Once upon a time, when the emperor of this thousand-year-old empire was in court, Minister Ernest would sit next to the throne and eat meat with big mouthfuls, showing his transcendent status of power over the world. The emperor trusted Minister Ernest so much that he would ask for his opinion no matter what decision he made.

It can be said that he had no opinions of his own and would ask Minister Ernest for help whenever something happened. He did not act like an emperor, and could not even be called a tyrant, let alone a tyrant.

However, since Baiyin Yuxing replaced him as the emperor of this empire, the situation has been completely different. Now Ernest can only be his dog and help him secretly get rid of those damn nobles to atone for his previous mistakes.

【It has been a long time since I heard the news about Ernest and others, but there have been news reports that the whole families of those damned nobles were killed.

Baiyin Yuxing sat on the high throne, listening to Grand Duke Jolly's report on matters related to the civil and military competition, and was absent-mindedly thinking about other things.

Seeing Grand Duke Jolly talking for a while with saliva splashing and not ready to stop, Baiyin Yuxing sighed slightly and said to Grand Duke Jolly:"You can decide these things, and you don't have to report to me specifically."

Grand Duke Jolly has nothing to say about Baiyin Yuxing's loyalty or ability, but he is too long-winded. He can talk to you for a long time about a very simple thing.

""I obey your command."

Grand Duke Jolly, who was speaking excitedly, could only respond after hearing the words of his own emperor.

When Grand Duke Jolly returned to his seat, General Budd stood up and asked Baiyin Yuxing:"Your Majesty, what should we do with the slave traders in the cells?"

Since the new laws of the empire were promulgated, slave traders who violated the laws were naturally arrested. From now on, the empire will prohibit the buying and selling of human beings. No matter how powerful one is, he can only hire others.

"Slave traders? There's no point in keeping them, so just make them public."

Baiyin Yuxing said coldly, not taking them seriously at all.

"Your Majesty, there have been many murders in the imperial capital recently, all committed by the same person. He would kill passers-by at night and chop off their heads, causing panic in the entire imperial capital."

At this time, one of the civil officials stood up to report

"There have been multiple murders in a row. What is the guard team for?"

Baiyin Yuxing shouted angrily.

"Your Majesty, the captain of the Imperial Guard was murdered not long ago, and the entire guard is leaderless."

The civil official who stood up said bitterly

"Ouka was killed, it should be the night raid, it seems that the night raid problem must be solved as soon as possible, otherwise there are not enough people for them to kill."

Baiyin Yuxing ignored the reactions of others and muttered to himself while sitting on the throne.

Seeing that Baiyin Yuxing did not speak, everyone present did not dare to breathe. The current emperor is not the weak emperor before, don't let him die without knowing how.

【Behead Zanke? He is indeed a troublesome character.】

Shirogane Miyuki remembered that there was indeed such a plot in the original work. His strength was not very strong, and it could even be said that he was very weak, but he had a troublesome imperial tool.


Beheading Zanke, the former beheader who specialized in executing the death penalty in the empire, developed a habit of killing people every day. Gradually, he was no longer satisfied with killing people only in prison, so he stole the warden's imperial weapon, the Universal Vision (Observer), and began to kill people continuously on the street.

Five Visions (Observer): An imperial weapon with five abilities: clairvoyance, farsightedness, perspective, future vision, and hallucination. Clairvoyance can see through the other person's thoughts by observing their expressions, farsightedness can see things far away, perspective can see the target regardless of obstacles, future vision can see the next situation through subtle muscle movements, and hallucination can make the other person see hallucinations.


【However, the Five Powers of All Vision (Observer) is a very interesting imperial tool, but it is too ugly. I really don't know what kind of vision the guy who created it had. 】

Shirogane Miyuki's eyes lit up when he thought of the five powers of the Five Powers of All Vision (Observer), but when he thought of its ugly appearance, he gave up the tempting idea in his mind. After all, being handsome can be said to be a lifelong matter.

【It's time for Saiyu to take over as the captain of the guard team. 】

Shirogane Miyuki's mind raced, and he immediately came up with an idea.

In Shirogane Miyuki's mind, the best candidate to become the captain of the guard team is this girl who has absolute justice in her heart.

"You don't have to worry about this matter, I will arrange it."

Baiyin Yuxing said calmly

""As you command, Your Majesty."

The civil official below said happily. He didn't want to get involved in this matter, but there was no way because it was originally his responsibility. If he didn't report it, he would be afraid of losing his head when the emperor knew about it. So he bit the scalp and reported it to the emperor today.

However, what this civil official didn't know was that seeing his happy look, Baiyin Yuxing had already sentenced him to death in his heart, thinking about replacing him in a few days.

Anyway, after the civil and military competition, a large number of talents came into his hands. Now he would replace anyone he didn't like, and he would be willful, and no one dared to object.

After the court, Baiyin Yuxing went directly to meet Liming with a small team of guards who were protecting him.

""Your Majesty."

The Liming people who were chatting saw Baiyin Yuxing coming in and immediately bowed and said

"No need to be polite."

Baiyin Yuxing said with a calm smile

"I heard from Esdeath that your strength has grown to the limit of the current stage. Very good, then I will issue a test task to become a formal member of Dawn."

"But before that, there is a murderer in the capital recently, a user of imperial tools, I want you to get rid of him."

Baiyin Yuxing turned to Sai Liu and said

"A murderer, or an imperial weapon user?"

"I will definitely send this evil man to hell."

Sailu frowned and said coldly.

After hearing Sailu's words, Shirogane Yuxing smiled with satisfaction, and then said to everyone present:"After Sailu gets rid of the murderer, go and capture all the members of the killer group's night raid alive. This is the assessment task I give you."

"Remember, I said to capture them alive, especially you, Esdeath. Don't kill them."

Baiyin Yuxing once again repeated to capture all members of Night Raid alive, especially to Esdeath.

You know, all members of Night Raid have a deep relationship. If you accidentally kill one of them, they will definitely not surrender to Baiyin Yuxing so easily, and it will be very troublesome.

"Except for the mission time, you can move freely."

Seeing several people sitting blankly at the conference table, he said unhappily.

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