But now we are waiting for the meat to cook, so we can just deal with these salt oranges if we have more time.

After handling them carefully, we found that the equipment inside the salt oranges would not damage the flesh even if they were hit hard.

The outer layer has a hard shell and a part is a soft layer like grapefruit to ensure that the flesh will not be damaged.

So just smash it open.

Fix the horn of the one-horned bear and use it as a firing pin, and it will crack open by smashing upwards.

This horn is simply a magic weapon for opening this kind of fruit.

It can effectively speed up his processing of these salt oranges.

All the salt oranges were processed in half an hour, and the flesh was placed in a stone basin on the side.

After all the salt oranges were processed, Su Yu immediately began to enjoy the salt orange flesh that he had prepared with great effort.

He ate all the salt orange flesh at once and burped with satisfaction.

"It tastes good. I didn't expect that the horn of the one-horned bear can be a good tool."Looking at the horn of the one-horned bear, it is really good. I will find some time to polish it and make a gun head.

Then find some bones to make arrows and make a bow and arrow to hunt these fruit monkeys and complete the task first.

Thinking about it, Su Yu immediately started to make tools. Now he is not hungry, so he lets the soup continue to cook. The smell of the meat makes him energetic to work.

After busy processing, he first made a wooden jar, and then ground the peel of the salt orange into powder and stored it.

It can be used later.

After grinding a jar, Su Yu put the rest of the skin aside, put it on the meat and threw it to remove the smell of the meat.

Anyway, there is enough salt.

After preparing the salt, he started to walk over to eat the feast. He picked up the meat with chopsticks and found that the meat was soft and fell off with a pinch.

"Perfect, now we can start eating the broth." Su Yu looked at the broth that was immediately poured out in a stone basin and began to taste it.

This kind of meat is cooked so soft that you can bite it all off in one bite, which is really good.

You can eat the meat very cleanly and it is also easy to eat.

It allows him to eat the meat quickly.

"It tastes good. The flavor is cooked into the meat. The salty flavor has a citrus flavor. It doesn't have the fishy smell of meat. Not bad, not bad." He nodded while eating the meat.

The meat of these gourmet creatures is indeed different from that of ordinary creatures. The meat tastes very tender. It doesn't have the dryness of the meat I ate before. It tastes tender and refreshing.

After eating, eat the bone marrow together.

"This should be a good way to eat it. It is really pleasant to eat bones this way. The remaining meat can be stewed. Although the meat is a bit hard before cooking, it tastes and tastes good after cooking. The meat is very smooth, just like tenderloin, and the fat is good."Su Yu tasted it and nodded with satisfaction. This crazy feeling of eating meat is really pleasant.

After a big meal, finish the meat in the pot and drink some soup.

Su Yu burped with satisfaction and lay down on the grass to rest.

""Huh, I'm so full. This kind of life that is just for survival is really simple and pure." Su Yu looked at the big sun in the sky. He took a rest first and went to the other side to find some materials to make bows and arrows. He was busy until the evening and made a wooden bow.

Then he used bones to grind them into arrowheads. The bones of these gourmet creatures are surprisingly hard, and the polished arrowheads are more useful than ordinary metal arrowheads.

When he tried to grind out an arrowhead, a prompt suddenly sounded in his mind.

【The host learns and masters the skill: polishing level 1】

【Polishing lv1: This skill can increase the polishing speed by 10% and the sharpness of the polishing tool by 10%.%】

【Proficiency: 0/1000】

【Skill introduction: You can get proficiency improvement by using it】

"This can also gain skills, which feels good. However, why doesn’t making bows and arrows give me skills? Is it because the ones I made are too rubbish?"Su Yu thought as he watched the crude bows and arrows being made.

Although the workmanship was crude, he had no choice. After all, it was the first time he made such a weapon. He had never touched it before. It was good enough that he could make it. How could he be picky? It might take more than an hour to make another one to get the materials. After thinking about it, he decided to forget it. It was enough as long as it could be used.

It was just catching a few fruit monkeys, and it wouldn't take long. He didn't plan to dominate the island with long-range weapons.

After all, the effect of long-range weapons was limited. It was okay to deal with some small gourmet creatures, but it probably couldn't even break the defense against those with thick skin and flesh.

With a new skill, Su Yu's polishing skills became smoother. He quickly began to polish the bone fragments to make arrowheads.

After a busy afternoon, he made 500 arrows and a bow, and an afternoon of cooking broth passed.

In the evening, looking at his own achievements, Su Yu nodded with satisfaction. Although it was tiring, his manual skills were constantly improving.

This was also a good thing. At least his life skills were getting stronger and stronger.

After finishing his work, he walked over and began to enjoy this stew with a faint citrus aroma.

"It's delicious. This stew is really great. The soup will overflow with a light bite, and the meat is soft and melts in the mouth."Su Yu's mouth curled up. He didn't feel that the meat was hard or unpalatable at all. At least it tasted better than the roasted whole pig. He felt that his strength was gradually improving. This feeling was really good.

He enjoyed this feeling of gradually getting stronger.

After finishing a satisfying meal, he cleaned the big pot and walked over to start processing the roasted whole pig.

"Tonight is another busy night."Su Yu spread his hands helplessly. He seemed to be busy all the time.

【Congratulations to the host for passing the study and mastering anatomy level 1】

【Dissection lv1: With this skill, the dissection speed is increased by 10% and the dissection resistance is reduced by 10%.%】

【Proficiency: 0/1000】

【Skill introduction: You can get proficiency improvement by using it】

"Another skill? Why do I feel like I'm playing a game?"Su Yu narrowed his eyes as he listened to the prompt. If his hands weren't covered in sticky sauce, he would have scratched his head out of habit.

After checking the effect of the skill, Su Yu continued to dissect. He found that it became easier to dissect again. The knife cut the meat faster and more easily. It felt easier to cut the meat.

"It feels great. The more skills I master, the stronger I become. It feels great. I’ll work hard to improve my abilities."Thinking, Su Yu quickly started to get busy.

This time the dissection took about an hour to complete, which was faster than expected.

Arrange them well. These are all cooked meats. Just heat them up later to ensure that the meat will not spoil.

Add water to the iron pot on the stove, and then wash the wild boar skin that was dissected.

Then spread the wild boar skin on the stove, and then put some leaves on it, and use the heat to heat the roasted whole pig meat.

Avoid getting all the barbecue wet, otherwise it will be difficult to find a place to store it.

After there is a flat place, pile the meat on it and heat it.

Let the barbecue heat up and maintain the temperature.

Stack the roasted whole pig meat, and then stack the one-horned bear meat on it. In this way, it depends on heating and cooking to keep it fresh. The steam emitted from some small holes on the pig skin will not have a great effect. There is no big problem with cooking meat. You can eat it directly tomorrow morning, as long as it does not spoil.

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