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"We are about to pass by the cake shop we went to yesterday. Should we go in and buy some delicious Baumkuchen and pineapple buns? I am so hesitant now!"

Stared at by Shiina Mashiro's pure eyes, Shirogane Miyuki felt very uncomfortable all over. He had no choice but to show his murderous aura to make Mashiro obey him.

""Let's go in, let's go in!"

Hearing what Shirogane Miyuki said, Shiina Mashiro quickly nodded her cute little head and looked at him with expectant eyes.

"But since Mashiro said so, let's go to the cake shop."

Looking at the three-no girl who turned into a foodie in an instant when talking about Baumkuchen and pineapple buns, Shirogane Miyuki's smile became even brighter. Sure enough, this is the best and most effective way to deal with the disobedient Shiina Mashiro.

""Okay, go!"

Seeing that Shirogane Miyuki was standing there motionless, Shiina Mashiro hurriedly urged him, and then took his big hand and walked forward.

"Why are you in such a hurry? The Baumkuchen won't run away. We can just walk slowly over there."

Shirogane Miyuki looked helplessly at Shiina Mashiro who was pulling him away. Not only did he not refuse, but he followed Mashiro's footsteps. After all, being pulled by a super beautiful girl who was innocent and innocent was a very novel feeling. He had never experienced this before in his life.

""Okay, I want to eat the annual ring cake as soon as possible."

Hearing what Shirogane Miyuki said, Shiina Mashiro turned his head and glanced at him calmly, and said to him this simple and clear sentence with an extremely calm expression.

"Okay, let's go to the cake shop quickly, shall we?"

Shirogane Miyuki said softly with some amusement. He had no way to deal with Shiina Mashiro who was sometimes very willful.

After buying the annual ring cake at the cake shop, the two returned home without any problems.

Due to the commission of the Service Club today, Shirogane Miyuki and the others returned home at exactly 7 o'clock in the evening, which was more than an hour later than usual.

"I'm back."

Shirogane Miyuki just opened the door and shouted this habitually, and then he saw Shiina Mashiro quickly take off her shoes, revealing her delicate and small feet. Before he could say anything, she put on the slippers beside her and walked quickly to the second floor.

"There's no need to be so anxious."

Looking at Shiina Mashiro who had disappeared in front of him, Shirogane Miyuki muttered to himself in silence. After changing into slippers at the entrance and stepping into the living room, he saw Shirogane Kei sitting on the sofa, leisurely watching TV and eating snacks. He looked very comfortable.

"Brother, why did you come back more than an hour later today?"

Looking at Baiyin Yuxing who was walking slowly, Baiyin Gui walked up to her dear brother and asked him coldly.

"It's nothing, it's just that something happened with the club I joined."

Looking at his beloved sister, Shiro, who not only did not warmly welcome him home, but instead confronted him and asked why he came back so late, Shirogane Yuxing sighed softly.

Even though he knew that Shirogane Kei was hiding the fact that he was a brother complex, it still made Shirogane Yuxing a little depressed. After all, who doesn't want their lovely sister to happily throw herself on their brother and affectionately call him Onii-chan Onii-chan?

"So, no wonder my brother and Mashiro have been back later than usual these days, but why did you, as the student union president, join the club?"

Shirogane Kei nodded in understanding, but another question popped up in her mind. Adhering to the good principle of asking questions when you don't understand, she asked Shirogane Miyuki softly

"How should I put it? Anyway, I was tricked by someone, but joining a club is quite interesting."

Thinking of everything that happened in the service department and the basketball court today, Shirogane Yuxing smiled meaningfully and said softly

"Hmm, where's Mashiro?"

Shirogane Kei was not impressed by what Shirogane Yuxing said. She just said"hmm" to show that she understood. Then she turned around and glanced behind her brother, as if she was looking for something. She asked with some doubts.

"As soon as Mashiro got home, he ran to his room to paint."

Shirogane Miyuki pointed to the ceiling above his head and said to Shirogane Kei helplessly.


Bai Yingui murmured to himself in confusion.

"Don't be fooled by Mashiro's appearance of not knowing anything. You should know that she is a world-class talented painter. You can find a lot of information about Mashiro by searching on the Internet."

Looking at his sister who was a little confused, Shirogane Miyuki showed a mysterious smile and whispered to her the identity and background of the innocent girl Shiina Mashiro.

"Stupid brother, I already knew about this."

Baiyin Gui glared at Baiyin Yuxing fiercely, and said softly with an expression that said I already knew it.


Seeing that things did not develop as he imagined, Shirogane Miyuki said"huh" in surprise.

He was a little confused about how Shirogane Kei knew Mashiro's identity and background. Did Mashiro tell her? That's not right. With Mashiro's innocent personality, she would never take the initiative to speak. So what was the reason? But soon Shirogane Miyuki knew the specific answer.

"Is it strange that I know? After all, I am also a student of the junior high school of Shuchiin Academy. How could I not know about this matter that has been widely spread throughout the school?"

Shirogane Kei looked at Shirogane Yuxing coldly, with a hint of dissatisfaction in his tone, as if he was dissatisfied with his brother looking down on her.

"So that's how it is!���What do you want to eat tonight?"

Baiyin Yuxing nodded with a bright look on his face, and then asked Baiyin Gui


At this time, Bai Yingui had returned to the soft sofa and said without turning his head.


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