A staff member of the recruitment office is taking Tatsumi to report to the Imperial Capital Guard.

"Don't you even know where the Imperial Guard is stationed? You're not kidding me, are you?"

The recruiting staff looked at the young swordsman with a naive face.

"This is my first time in the imperial capital, and I didn't pay attention when I entered the city."

Tatsumi heard the question from the recruitment office staff and smiled awkwardly.

"Well, Al, this young man is here for the first time in the capital, so it's normal that he doesn't know where our capital guard is stationed."

Hearing the voice behind him, Al, a staff member of the recruitment office, stood up straight, turned around and said in awe

"Captain Ouka!"

Tatsumi turned his head and looked after hearing the voice behind him. He saw a tall, muscular, middle-aged man with scars on his face, laughing. Next to him was a cute girl with long orange hair and a little white dog.

"I remember the conscription office seems to be very busy these days. You go and do your work. I'll leave this young man to you.���"Right!"

Ouka said to El with a smile on his face. After seeing the powerful strength of Shirogane Yuxing and surrendering to him, this guy who was previously called"Ouka the Devil" no longer dared to act recklessly and served the empire wholeheartedly. In the process of expiating his sins, this guy who was previously called"Ouka the Devil" changed the views of most people and was loved by most people. Even his title was changed from"Ouka the Devil" to"Ouka the Good"."

"Yes, Captain Oka."

After hearing Oka's words, Al left without stopping, showing how unwilling he was to lead Tatsumi.

""Young man, where are you from? What's your name?"

Ouka asked Tatsumi in a kind voice.

"I came from the countryside not long ago. My name is Tatsumi."

Tatsumi seemed to be influenced by Ouka's kindness, and his originally tense body relaxed.

"The countryside! I also came from the countryside, and then I climbed up step by step to where I am now."

"Tatsumi, you came at the right time. His Majesty is short of manpower right now, and you have a great chance!"

"Young man, I am very optimistic about you!"

Ouka laughed and looked at Tatsumi, his eyes full of optimism.

"Yes, sir, I will try my best."

Tatsumi was embarrassed by what Ouka said, and shyly touched his head and said

"Sailu, Tatsumi will follow you for the time being."

After Ouka told Sailu, he waved his hand and left.

"Hello, my name is Seleu Eubiquitus, a member of the Imperial Guard. That was my master."

"Since Master said so, you should follow me for the time being.

Saiyu said to Tatsumi kindly.

"Yes, I will be fine."

Tatsumi said seriously.

"Okay, don't be so serious."

"Speaking of the name Tatsumi, I seem to have heard it somewhere?"

"Where is it?"

Saiyu was holding the white puppy, Bit, with a thoughtful look on his face.

When Tatsumi was puzzled and was about to say something, Saiyu suddenly remembered something and said,"Oh, I remember, Sau told me that this was the name of her childhood sweetheart, and asked me to find him."

"Senior Saiyu, are you talking about Sau? Have you seen her?"

Tatsumi asked Saiyu happily when he heard the name of his childhood sweetheart Sau.

"You are the childhood sweetheart that Saya asked me to find. What a coincidence!"

Saya said to Tatsumi with a surprised look on his face.

"Shayou is a new member of the guard team who joined a few days ago and is temporarily following me."

""Sayu! I remember she should be on patrol now."

Before Tatsumi could speak, Saiyu continued

"That's great, I didn't expect to see Sau so soon."

Tatsumi said with joy on his face.

"Okay, newbie, let's start our current mission and capture those criminals who violated the laws of the empire!"

Sailu said energetically, and without waiting for Tatsumi to react, he brought his white dog, Xiaobit, and walked straight away.

When Tatsumi reacted, he only saw Sailu's back. He had to give up the idea of meeting Sau immediately and followed Sailu.

After Sailu and Tatsumi caught a few petty thieves and put them in cells, they came to the center of the imperial capital for inspection.

As soon as Tatsumi looked up, he saw a huge and majestic statue standing in the center of the imperial capital, full of the majesty of a king.

There was a team of soldiers there to maintain order and protect the statue from being destroyed by others. There were also many civilians next to it who stared at the statue with respectful eyes, as if they wanted to engrave the statue in their hearts and never forget it.

"Senior Saiyu... that huge statue is……"

Tatsumi asked Sailu in astonishment.

【This is too exaggerated!】

"That is His Majesty the Emperor, the one I follow all my life, the pinnacle of justice!"

Sieru's eyes lit up, and she said excitedly with an extremely worshipful tone, as if His Majesty the Emperor was her lifelong belief, and she would go up and fight if anyone said a bad word about him.

Tatsumi was shocked by Sieru's fanatical look, and he could also understand Sieru's fanatical worship of those emperors.

After spending a short time together, Tatsumi already knew that Senior Sieru particularly advocated justice and would not allow anyone to blaspheme justice.

And the new law of equality for all promulgated by His Majesty the Emperor and the elimination of the evil nobles in the entire imperial capital, Senior Sieru's fanatical worship of His Majesty the Emperor is also conceivable.

【Is this the emperor who made laws that make everyone equal? Is this the emperor who truly rules for the people?

Tatsumi looked at the statue in front of him quietly, remembering that after he came to the imperial capital, he heard people revering this wise emperor, an emperor who truly cared about the people.

He swore in his heart at this moment that he must do his best to catch up with the emperor and be truly loyal to him.

For this reason, he decided to do his job as the Imperial Guard seriously, climb up step by step, and climb to the point where he could share the worries of the emperor.


Many big guys say that I update once a day too little, but there is no way.

This is my first time writing a novel, I don’t have any drafts saved, and sometimes I don’t even know how to write.

Please forgive me.

You should have clearly felt that I have improved a little bit every day after reading this novel I wrote.

From the beginning, I could only write more than a thousand words in a chapter, and now I can write more than two thousand words in a chapter.

It can be seen that my progress is obvious.

Here I beg for flowers, rewards, and monthly tickets.

Have fun reading books on May Day! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP points!

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