Inside the Dawn Station,

Esdeath looked at the five people lying on the ground, panting.

"Very good, you can tie with me who used 80% of my strength, but it's not enough. We in Dawn don't need weaklings."

"General Esdeath……"

Lan slowly stood up and said,"The five of us have already trained to the limit at this stage. If we continue, the results will not be too great."

"That's true, then come with me to meet His Majesty later!"

After hearing Lan's words, Esdeath felt that there was some truth in them, and said with a calm smile


The civil and military competition founded by Baiyin Yuxing is divided into martial arts competition and literary competition, and General Budd and Grand Duke Jolly are in charge of the relevant matters respectively.

The civil and military competition is like the ancient imperial examination in China. Those who show excellence will be directly conferred as officials of the empire, and His Majesty the Emperor may also remember these excellent people.

And once you are remembered by His Majesty the Emperor, is there anything else to say? As long as you don't make any mistakes in the official road in the future, you will definitely have a bright future.

The huge arena in the imperial capital has been transformed into a place for martial arts competitions.

Because Baiyin Yuxing issued an order, any imperial resident who wants to watch the imperial martial arts competition can come to watch, so the entire huge arena seems very lively.

Esdeath, wearing a blue military uniform, came behind Baiyin Yuxing with the five people of Dawn.

The members of Dawn from all parts of the empire obviously have never seen this scene of huge crowds of people, and they are all very shocked.

Baiyin Yuxing sat on the throne, watching the wonderful competition of the contestants below. In order to gain the attention of His Majesty the Emperor, each contestant used his strongest strength.

Looking at these scenes, Baiyin Yuxing smiled slightly.

【It seems that after this competition is over, all the heroes in the world will be in our grasp. Then those parasites of the empire will have a hard time. 】

Thinking of those parasites of the empire, Baiyin Yuxing sneered in his heart.

Soon it was time for the final competition of the martial arts competition.

On both sides of a huge competition stage, two burly men who looked very tough walked in.

"Are they really these two?"

Baiyin Yuxing muttered to himself. He had noticed these two men a long time ago. They had won all the way since the martial arts examination and had never lost a single one.

"Your Majesty, both of you are good candidates."

"The one on the left is called Buck, a descendant of a fallen noble family, and the one on the right is called Jesse, who was once a slave."

General Budd, who was standing next to Baiyin Yuxing, heard his mumbling and introduced him.

The competition on the field had already begun. When Buck rushed to Jesse, he was two meters away. Suddenly, he stopped his forward momentum, leaned his body slightly backward, and kicked his feet hard. The whole person disappeared on the spot. When he reappeared, he was in front of Jesse, and his right fist blasted out as fast as a cannonball.

Jesse did not dodge Buck's attack, but just gently stretched out his left hand to block Buck's attack route.

After Buck's attack route was blocked, he immediately changed his attack method. He jumped up and kicked Jesse quickly and continuously with both feet.

Jesse still did not move. It was still a left hand, and he found the right time to hit Buck's heel.

Buck had nowhere to get leverage in the air, and immediately turned around and flew out. Jesse followed Buck the moment he flew out, intending to beat the downed dog and end the fight quickly.

Unfortunately, after Buck landed, he crossed his hands in front of his chest to block Jesse's heavy punch.

Jesse's left fist hit Buck's arms, making a loud noise, and a piercing pain rushed to Buck. He endured the pain and punched Jesse in the face with his backhand. They fought back and forth for several rounds, and Buck was covered in blood. In the end, because Buck was exhausted, he lost to Jesse. In the end, Jesse became the champion of this martial arts fight.

"This kind of fighting is just like the killing of slaves in the past. Does Your Majesty like to watch such things?"

Will said with some disappointment when he saw the brutal battle below.

"That's not right."

Sailu would not allow the faith in her heart to be tarnished. She argued

"Your Majesty is not that kind of person. He is the pinnacle of justice. Everything he does is justice. He just gives these people a chance to succeed. I don't allow you to say that, Your Majesty."

"I have heard a little about this. His Majesty issued a call for a civil and military competition a month ago. Anyone who is a resident of the empire can participate regardless of their status."

"Those who perform well can be granted official positions, which can be described as a step to heaven."

Lan had heard of this before he came to the imperial capital. He originally wanted to participate in the civil and military competition and do his insignificant part for the bright future of the empire, but later he was summoned by His Majesty as an imperial tool envoy and gave up this idea.

"Can you be promoted as an official as long as you perform well?"

Will opened his mouth in surprise.

You know, relying on his own power of the imperial device and the relationship with his master, he has worked hard for more than ten years, but in reality he can only be regarded as a small official now, not even a general.

With his ability to use the imperial device, it is not easy to sweep the whole field.

Lan seemed to see through Will's thoughts and said with a smile:"The imperial device cannot be used in martial arts competitions."

Esdeath in front heard the words behind him and smiled lightly:"These are some warriors who have truly experienced cruel battles. If you didn't use the imperial device before, you would never be their opponent, but now it is not necessarily the case."

"Unable to use Teigu!"

Will recalled that none of them used Teigu, and at most they used normal weapons.

"Even if you can be promoted to an official position, you don't have to fight so hard."

However, he couldn't understand why he didn't have to fight so hard even if he was promoted to an official position. Not long after he arrived, he saw several people who were beaten to death, but they didn't shout to admit defeat.

"Because this is their only and best way out."

Lan smiled after hearing Will's words.

The champion of this martial arts competition, Jesse, ignored his wounded body and slowly knelt down respectfully to Baiyin Yuxing, and said loudly with tears in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, I...I won"

"Very good, then according to the agreement, I will appoint you as the deputy general of the third battalion of the Guards."

Baiyin Yuxing said with a smile.

As soon as Baiyin Yuxing finished speaking, the whole arena burst into enthusiastic cheers.

""Deputy...deputy general!"

Will muttered in shock. Although he was only a deputy general, he was still a general! Some people fought hard on the battlefield for more than 30 years and only became deputy generals. Now, just by winning the championship in the martial arts competition, they could be awarded the title of deputy general. Will couldn't help but be shocked.

Of course, it wasn't just Will who was shocked. Almost everyone present was shocked.


Baiyin Yuxing looked at the enthusiastic cheers of the crowd and said two words with a smile.

Everyone stopped shouting and the entire arena became silent.

"All the contestants who performed well in this civil and military competition will have the opportunity to be appointed as officials by me. I will have someone announce it tomorrow."

"Next, let's cheer as much as we can!"

Seeing the whole audience immediately become quiet, Baiyin Yuxing smiled with satisfaction and said

"Long live His Majesty!"

"Long live His Majesty!"

"Long live His Majesty!"


The whole audience cheered again, and even the Dawn people couldn't help but shout along with everyone else.

"What an incredible appeal! Just one word from His Majesty can make so many people obey, which is much better than using force to force the nobles.……"

"As expected, His Majesty is the true savior of this empire!"

Lan stared blankly at Baiyin Yuxing sitting on the throne in front of him, muttering to himself.

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