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""Sorry, we don't have this dish today."

Shirogane Miyuki said unhappily. He was also worrying about the menu for tonight. Although he told Mashiro that he wanted to make a rich and delicious lunch, he actually hadn't decided what to make.

That's why he wanted to listen to his dear sister Shirogane Kei's opinion, but it didn't seem to be of any use, so he had to decide for himself.

"Let's have hot pot then."

Just as Shirogane Yuxing was about to turn around and go to the kitchen to see what to cook today, Shirogane Kei's cold voice came into his ears from the sofa in the living room.

"Hot pot! I haven't eaten hot pot for a long time. Let's make delicious hot pot today!"

After hearing what Baiyin Gui suddenly said, Baiyin Yuxing thought about it and muttered to himself.

After a while, Baiyin Yuxing brought the steaming and fragrant Sukiyaki hot pot to the table.

""Gui, come and eat."

Baiyin Yuxing called out to Baiyin Gui who was lying on the sofa, and then went to the kitchen to get the bowl and chopsticks filled with rice.

""Kyu, eat first if you're hungry. I'll go upstairs and call Mashiro down."

After placing three sets of bowls and chopsticks on the dining table, Shirogane Miyuki said to Shirogane Kei and went upstairs to call Shiina Mashiro to eat.

"Mashiro, it's time to eat."

Shirogane Miyuki knocked on the door of Shiina Mashiro's bedroom and whispered to the inside.


Not long after, there were some noises coming from the bedroom, and then the door was gently opened, and Shiina Mashiro, with an expressionless face, slowly walked out.

""Mashiro, go ahead. I've prepared a delicious sukiyaki hot pot tonight."

Shirogane Miyuki took Mashiro Shiina's soft little hand and walked towards the stairs, smiling at her as he walked.

""Okay, I want to have another Baumkuchen after dinner."

Shiina Mashiro was not very interested in the Sukiyaki hot pot mentioned by Shirogane Miyuki. Among all the foods, she only liked Baumkuchen and pineapple buns. No matter how delicious the other foods were, they were nothing to her.

"No problem, as long as you can still eat by then."

Hearing Shiina Mashiro's sudden words, Shirogane Miyuki was speechless and said softly

"I'm going to start eating."

Shirogane Miyuki, Shiina Mashiro and others sat at the table, picked up their chopsticks and prepared to start eating.

"You two take your time eating. I have something else to do so I will go back to my room first.

After finishing dinner, Shirogane Miyuki felt some movement in the shadow under the light, and said this to Shirogane Kei and Shiina Mashiro, and then went straight back to his bedroom.


In an ordinary room, Baiyin Yuxing sat cross-legged on the bed alone. He said this softly to the empty front and then remained silent, as if waiting for someone to come out.

"You two come out."

At the moment when Baiyin Yuxing's voice fell, a scene that ordinary people could not understand happened. Two living people suddenly jumped out of his shadow. Both of them were rare and beautiful beauties in the world. The most important thing was that they were sisters with different styles. This undoubtedly hit the cute spots of many men.

""Subordinates, we pay our respects to His Majesty!"

The two stunning sisters said in unison, their voices filled with endless admiration.

"I've already said that this is not the territory of my Daheng. You don't need to call me Your Majesty, you should call me Young Master."

""Okay, both of you get up."

Looking at the sisters kneeling on one knee in front of him, Baiyin Yuxing said softly with some helplessness.

Although he said so, his tone did not contain any blame. After all, the two sisters in front of him were his personal guards, and they could be said to be one of his future concubines. He would not blame his women for such a small matter.

"As you command, Master... Young Master."

After hearing what Baiyin Yuxing said, the two sisters Chi Tong and Hei Tong nodded slightly and then stood up quickly.

"It seems that both of you have made great breakthroughs in your respective skills. It is useless to continue to retreat. What are you going to do next? Are you going to follow Najeshitan and the others? Or continue to follow me?"

Baiyin Yuxing looked at the two sisters with a scrutinizing look, then showed a gentle smile and asked them the two women

"Protecting His Majesty... Young Master is our duty as personal guards."

The two sisters, Black Eye and Red Eye, said in unison again. Although they did not directly state their answers, the meaning of their words was already very clear.

"I don't need your protection here. I believe you two have also sensed that this world currently does not have any extraordinary power, and the place where I am is also very safe."

Baiyin Yuxing smiled and explained to the two women softly.

"But if you still choose to follow me, you need to go to the same school with me! So what are your choices now?"

Looking at the two sisters, Chitong and Heitong, whose faces were still calm, Baiyin Yuxing showed an interesting smile and whispered to them.

Hearing that they were going to school, Chitong and Heitong's bodies trembled suddenly. They were naturally familiar with schools. In the reform of the original empire, the most important thing was to establish schools to provide Daheng with sufficient talent reserves. As the closest people to the Lord of Daheng, they naturally went to the highest school to study for a period of time. That period of study was a complete nightmare for them.

I don’t know if all their talents are pointed at combat. When they see the knowledge in the textbooks, they have a splitting headache, and they want to sleep when they hear the teacher’s lecture on the podium.

They would rather take assassination missions than stay in that terrible school for a day, so they only went there for a short day and returned to Baiyin Yuxing’s side, and they refused to go no matter what.

"Since staying with the young master won't help me, I'd better go and help BOS."

The two sisters looked at each other, and then Chi Tong stepped forward and answered first.


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