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"Master, I will go with my sister to help Najeshitan."Hei

Tong glanced at Baiyin Yuxing and replied softly, making her final choice.

"I knew you two would choose this, so go ahead and just follow Najeshitan's orders."

Looking at the two sisters, Akame and Kurome, who were trying to pretend to be calm, Shirogane Yuki said softly with some amusement.

""Yes, Master. We will take our leave and go there."

The two sisters said respectfully to Baiyin Yuxing.

"Then you go ahead."

Baiyin Yuxing smiled and waved his hand.

The moment Baiyin Yuxing finished speaking, the bodies of the two sisters Hei Tong and Chi Tong suddenly became blurry, and then disappeared without a trace.

"Are these two little girls so afraid of going to school? It seems that next time I go back to Daheng, I have to let them go to the Royal Academy to take classes for a few months."

Looking at the place where the two sisters disappeared, Shirogane Yuxing's handsome face showed a gentle smile and whispered to himself.

After a while, there was no sound in the bedroom, and it fell into silence.

The next morning, after preparing breakfast for three people, Shirogane Yuxing came to Shiina Mashiro's bedroom on time and knocked on the door.

""Mashiro, it's time to get up."

There was no response from the room.

Shirogane Miyuki's expression did not change. He was used to this kind of thing. He gently pushed the door open and saw Mashiro lying in the warm quilt, curled up into a circle, without any slight movement.

""Mashiro, it's time to get up."

He walked quickly to the bedside, lifted the quilt, and whispered to Mashiro, who had just revealed her little head.

""Okay, good morning."

Hearing the voice of Shirogane Miyuki, Shiina Mashiro opened her tightly closed eyes and said in a daze.

After that, Shiina Mashiro shrank back into the warm quilt again.

"Mashiro, hurry up and get up and have breakfast, or you'll be late for school."

Shirogane Miyuki looked at this scene speechlessly. Who would go back to bed after saying good morning?

Under his persuasion, Shiina Mashiro shrank back but soon stretched out her cute little head again.

"OK, I want to eat Baumkuchen for breakfast"

"As for the Baumkuchen, I didn't prepare it this morning, so no."

"Get up quickly, change your clothes and have breakfast. I'll buy you a Baumkuchen at noon."

Shirogane Miyuki looked at Shiina Mashiro under the quilt with a dark face, but said to her in a very gentle tone.


Hearing Shirogane Miyuki's promise, Shiina Mashiro nodded happily, and then quickly lifted the quilt to reveal Mashiro in pajamas.

Originally, Mashiro was unwilling to sleep in pajamas, but with the efforts of Shirogane Miyuki and Shirogane Kei, Mashiro finally agreed to sleep in pajamas.

"Mashiro, change your clothes quickly, I'll be waiting for you downstairs."

When Shiina Mashiro was about to change clothes in front of him without any scruples, Shirogane Miyuki was very tactful and prepared to leave. You know, morning is the time when men are full of energy. Who knows if he will turn into a wolf and eat Mashiro, the defenseless little sheep, after seeing the next scene?


"What's wrong?"

When Shiina Mashiro called him in a puzzled tone, Shirogane Miyuki instinctively turned his head and saw Mashiro holding a pink bra in her hand and asking him

"Does this look good?"

"Yeah, it looks good."

Shirogane Miyuki nodded speechlessly and replied softly. He just thought Shiina Mashiro wanted to ask him something. He didn't expect it to be this.……

"Then wear this one."

Shiina Mashiro said, raising her hand to unbutton her pajamas.

Shirogane Miyuki saw this scene and left here in silence.

After having breakfast with Shirogane Kei and Shiina Mashiro, the three of them walked out of the house and headed for Shuchiin Academy.

After the first class, Shirogane Miyuki was pulled to a secluded corner by Sasaki Mei, one of his few friends in this school.

"What can I do for you?"

Looking at the smiling man in front of him, Baiyin Yuxing asked him expressionlessly.

As for this one of the few male friends, Baiyin Yuxing knew very well that every time he approached him, there would be no good news.

"Shirogane-kun, as the president of the student union, you should also know that fewer and fewer students are joining the Kendo Club this semester."

Hearing Shirogane Miyuki's question, Sasaki Ming said to him in a slightly heavy tone

"So what?"

In response to Sasaki Ming's words, Shirogane Yuxing simply asked back coldly.

"You know, I took over the responsibility of the Kendo Club from Senior Kawakami, and it is my duty to restore the Kendo Club to its former glory."

"This is the only request I have in my life, please come to the Kendo Club and teach other members!"

Sasaki Ming said to Shirogane Miyuki with a pleading look.

As the heir of a Kendo family, he naturally joined the Kendo Club from the beginning of school, and was deeply loved by the former head of the Kendo Club. After a few months, he was awarded the position of Kendo Club Head.

"No need to talk."

Baiyin Yuxing refused without hesitation. He really hated this kind of troublesome thing that had no benefit.

"Are you really not going to consider it? After all, you were once the vice-chairman of the Kendo Club, and the people in the club really miss you!"

After hearing Shirogane Miyuki's decisive refusal, Sasaki Ming still did not give up and made his last struggle

"Now that you've said that, let me���Think about it."

Baiyin Yuxing thought about it carefully, and then hesitantly replied softly.

His original body is different from the hardworking genius in the original book. He is a true genius. His efficiency in learning anything is several times higher than that of ordinary people. His talent for swordsmanship is even more amazing. In just a few weeks, his swordsmanship has made great progress. Of course, this is only for ordinary people.


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