will be in charge of the dance, and I should sing to match them."

Shirogane Miyuki gently closed the book in his hand, looked up at Yuigahama Yui, nodded, and said softly

"Dance? Vice President Shinomiya and Secretary Fujiwara will look great dancing together, and you will have to sing on stage. I am really looking forward to this school festival!"

Yuigahama Yui's eyes lit up, and her face showed strong anticipation.

"President, you sing……"

"Boom boom boom……"

Suddenly, a series of knocks on the door sounded in everyone's ears, interrupting Yuigahama Yui's words.

"Please come in."

After hearing the sudden knock on the door, Yukinoshita Yukino, the temporary owner of this classroom, slowly put the books in her hand into the schoolbag beside her and spoke in a cold tone.

Then the door was gently opened, and a male student who looked mediocre in both appearance and temperament walked in. When he saw the four people in the classroom, he nervously introduced them.

"Hello everyone, I’m Takemiya Koji from Class 1C of High School. Is this the Service Club?"

"Yes, this is the Service Club."

Faced with the question from this unremarkable male student, Yukinoshita Yukino maintained a cold poker face and responded in a cold tone.

"Um... I heard from Mr. Hiratsuka that this place can help people realize their wishes."

Facing Yukinoshita Yukino's extremely cold poker face, Takemiya Koji was so nervous that he didn't even dare to look at her. He turned his gaze to the window, hoping that this would ease the embarrassment in his heart.

"The Service Club cannot fulfill your wish, but we can only help you as much as we can."

Yukinoshita Yukino glanced at Takemiya Koji, shook her head and corrected the mistake in his words.

"Is that so?"

Takemiya Koji said, shaking his head a little embarrassedly.

"So what is your commission?"

Yukinoshita Yukino had no intention of talking to the strange man in front of her, and directly asked him about the content of the commission.

"I want you to teach me how to play basketball."

After hearing what Yukinoshita Yukino said, Takemiya Koji didn't hesitate any more and nervously told everyone his purpose.

"For something like learning to play basketball, shouldn't you find someone more professional to teach you? For example, joining the basketball club, I remember that this club seems to have arranged special coaches for members who have no basketball foundation."

After hearing the content of Takemiya Koji's commission, Shirogane Miyuki asked him with some confusion.

For something like learning to play basketball, shouldn't you find someone more professional in the field? Why did you think of finding the Service Club, a club that sounds unreliable?


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