"How could I have such a strange dream? I can't cause trouble to Su Yu."Natsume Reiko sighed, shook her head and continued to lie down to rest.

"It seems that after leaving that world, there are still some effects, and I still feel very insecure."Su Yu thought about it and walked back to sit down and start practicing.

After checking the situation of the dragon ball in his body, he took a deep breath and found that the dragon ball had grown a lot. It seems that the benefits of gem meat are indeed many. Not only does it improve strength a lot, but it also makes the dragon ball in the body stronger.

In addition to the meal in the evening, the strength has now increased to 1v60, and the gourmet cells have been continuously improved with the meal. The devouring body has also been improved in the process of eating just now, and has reached the level of 4.

It can be said that the energy obtained from the gem meat has been improved again. It is estimated that this gem meat can make the strength increase rapidly.

When the effect becomes weaker, you can switch to eating rainbow fruit. At present, the combat power level has indeed increased a lot.

However, compared with the first meal, this improvement has become much smaller.

This time it only increased by four levels. It is estimated that it is related to the level. Each upgrade requires more energy, and the energy provided by gem meat is the same.

There is no obvious effect because the energy is too little to make the strength increase rapidly.

Capturing the dragon ball of level 60, plus the current life force, it is still possible to try to deal with the Titan Tree Viper.

After all, the current physical strength is different from that of ordinary gourmet hunters.

"Forget it, there is no need to rush to find that Titan Tree Viper, just patiently improve your strength first."After thinking, Su Yu recovered from the state of regulating his breath, stretched his waist and went back to lie down to rest.

Dong, Dong

"Who?" Hearing the noise, Su Yu suddenly woke up and turned to look at the gate.

"It's me, Reiko." Natsume Reiko's voice came, Su Yu scratched his head and walked over to open the door.

Looking at Natsume Reiko standing in front of him:"What's wrong, Reiko?"

"I, I had a nightmare again. You said you would come to me if I had any problems. Can I, can I sleep here?" Natsume Reiko asked with a evasive look. As she spoke, her face turned red.

"Come in, and remember to close the door."Su Yu nodded and said something, scratched his head and went back to lie down. Seeing that Su Yu didn't say much, Natsume Reiko also went over and lay down.

"Lingzi, are you scared by those red eyes?"Su Yu looked at Natsume Lingzi and saw that she actually ran over and lay down. He turned around and looked at Natsume Lingzi with interest.

According to the anime, this girl should be fearless. Why would she be afraid of this?

"Yes." Natsume Reiko was stunned for a moment, and after replying, she covered her heart. She had always been afraid before, but she didn't expect that she would suddenly want to act like a spoiled child today. It seemed that staying here was becoming more and more strange.

"Don't be afraid, go to sleep."Su Yu replied and continued to turn over and lie down to sleep.

""Okay." Natsume Reiko replied and turned over to lie down. Soon her expression gradually relaxed from being nervous and she fell asleep.


The next morning

"Hmm! Eh!"Natsume Reiko, who had just woken up, was stunned when she saw Su Yu's face in front of her. She was almost leaning on Su Yu in an ambiguous posture, with both hands holding one of Su Yu's arms.

Seeing this situation, Natsume Reiko quickly let go of her hands and sat up carefully.

She rolled up her long hair and looked at Su Yu who was still sleeping. She felt relieved and left carefully.

"Maintaining this posture is quite exhausting." Su Yu pouted and opened his eyes, stretching his muscles.

"Life is getting more and more comfortable." He smiled and got up and left the room, going downstairs to wash up.

He saw Natsume Reiko coming out. Seeing Su Yu coming over, Natsume Reiko was stunned for a moment:"Are you awake?"

"Yes, you can go to the restaurant and wait for a while. I will make some simple breakfast later."Su Yu said as he walked towards the bathroom.

""Yeah." Natsume Reiko answered and turned away. Suddenly her face turned red when she thought of something, and she hurried away to the restaurant.

Su Yu went in to wash up, and came to the restaurant to see Natsume Reiko sitting upright.

"Let's go have breakfast." Su Yu said and turned to leave

"Why do you have to go outside to eat breakfast?" Natsume Reiko asked and quickly followed.

"Come with me, and you'll know in a moment."Su Yu said as he brought Natsume Reiko to the orchard.

""Oh, I haven't introduced you to other places in the manor yet. This is the orchard, where all kinds of fruit trees are planted. We're going to have breakfast here." Su Yu said as he led the way.

Natsume Reiko was stunned and looked around curiously. She could smell a strong fruity fragrance. The fragrance of ripe fruits drifted from all directions.

Smelling the fragrance and looking around, she could see all kinds of fruit trees with delicious fruits.

"There are so many fruits here, it's so beautiful here."Natsume Reiko muttered, watching Su Yu walk away, and immediately trotted after him.

"Wuzhi, wuzhi." Soon a group of fruit gorillas blocked the way of the few people.

"Go play somewhere else." Su Yu waved his hand, and a group of fruit gorillas immediately turned around and ran away.

"What are these?"Natsume Reiko looked at the big gorilla running away curiously, wondering why these creatures were so respectful to Su Yu.

"Fruit orangutan, little helper who guards and takes care of the orchard, come this way, don't get lost." Su Yu waved and walked towards the direction of the snack forest.

"I'm not a child, how could I get lost?"Natsume Reiko said as she followed silently, looking around curiously as she walked.

There were all kinds of magical fruits that she had never seen before, and she couldn't help wanting to taste them. You know, in their world, fruits are very expensive.

"Can I pick some fruit to eat later? Su Yu. Natsume Reiko walked to Su Yu and asked

"If you want to eat, pick them later. We are here."Su Yu said, looking at the snack tree in front of him.

"What a nice smell, like the sweet smell of pancakes. It's so magical, how can these pancakes grow on trees?"Natsume Reiko stared blankly at the smoking trees around her.

"This is the magic of this world."Su Yu continued to walk forward, and Natsume Reiko also looked at the huge tree in front of her. The black trunk looked like chocolate, the leaves looked like small snacks, and there were all kinds of snacks and cakes hanging on the tree. It was a unique tree in the forest and was particularly eye-catching.

"What kind of tree is this, Su Yu?"Natsume Reiko asked curiously, looking at the dessert tree in front of her.

"The dessert tree is a tree that can grow all kinds of delicious desserts. The longer it grows, the more desserts it can produce. This is a very rare plant. This tree is five hundred years old and can produce most desserts. Please sit down."Su Yu waved his hand and a dining table and chairs appeared on the ground, as well as tableware.

"What do you want to eat? Reiko."Su Yu said as he took out coconut milk and poured honey lemon juice for the two of them. He turned his head and looked at Natsume Reiko, who was looking around with shining eyes.

"This place is like a fairy tale, so magical, I am not dreaming."Natsume Reiko looked at Su Yu and asked

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