After the court meeting, Shirogane Yuxing planned to go to the Royal Academy to see how the research of scientists headed by Dr. Shishang was progressing, and to ask if it was possible to make imperial tools with the materials of the special dangerous species.

Shirogane Yuxing led the two sisters, Hei Tong and Chi Tong, who were responsible for protecting him, to the direction of the Royal Academy. Soon they arrived at the entrance of the Royal Academy.

At the entrance of the Royal Academy, two soldiers were guarding the place with strange spears in their hands.

These two soldiers were specially selected by Shirogane Yuxing from the Wushuang Army. They were the strongest in the Wushuang Army and were very loyal to Shirogane Yuxing.

Shirogane Yuxing selected 1,000 soldiers like this to guard the important places in the imperial capital, and the Royal Academy was the most important place in the empire.

Even the palace was not as important as this place, but if the Royal Academy was destroyed, it would seriously damage the entire empire.

Shirogane Yuxing established a security bureau based on the 1,000 soldiers, and the location of the security bureau was next to the Royal Academy, so that as long as there was any movement in the Royal Academy, they could react immediately.

When the two soldiers guarding the Royal Academy saw Baiyin Yuxing coming, they immediately bowed and saluted, saying,"Greetings, Your Majesty!"

"You are very good, keep it up."

Baiyin Yuxing nodded and took the two sisters Hei Tong and Chi Tong directly into the Royal Academy of Sciences.

""Yes, Your Majesty."

Two soldiers guarding the Royal Academy of Sciences said excitedly. What Baiyin Yuxing said just now was the greatest affirmation for them.

The entire Royal Academy of Sciences is very large, but a large part of it is used to store various dangerous materials.

Baiyin Yuxing ignored these and went straight to Dr. Shishang's research site.

At this time, there was not only Dr. Shishang here, but five or six people in white coats all surrounded Dr. Shishang and concentrated on the experimental report in his hand and discussed it, without noticing Baiyin Yuxing's arrival at all.

"Will this work? This doesn't meet our expectations!"

A middle-aged man in a white coat frowned.

"I think the chances of success are quite high, but it probably won't meet your majesty's standards and needs some improvement."

"Indeed, the direction of our research should be correct. As long as we move forward in this direction and conduct more experiments, we may be able to exceed the standards required by Your Majesty."

"Yes, as long as we study in this direction,"

"But I still think the chances of success are slim.

The middle-aged man in the white coat said unyieldingly.

"There is no point in arguing here, why not ask the fashion academician!"

Seeing several people arguing here, someone suggested

""Fashion Academician, what do you think?"

An old man in a white coat asked Dr. Fashion

"This idea is correct, but it needs to be improved. This is fashion indeed!"

Rr. Fashion said with a smile while looking at the experimental report in his hand.

After hearing the result of the experiment, the old man in the white coat prepared to take his own people back to his laboratory.

When he turned around, he saw Shirogane Miyuki who was watching everything that had just happened with a smile on his face, and the two expressionless girls, Akagi and Kuroi, behind him.

"Your Majesty" The old man was stunned at first, then he quickly bowed and saluted, saying:"Your Majesty, I pay my respects to you. Please forgive me."

Hearing the old man's respectful voice, everyone present noticed the arrival of Baiyin Yuxing and saluted in a hurry, saying:"Your Majesty, I pay my respects to you. Please forgive me.""

"What crime have you committed? Not only will I not punish you, I will also reward you for your serious and responsible attitude!"

"Don't refuse, this is what you deserve."

Seeing Dr. Fashion and others preparing to refuse, Baiyin Yuxing said with a smile on his face

"But what should I reward you with? I'll double your experimental funding!"

Baiyin Yuxing thought for a moment and said,

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard that the experimental funds would be doubled.

"You don't have to be so polite. I just came here today to see how your research is going."

Baiyin Yuxing smiled and waved his hand.

"As you command, Your Majesty, it is my honor!"

Dr. Fashion was stunned when he heard Baiyin Yuxing's words, but then he reacted and said excitedly

"Your Majesty, the human body strengthening drug you asked us to develop has made initial progress. It is made from the blood of some common dangerous species."

"It can slightly improve the physical fitness of an ordinary person, but it has no effect on people with strong physical fitness to a certain extent, and it can give the user a certain chance to obtain a special ability of this dangerous species."

"According to your majesty's request, this human enhancement potion has absolutely no negative effects."

Hearing Dr. Shishang's words, Baiyin Yuxing expressed that he was very shocked.

Although it can only improve the physical fitness of ordinary people and give the user the opportunity to obtain a special ability of the dangerous species, you have to know that this is only the initial progress, and the blood used is still ordinary dangerous species.

If the research is more in-depth in the future, based on the blood of super dangerous species, can we create a human enhancement potion that can recognize people and reach the sky in one step?

It's exciting to think about it!


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