Shirogane Miyuki went to the table and turned on the computer, ready to see how the Dengeki Bunko Rookie Award, which he participated in yesterday with"5 Centimeters per Second", went.

Shirogane Miyuki directly logged into the official website of Dengeki Bunko. The Rookie Award is a relatively high-value event for Dengeki Bunko.

The reason why it is relatively high-value is that most of Dengeki Bunko's well-known light novel writers have won the top three in this Rookie Award.

Therefore, Dengeki Bunko's investment and publicity for this Rookie Award are very powerful.

Without much hesitation, Shirogane Miyuki directly clicked on the Rookie Award and entered its page.

The rules of the Rookie Award are similar to the others. It is intelligently sorted according to clicks, popularity, comments, etc., and it is absolutely fair, just, and open.

And at this moment,"5 Centimeters per Second" written by him is among the top five.》

"So fast."

You should know that"Five Centimeters per Second" was uploaded yesterday afternoon, and according to the understanding of the light novel world in this world, bloody battles are now the mainstream.

Although Shirogane Miyuki knew that"Five Centimeters per Second" would definitely become popular with its quality, he did not expect it to be so fast.

As for why Shirogane Miyuki did not follow the mainstream to copy the bloody battle type of light novels, of course it was because of his willfulness and his absolute self-confidence in"Five Centimeters per Second".

Shirogane Miyuki opened the comment section of"Five Centimeters per Second" and wanted to see what people in this world felt when they read"Five Centimeters per Second"? Did they cry over and over again like he did when he first read it?

I am very interested in this Shirogane Miyuki. As the saying goes, the sadness of others is the source of my own happiness.

At this moment, Shirogane Miyuki inexplicably thought of Urobuchi, who was called the Warrior of Love in his previous life. He cured (healed) many viewers with stories full of love (abuse).

Shirogane Miyuki can already understand Urobuchi's happiness, and is thinking in his heart whether he should learn from him. As the saying goes, learning makes me happy.

【Qitian] What the hell is this? I cried over and over again

【My sister is the sky] It’s only a short sentence, why do I want to cry?

【Wu Tian] This writing style and the characterization of this character are simply amazing

【Games are everything to me] I don’t even play games anymore, I’m just waiting for the author to update

【Light novel fanatic] I just want to say, can Yu Laozei make the ending better?

【Why do I cry every time I watch it, and still want to watch it again? Am I possessed?


After seeing this, Shirogane Miyuki stopped reading. The comments below were either urging for updates or similar to the comments above.

After taking a look at the top ten works, he found that most of them were passionate fighting types, and a small number were supernatural types.

This is also normal.

His"5 Centimeters per Second" is about to surpass the fourth place, and it is estimated that it will take the first place tomorrow.

Shirogane Miyuki turned off the computer, took out his mobile phone and uploaded all the saved drafts of"5 Centimeters per Second".

After uploading all the sequels of"5 Centimeters per Second", Shirogane Miyuki put down his mobile phone and prepared to go to bed and get up early. At the same time, the newly appointed editor-in-chief of

Dengeki Bunko Headquarters, Machida Sonoko, was staring at a novel in the computer in front of her.

Yes, this novel was"5 Centimeters per Second".

After reading it, Machida Sonoko had only one thought in her mind, that is, this book will definitely be a hit, and she must sign this author.

You have to know that as a new editor-in-chief, Machida Sonoko only has one person under her, while other veteran editors have as few as three or four people under them, and as many as seven or eight people under them, so Machida Sonoko's position is not very stable.

Machida Sonoko wanted to call immediately, but when she looked at the time, she felt that it was a bit late, so she was embarrassed to bother him, so she had to call tomorrow.


The next morning, as the alarm clock rang, Shirogane Yuxing slowly woke up from his deep sleep.

He got up as usual, washed up, and made lunch and breakfast. The difference was that he had to make three portions of lunch and breakfast. When breakfast and lunch were almost ready, Shirogane Kyu came downstairs.

"Good morning, Kei"

""Good morning, brother."

Yawning, Shirogane Kei walked to the dining table and sat down, and began to eat the breakfast prepared by Shirogane Miyuki.

The breakfast at Shirogane's house this morning was not very rich, with only fried eggs, rice balls, hot milk, and the annual ring cake that Shirogane Miyuki prepared especially for Shiina Mashiro.

Seeing that Shiina Mashiro had not come down yet, Shirogane Miyuki was ready to call her.

""Kyu, I'll go call Mashiro, don't forget to bring your lunch when you leave."

Shirogane Miyuki told Shirogane Kei

""Stop nagging, got it."

Shirogane Kei replied impatiently.

Shirogane Miyuki looked at Shirogane Kei's impatient expression and smiled.

Although Shirogane Miyuki and Shirogane Kei were in the same school, because Shirogane Kei was in the junior high school and Shirogane Miyuki was in the senior high school, their class times were different, although not much different.

When he arrived on the second floor, Shirogane Miyuki knocked on Shiina Mashiro's door.

""Mashiro, it's time to get up."

There was no movement in the room.

Shirogane Miyuki knocked on the door again, but there was still no movement.

""Mashiro, I'm going in."

There was no other way, Shirogane Yuxing had to open the door and walk in.

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