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"Ayano said that to draw good comics and make them more interesting, one must first learn how to fall in love."

"So, come and date me!"

Shiina Mashiro did not answer Shirogane Miyuki's question, but spoke on her own with an innocent expression.

"Well, if that's the case, then even if you're in love with me, what does it have to do with asking me to take off my clothes?"

Shirogane Miyuki asked Shiina Mashiro in confusion.

"Isn't that what love is all about?"

Shiina Mashiro looked at Shirogane Miyuki with her big innocent eyes and asked

"Who taught you that this is how you should date?"

Shirogane Miyuki asked Shiina Mashiro with a frown on his face.

"Ayano told me."

Shiina Mashiro replied without any hesitation

"I want to meet the Ayano you mentioned right now!"

Shirogane Miyuki gritted his teeth and said

"Ayano is a good person."

Shiina Mashiro's voice, without any emotion, reached Shirogane Miyuki's ears.

【Why can you understand this tone? Aren't you a three-no girl? Don't you have no common sense?】

Shirogane Miyuki suddenly looked at Shiina Mashiro with a look like a father seeing his daughter grow up.

Feeling Shirogane Miyuki's strange look, Shiina Mashiro was not moved at all, just looked at him with a silly face and continued:"Take off your clothes

"Mashiro, let me tell you the truth, falling in love has nothing to do with taking off clothes."

Looking at the cute Mashiro Shiina, Shirogane Miyuki couldn't bear to refuse, so he had to explain helplessly, hoping that she could give up this decision

""Okay, take off your clothes."

After hearing Shiina Mashiro's explanation, Shiina Miyuki still didn't give up the decision.

After some communication, Shiina Miyuki learned that the reason why Shiina Mashiro still wanted him to take off his clothes was to understand the proportions and structure of men's bodies, so that he could draw the male characters in the comics more perfectly.

Shiina Mashiro, a genius world painter, has an extreme pursuit of painting-related things. It should be said that this is a common problem of all genius painters. This spirit of pursuit of perfection is also one of the reasons why they have reached the pinnacle of this field.

After learning this, Shiina Miyuki was still a little hesitant. Although he was the Lord of Daheng and had lived two lives, he was still a virgin.

Taking off clothes in front of Shiina Mashiro, a stunningly beautiful girl, even though this was a mandatory requirement from Mashiro, he still felt a little weird in his heart.

Looking at Shiina Mashiro Bai stared at him intently, and Shirogane took off his shirt, revealing his golden ratio figure, which was just a byproduct of his practice of the immortal body refining technique in"The Record of the Nine Heavens Emperor". The golden ratio is an example in the field of mathematics, with strict proportionality, artistry, harmony, and rich aesthetic value.

It not only exists in art fields such as painting, sculpture, music, and architecture, but also plays an important role in management, engineering design, etc. The golden ratio of the human body only exists in human fantasy, and there is no specific unified formula value until now. It is said that the closer someone is to this value, the more perfect it is.

Of course, Shiina Mashiro didn't know that Shirogane Miyuki's figure was the golden ratio that only existed in people's imaginations, and she might not even know what the golden ratio is.

"Take off your pants too."

Seeing that Shirogane Miyuki took off his shirt, Shiina Mashiro was not satisfied, but continued to ask for more.

Seeing Shiina Mashiro's resolute attitude, things have come to this point, and he won't suffer any loss anyway, so thinking of this, Shirogane Miyuki also took off his pants.

"Take off your panties too."

Shiina Mashiro saw that Shirogane Miyuki was only wearing a pair of panties and wanted to completely destroy her last layer of defense.

"You absolutely cannot take off your panties."

Baiyin Yuxing said firmly

"Why can't you take off your panties?"

Shiina Mashiro asked in a puzzled voice.

"It's nothing, you just can't take it off."

Shirogane Miyuki didn't answer Shiina Mashiro's question directly, but shook her head.

In short, Shirogane Miyuki didn't know how to explain this simple question, or even if she explained it, Shiina Mashiro might not understand it, after all, she is a magical existence with zero common sense.

Fortunately, after hearing Shirogane Miyuki's firm answer, Shiina Mashiro didn't insist on whether to take off his panties or not. Shiina Mashiro carefully observed Shirogane Miyuki, who was only wearing a pair of panties, for a while, then walked slowly to him and threw him on the bed, gently putting her hand on his chest and stroking it.

Smelling the unique girl's body fragrance coming from Shiina Mashiro, Shirogane Miyuki's heart beat violently a few times.

As if feeling that she couldn't understand his structure more thoroughly, Shiina Mashiro listened with her whole head to her chest for a while, then raised her head and said:"Xing's heart is beating so fast."

"Really? I don't know who did it."

Shirogane Miyuki felt the softness of Shiina Mashiro against his body, and felt a surge of desire in his heart, the urge to kill this stunning girl right there.

【Mashiro, this innocent idiot, doesn't know anything yet. He can't do such a thing that is worse than an animal.

He shook his head and used his strong willpower to suppress the strong desire in his heart.

"Mashiro, let's stop here."

Shirogane Miyuki touched Shiina Mashiro's smooth hair, and the restlessness in his heart had calmed down.

"Well, I already understand Yuki's body."

Shiina Mashiro nodded expressionlessly.

When Shirogane Miyuki stood up silently and put on his clothes, he saw Shiina Mashiro sitting in front of the computer desk and concentrating on drawing comics.

"As expected of Mashiro!"

Shirogane Miyuki sighed as he watched Shiina Mashiro paint calmly as always, not taking the past events to heart at all.


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