About ten minutes later, Shirogane Miyuki and Shiina Mashiro finally finished tidying up the clothes on the floor. Of course, most of them were sorted by Shirogane Miyuki.

"Have a good rest today. Call me if you need anything. My room is on your right."

Shirogane Yuxing said and went out. After returning to his room, Shirogane Yuxing was ready to test the power of the Accelerator template. When he got the Accelerator template, Shirogane Yuxing wanted to try it. You know, superpowers are a man's dream, not to mention the invincible superpower of vector operation!

But for various reasons, he didn't try it, which made Shirogane Yuxing's heart itch all day.

"Is this the vector operation that can freely control the direction of energy and reflect all physical attacks as long as it touches the skin? It is indeed powerful."

It was once something he had dreamed of, but now it is within his reach but seems so unreal.

Looking at the small whirlwind slowly condensing in his hand, Baiyin Yuxing sighed.

"But I remember that in addition to vector operations, Accelerator also has the power of black wing and white wing"

"It won’t be that bad, will it? It’s like Accelerator!"

The true form of Accelerator’s black and white wings is unknown, but it is considered Accelerator’s strongest power.

Thinking of the conditions for the formation of Accelerator’s black and white wings, Shirogane Miyuki had a headache.

Accelerator’s black and white wings are usually formed when he is in a state of mental imbalance, and he can also form them by his own will when he is extremely angry.

What do you want Shirogane Miyuki to do? He doesn’t want to try either mental imbalance or extreme anger.

As for the conditions for the formation of white wings, although they are not that extreme, the difficulty is not reduced at all. To comprehend the heart of protection and spiritual transformation, is it so easy to comprehend the heart of protection?

Even Accelerator went through many things with Last Order, and with the emotional expression of"I also want to be with you (Last Order) forever", he changed from black wings to white wings.

After trying for a long time, Shirogane Miyuki estimated that the conditions for the formation of white wings were probably different from those of Accelerator himself. Not much.

More than ten minutes later, Shirogane Miyuki discovered a serious problem, that is, he only obtained the abilities of the character templates, but did not have any of their experience.

For example, Shirogane Miyuki obtained all the abilities of Kaito Kid, but he only had abilities, not the IQ and theft experience of Kaito Kid.

Shirogane Miyuki was actually very lucky to obtain the template of Accelerator this time. Even if he obtained other templates that were more powerful than Accelerator, his daily life would be messed up.

Imagine if Shirogane Miyuki obtained the template of Saikami Kusuo, the God of Saiki, and obtained the abilities of Saikami, but did not have the control of Saikami. You know, even Saikami needs a psychic power inhibitor to prevent his psychic power from getting out of control.

Then it is conceivable that Shirogane Miyuki will get the power of Saikami. It would be strange if his life is not a mess. He might accidentally... This world is destroyed.

Thinking of that scene, Shirogane Miyuki shuddered.

As for why he was lucky to obtain the Accelerator template, Shirogane Miyuki was very lucky.

Because at this stage, Accelerator's template is definitely the most suitable for him. The superpowers of Academy City require calculations. The reason why Accelerator is so powerful, in addition to the superpower of vector operation, is mainly because of Accelerator's powerful computing ability.

When obtaining Accelerator's template, the system also gave him Accelerator's independent calculation ability.

This allows Shirogane Miyuki to use vector operations freely without losing control.

Otherwise, how can Shirogane Miyuki use vector operations.

Shirogane Miyuki summarized the two most important things now, which are making money and increasing combat experience.

As for control, increasing combat experience can also increase one's own control.

He had already made money. He did. That's right, it was the light novel"Five Centimeters per Second" he wrote.

The quality of this light novel is so good. As long as it becomes popular, Shirogane Miyuki can just sit and wait to collect the money.

The most important thing is to increase his combat experience. He guessed that a large part of the future missions will be carried out in other worlds.

The world of Akame ga Kill is okay, the martial arts value is not too high, but if he travels to a world with high martial arts in the future, combat experience will be very important.

Don't be killed by someone with lower strength than him, that would be embarrassing.

Now Shirogane Miyuki can basically defeat the world of Akame ga Kill with the power of Accelerator if nothing unexpected happens.

If you want to increase your combat experience, you can only increase it in Akame ga Kill. Most of the books in modern society are fake. Even if there is a supernatural power in this world, it will be difficult to find it for a while.

At this time, Shirogane Miyuki wants to have the ability to explore the whole world!

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