"What do you mean?"

When Shirogane Miyuki saw Chihiro Chihiro's weird smile, he had an idea that Mashiro really liked him.

【Did Mashiro really fall in love with me so quickly? That's not right! I remember that Mashiro's personality was like this, she's just more friendly to me, why would this leftover female teacher say that. 】

Shirogane Miyuki is still very confident that Shiina Mashiro will like him.

Getting the"raising" rights of Mashiro means getting an absolute advantage.

After all, the male protagonist Kanda Sorata in the original work, who is mediocre except for his kindness, can make Mashiro fall in love with him, there is no reason why he, the super genius and the Lord of the Great Eternal, will fail.

In his opinion, it will take a long time of accumulation to make Shiina Mashiro, the innocent and beautiful girl, know her feelings.

"Xiao Zhenbai and Kei are in your hands. I want to make up for all the social activities I missed these days. This time, I must make the social activities a success, say goodbye to being single, and move towards a happy marriage!"

Qian Shi Qianxun did not directly answer Shirogane Miyuki's question, but clenched her fists vigorously, with a strong fighting spirit in her eyes.

【You have participated in so many social gatherings, but have you ever succeeded? You have been dubbed a leftover woman for a thousand years.】

Looking at Qianshi Qianxun's full of fighting spirit, Baiyin Yuxing complained in his heart.

He was not stupid, so he would not say it out loud.

"Brat, are you thinking about something bad?"

Qianshi Qianxun suddenly looked at Baiyin Yuxing with a suspicious look on his face.

"What do you think?"

Baiyin Yuxing said with a smile

"It's strange, is it my illusion?"

"Forget it, I'll be a good person and give you a ride."

Qianshi Qianxun shook her head and pointed to the more luxurious car lane not far away. She felt that no one could predict such things.


After Chihiro Chiishi sent Shirogane Miyuki, Shirogane Kei, and Shiina Mashiro to their home, she refused even when Shirogane Kei wanted to keep her for dinner. She drove away without any nostalgia. Anyone who knew her a little bit would know that she was in a hurry to go to the social gathering.

When Shirogane Miyuki and the other two arrived home, it was almost seven or eight o'clock in the evening, and the three of them hadn't eaten dinner yet.

Looking at the silly and cute Shiina Mashiro and Shirogane Kei who was sitting on the sofa playing with his mobile phone, Shirogane Miyuki sighed slightly, walked slowly into the kitchen, and prepared to cook.

How sad it is that Shirogane Miyuki, the lord of a world and the founding emperor of the Great Hengyun Dynasty, has to cook for himself in this world!

Although with Shirogane Miyuki's current strength, he doesn't need to supplement food to take in nutrients to maintain his life. He can absorb energy from the outside world to be self-sufficient.

But Shirogane Miyuki is a human being after all, and has retained most of the characteristics of a human being. He has been accustomed to eating three meals a day to satisfy his appetite. Besides, if he doesn't eat, can Shiina Mashiro and Shirogane Kei do the same? Obviously not.

So Shirogane Miyuki can only do it himself. As for asking the two women in his shadow, Akame and Kurome, to cook, forget it. There are two reasons.

First, he doesn't know how to introduce the two women. Now he is walking the upright path of the emperor, and naturally disdains to deceive others. And now he doesn't want to admit that Shirogane Kei and Shiina Mashiro are involved, which has caused the current difficult to explain situation.

Second, Akame and Kurome, you ask the two sisters to cook, forget it. Although the two sisters are foodies, their cooking is terrible. Akame is better, but her cooking skills are limited to roasting meat. Not to mention Kurome's cooking skills are even worse than Akame. Any food in her hands, after careful cooking, can turn into poison.

The family of three, plus the two girls, Kuroneko and Akame, who were invisible to the two girls and were practicing in the shadow of Shirogane Miyuki, had a very happy meal.

Especially Shiina Mashiro, who was closer to Shirogane Miyuki than before, and had been sticking to him since she met him.

After dinner, an indescribable accident happened to Shiina Mashiro and Shirogane Miyuki. When Shirogane Kei and Shiina Mashiro were taking a bath together, Shirogane Miyuki accidentally saw their naked bodies. Shirogane Kei was so ashamed and angry, while Shiina Mashiro had a calm expression and didn't care at all.

After taking a bath and cleaning the living room, Shirogane Miyuki and the other two returned to their own rooms.

Not long after Shirogane Miyuki returned to his room, he heard the sound of the door being gently pushed open.

He turned his head and saw Shiina Mashiro's face coming into view.

"Is there anything wrong with Mashiro?"

Shirogane Miyuki asked with some confusion.

""Okay, take off your clothes."

Shiina Mashiro gently closed the door and nodded expressionlessly, not realizing how shocking her words were.

"Ah! Mashiro, what do you mean?"

Shirogane Miyuki asked with a puzzled look on his face. At this moment, he had only one thought in his mind, that is, Shiina Mashiro was going to cause trouble.

And he didn't have any bad thoughts. In his cognition, this innocent girl couldn't possibly understand these things. It can be seen from the fact that she stood naked and expressionless in front of him before.

"In order to draw better comics."

Shiina Mashiro said softly with a blank expression

"Tell me what's going on?"

Shirogane Miyuki asked with a headache, feeling that he couldn't keep up with Shiina Mashiro's thinking at all. What does it have to do with seeing him naked in order to draw a good comic?

"Yesterday, Ayano read my comics and was rejected."

"Ayano said that the plot of my comics is too monotonous and has no characteristics."

Shiina Mashiro said softly with a blank expression, but Shirogane Miyuki could still feel that she was a little disappointed.

"Is that so? Then what does this have to do with taking off my clothes?"

Baiyin Yuxing asked speechlessly. Until now, he couldn't figure out what the connection between the two was.


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