The next morning, smelling the aroma of meat, Su Yu went outside and looked at a piece of steamed bear meat. He just took the steamed bear meat and dipped it in orange salt to eat.

"Shit, the meat is really hard to eat like this." Su Yu couldn't help curling his lips after taking a bite. Although it was hard and difficult to chew, fortunately his teeth were good so it wasn't a big problem.

But after eating one piece, he didn't want to eat the second piece. He walked over to move the meat down and put it on the other side.

After removing all the meat, he poured the water in the iron pot to wash it, and then changed the cold water to boil it.

Throw the remaining one-horned bear meat directly into the water and boil it.

Later, take it out and dip it in salt to eat something different from boiled meat.

Before the meat is cooked soft, go and prepare some other things.

Take the horn of the one-horned bear and continue to grind it. With the grinding skills, the grinding effect will be better.

Grind the horn of the one-horned bear used as the gun head. When it is sharp enough, use the spine of the one-horned bear to grind off the corners.

Then tie the bark as the gun body and make this special gun. After the gun is made and smelling the fragrance, Su Yu walked over to the iron pot to take a look at the boiled meat.

"Okay, now it's soft and ready to eat." Su Yu squinted his eyes and fished out all the meat, then dipped it in orange salt and started eating.

"It tastes better this way, the saltiness is better, and the meat is more delicious."He ate the meat with big mouthfuls of satisfaction. When he was thirsty, he went to the side to get some coconut juice from the coconut tree to drink.

After enjoying the meal with satisfaction and eating all the meat of the one-horned bear, Su Yu burped and lay down.

"This time, the combat level did not increase. It seems that it will become more and more difficult to increase the combat level."Su Yu scratched his head, lay down to rest for a while, took the bonfire out of the stove and put it aside. After cleaning the iron pot, Su Yu got up and took the bow and arrow and left.

"After eating and drinking, it's time to get down to business. I must teach those fruit monkeys a lesson today."Su Yu narrowed his eyes and walked towards the destination.

He brought props to the area where the fruit monkeys were active. Looking at the fruit monkeys on the salt orange tree, Su Yu started to shoot from a distance.

Poof, one shot hit, and a fruit monkey fell from the tree with a hum.

After shooting, Su Yu was a little surprised. This preparation was a bit amazing. The shot penetrated the head.

Even the gourmet creatures would not survive.

This bone arrowhead is really hard and sharp enough.

""Mmmm, mmm." The group of fruit monkeys screamed in panic after being attacked and started running around in the trees.

Su Yu watched and continued to draw his bow and aim. As the saying goes, great strength makes miracles happen. With his current strength, the range of the bow and arrow can be maximized.

The accuracy may be a little problematic, but after his vision improved, he felt that this was not a problem.

Whoosh, another arrow flew out and pierced the thigh of a fruit monkey, making it lose the motivation to escape. Su Yu immediately shot another arrow to kill it.

"The aim is still a little poor. Why can I aim at the leg when I aim at the heart? I'd better aim at the head next time." Su Yu squinted his eyes and watched. Two companions were shot down in succession without noticing the enemy. A group of fruit monkeys started to shout.

Su Yu didn't care about this and continued to shoot arrows mercilessly. These monkeys were not big, and one or two were not enough to fill the gaps between teeth. Of course, he would catch as many as he could.

Whoosh, whoosh, soon one fruit monkey after another was killed. A group of fruits living in the trees began to panic and ran away.

Su Yu watched the fruit monkeys run away, walked over and picked up the bodies of ten fruit monkeys.

【The host completes the task of capturing the fruit monkey and is rewarded with: a recipe for brewing fruit wine and a set of brewing tools. 】

Hearing the prompt, Su Yu scratched his head and looked at the basket on his back, which was full.

Looking forward, the task of occupying the fruit forest has not been completed yet, but let's stop here for today. If he kills too many, he won't be able to eat them all, and he is afraid that wasting food will affect his food luck.

After collecting the spoils, Su Yu immediately turned around and left, returning to the camp to start processing the captured fruit monkeys.

The dissection work became more and more smooth.

After completing the dissection, Su Yu took the meat back to the wooden house to wash it.

After cleaning, take the meat out, marinate it with salt, and hang it on the branches to dry.

After processing the fruit monkeys, go back to stretch your muscles and bones and start enjoying the roasted whole pig meat.

"Oh, it turns out that meat doesn't taste good after being stored for too long. It's better to eat it right after it's been caught in the future." Su Yu muttered to himself, and then he sat down to eat.

With the improvement of his strength, his appetite has increased significantly, and he can digest food much faster.

After digesting food, the energy that is not absorbed by the body will be sent to the special stomach space formed by the gourmet cells.

So if the digestion is fast enough, he can continue to eat until the energy storage organ of this stomach space is filled up, and it is truly saturated.

However, he is not hungry now, and he is not in a hurry to eat. He just eats barbecue leisurely as a snack, looking at the pile of fur hanging around.

It feels like his place is a bit like a hunter's cabin, especially the fur of the horned bear, and the pile of bones feels very good.

However, in order to prevent it from stinking, he threw the bones far away and didn't put them here to get in the way.

"What is a super orchard? It sounds like a place to grow fruit. It would be nice if it could produce fruit in large quantities."

"However, how can I drive those fruit monkeys out and occupy that fruit forest?"Su Yu sat and thought while eating barbecue leisurely.

These guys seemed to be hiding in the trees. If they were to be driven away, they could only be driven away slowly, like frightening a flock of sheep, and drive them out of the fruit forest little by little.

As long as he completed the task, he could leave after getting the reward. He didn't plan to stay there. He still felt that the camp without creatures here was more relaxed.

After thinking about the plan, Su Yu began to check the recipe of the fruit wine he had just obtained in his mind.

"What a strange drink, a special fruit wine made by blending the juice of many kinds of fruits in a wonderful combination. The more kinds of fruits can be blended, the better the fruit wine tastes. It's amazing."Looking at the recipe, Su Yu was eager to try it.

It's a pity that he didn't have any fruit, otherwise he could try to brew this special fruit wine.

"After occupying the fruit forest, we must collect more fruits to try. Now there is a big wine jar that can be used to make wine. We must try it after collecting the fruits."Su Yu squinted his eyes and thought. He continued to enjoy the barbecue, while sitting and observing his unskilled pickled meat.

Because of his cooking skills, the pickled meat should not be a big problem. He will put it aside and pickle it first.

He needs to make more salt. After eating and drinking, he will continue to grind the remaining salt orange peels here, grind all the salt orange peels into salt powder and store them.

After he was busy, he started to practice with the bone gun.

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