In the morning, the sun was like a bright red lantern hanging high in the blue sky. When the sun went down, the whole imperial capital looked even more brilliant.

""Wow! Is this the Imperial Capital? It's really spectacular. I really want to let those guys see it too."

A medium-sized man with short black hair exclaimed in surprise as he looked at the prosperous and lively scene in front of him.

The man was wearing a military blue suit and carrying a large sack on his back. When he got close, he could smell a strong fishy smell, and he knew that the sack was full of seafood.

His name is Will, and he belongs to the Imperial Navy. He is one of the Imperial Equipment Users summoned by Baiyin Yuxing. He had never been to a big city like the Imperial Capital before, so in order not to be looked down upon, he made good preparations before coming here, and brought a lot of local specialty seafood from his hometown.

Looking at Will like a country bumpkin entering the city, looking east and west, most of the surrounding Most of the residents of the Imperial City avoided him with a look of disgust.

The disgust was not because Will came from the countryside, but because he was surrounded by an unpleasant fishy smell. As long as someone approached him, the unpleasant fishy smell would hit them. No wonder the residents of the Imperial City disliked him.

Will, on the other hand, had no self-awareness. He walked around the Imperial City with a silly smile on his face. He did not feel the disgust of others at all. Instead, he walked around and looked around in a self-satisfied manner, sometimes muttering to himself, looking very uncomfortable.

Will curiously wandered around the Imperial City for a long time, until he saw the huge statue of the emperor standing in the center of the Imperial City, and then he remembered the main reason why he came to the Imperial City.

"Look how excited I am. I almost forgot about the business. I have to report to the palace and then I can have a good look around the capital."

Will patted his head and said.

Will stopped touring the capital and was about to run towards the palace.

However, at this moment

"This Central Avenue is for carriages, why are you walking there!"

Tatsumi, who was patrolling alone because Seleu was summoned to the Imperial Palace as an imperial tool user, saw Will walking stupidly on the Central Avenue and immediately reminded him kindly. The

Central Avenue of the Imperial Capital is for carriages, and the residents of the Imperial Capital all know this and often avoid walking in the middle of the road. Will, who was visiting the Imperial Capital for the first time, naturally didn't know this. Will looked in the direction of the voice and saw a young swordsman in the uniform of the Imperial Guard.

Will had once belonged to the Imperial Navy after all, and when he saw the young swordsman in the uniform of the Guard, he immediately walked over and apologized,"I'm sorry, this is my first time in the Imperial Capital, and I don't know the rules here."

"No need to apologize, just be more careful next time."

Tatsumi waved his hand and said nonchalantly.

"Is this your first time in the capital? What are you doing here?"

After hearing what Will said, Tatsumi asked him curiously.

"Well, I was summoned by His Majesty as an imperial weapon envoy and was about to go to the palace."

Will nodded with a smile on his face.

"Like Senior Sailu, he is an imperial weapon user and can be summoned by His Majesty!"

Tatsumi said with some envy.

"Senior Saiyu?"

Will didn't notice Tatsumi's envy at all, and asked Tatsumi with some doubt.

"Saiyu is my senior in the guard team, an imperial weapon user, and like you, he has been summoned by His Majesty."

Tatsumi said with a smile

"That's quite a coincidence."

"Hello, my name is Will, and I am a member of the Imperial Navy.

Will introduced himself to Tatsumi with a smile on his face.

"Hello, my name is Tatsumi, and I belong to the Imperial Guard."

Tatsumi smiled and introduced himself to Will.

Just like that, after the plot was completely destroyed, the two originally hostile people met at this moment.

After Will said goodbye to his new friend Tatsumi, he ran towards the direction of the palace.

When he arrived at a room in the side hall of the palace specified in the letter, Will stopped.

【Okay, this guy should be my accomplice.】

【The first impression is very important, and you must not let others underestimate you.

After Will adjusted his mental state to the best, he opened the door and saw a cute girl with long orange hair and a scary man wearing a strange mask staring at each other.

"Hello everyone, I am Will who was transferred from the Imperial Navy.

Will introduced himself as soon as he opened the door.

"Hello, I am Seryu Eubiquitus, a member of the Imperial Guard.

Seryu also introduced himself with a smile on his face.

"You are the Senior Sailu mentioned by Tatsumi. Nice to meet you."

Will said with a smile.

"Do you know my junior?"

Sailu asked with some doubt.

"Because of something that happened, I met Tatsumi."

Will touched his head embarrassedly, but he didn't say anything.

The scary man wearing a strange mask didn't say anything, but sat quietly in his seat and stared at Will.

【Hey, hey, what's going on? That guy has been staring at me since I walked in.】

【Fortunately, there are more than just me and him in this room.

Will found a seat and sat down, thinking to himself.

Will trembled when he thought about how he would feel if he was alone with this scary man wearing a strange mask.

Not long after, the door was pushed open again.

A pretty girl with short black hair came in. She was holding a bag of cookies and eating them while walking. She glanced at the three people in the room, ignored them, and found a seat and sat down.

"Hello, my name is Will.……"

Seeing Hei Tong coming in, Will went up to greet him.

Before Will could finish his words, Hei Tong immediately took the bag of cookies in his hand and said cutely:"I won't share this snack with you."

【This girl is a little weird!

Will was stunned when he heard what Hei Tong said.

When he reacted, he said"Excuse me," and returned to his seat dejectedly.

However, at this moment, Seleu ignored Will's dejection, and walked over to the only woman present except herself, smiling and said:"Hello, I am Seleu Eubiquitus from the Imperial Guard. Please give me your guidance." Seleu's self-introduction made Hei Tong, who was eating biscuits with her head down, look up at her and said lightly:"Hello, my name is Hei Tong"

"Hei Tong, what did you do before?"

Si Liu looked at the quiet atmosphere in the room and asked Hei Tong for no reason.

""Secret Guard."

Hei Tong said in a soft voice while eating biscuits.

"Secret Guard? That's the intelligence agency that His Majesty has just established!"

Sai Liu looked at Hei Tong with envy. Of course, Sai Liu knew about the Secret Guard, the intelligence agency that was directly responsible to His Majesty the Emperor.

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