After using the gun, Su Yu immediately found that the weapon was not that easy to use, although it was well made.

However, it was not easy to use the long weapon, and it always hit the surrounding trees. With his strength and the hardness of the bone gun, a random blow could make a big hole in these ordinary trees.

"The new weapons are not easy to use. Just keep practicing and hope nothing goes wrong during the battle."

"I should be able to use you when dealing with high-level gourmet creatures in the future." Su Yu looked at the gun in his hand. The horn of the horned bear was indeed hard and very sharp after being polished. It could easily pierce a tree with one strike.

"I am also beginning to gradually master the power of my body. This is a good situation. With my current strength, it should not be a big problem to kill a roasted whole pig in seconds."Su Yu curled his lips as he looked at the damage.

The fallen tree can be used to process some tools, so it won't be wasted. At the same time, it can clean up the area around the expansion of the base.

It will be easier for him to practice shooting without running into walls everywhere.

He persisted in practicing until the afternoon, until he was tired, hungry, and his physical strength was almost exhausted.

Su Yu stopped, stuck the bone gun into the ground, and came to the side to start eating the roasted whole pig.

Take another look at the original fruit monkey meat. It has been dried by the sun. It will be no problem to keep it fresh with salt.

Just put it aside for now. I can't eat so much for the time being.

Marinate it and roast it tomorrow. It should taste good.

Thinking about Su Yu's satisfaction He ate the cold barbecue, and while eating to replenish his strength, he put some of it into the pot and let it stew.

The easiest way to cook is to cook it without affecting his eating.

After cooking a pile of barbecue, Su Yu continued to eat the cold barbecue to replenish his strength.

After becoming a gourmet hunter, his physical fitness has greatly improved. As long as he eats, he can quickly recover his physical strength. This is indeed a very good ability. He continued to have a full meal and finished the whole pot of roasted pig. He was almost done.

Su Yu continued to cook the rest to heat it up.

He continued to practice with the bone gun in the firelight. Practice makes perfect. Now he is more proficient in using the bone gun than at noon.

【The host acquires the skill through learning: Basic Gunmanship Level 1】

【Basic Gun Skills Level 1: This skill can increase the attack speed of gun weapons by 10% and the power by 10%.】

【Proficiency: 0/1000】

【Skill introduction: You can get proficiency improvement by using it】

""Oh, another skill. It seems that the system is not going to give me skill rewards. I have to learn it slowly by myself." Su Yu scratched his head, took a look and continued to practice with the gun.

After acquiring the skill, his understanding of the use of this gun has been greatly improved, and he has become faster in using it.

"Smooth, the use of this bone spear is getting smoother and smoother, and there should be no problem using it in combat."Feeling his increasingly proficient spearmanship, Su Yu nodded with satisfaction.

With such skills, combat should be better than before. Before obtaining the gourmet demon, he had to rely on these skills and weapons to survive and hunt.

So he was very concerned about this, and practiced for a few more hours after obtaining the skills, until he was tired and a little sleepy.

Then he went to eat the meat in the pot, washed up after eating and drinking, and went back to sleep.

He didn't know what time it was now, it was probably midnight, but fortunately he didn't have to get up on time, he could sleep whenever he wanted. After waking up from a nap, he washed up the next day, took a shower, and then went outside to clean up the iron pot.

Cleaned up the stove After that, I packed up everything that could fit into the wooden house.

Then I put the props into my backpack and took them away.

Today I plan to occupy the fruit forest. In order to complete the plan, I plan to live there for a while and compete for territory with this group of fruit monkeys.

When I arrived at the fruit forest at the destination, I looked at the salt orange trees and found that the fruit monkeys were gone.

Su Yu observed vigilantly and began to search for the traces of the fruit monkeys. After walking for a while, he found that the fruit monkeys had all withdrawn. After walking more than a hundred meters, he found the fruit monkey forest.

After discovering it, Su Yu immediately picked up a bow and arrow to shoot.

A fruit monkey was shot down.

""Mmmm, mmm." Suddenly, a group of fruit monkeys screamed and began to flee.

Seeing this, Su Yu stopped attacking and walked over to pick up the fallen fruit monkeys. He looked at the new fruit tree in front of him.

【Oxhorn Banana】

【Capture Level: 1】

【Ingredients: Bananas that are as thick as horns, with sweet and delicate flesh, are extremely delicious. 】

Looking at the horn bananas, Su Yu's mouth corners rose. He was not in a hurry to pick them. He continued to move forward and began to observe the surroundings and drive away the fruit monkeys.

After completing the task, you can pick whatever you want.

He chased after them with a bow and arrow and began to observe the surroundings, driving the fruit monkeys all the way.

Whenever they stopped, he would shoot one and let them continue to run. Anyway, eating ingredients of the first capture level will not have much effect on the improvement of gourmet cells.

So there is no need to do too much killing, as long as the goal is achieved and the task is completed.

He quickly drove a group of fruit monkeys out of the range of the fruit forest.

After Su Yu received more than ten fruit monkeys, he watched the fruit monkeys leave and scratched his head.

Why is there no reward yet? It seems that I have to stay here for a while?

Su Yu squinted his eyes and thought, shook his head and collected fruits all the way back. He collected 5 kinds of fruits, and then found a spacious place in the fruit forest to set up a wooden house and a bonfire.

He began to process the fruit monkeys he had just hunted, and dissected all of them quickly and skillfully.

After cleaning, he applied salt on them and marinated them.

Then he picked up the other marinated fruit monkeys and hung them around the campfire to roast.

After processing, Su Yu walked in the direction where the fruit monkeys had left before.

As soon as he arrived at this place, he found a group of fruit monkeys picking fruits in the orchard. When they saw Su Yu coming, the group of fruit monkeys suddenly became manic.

Su Yu was too lazy to say more and directly picked up the bow and arrow to attack.

After being shot again, the group of fruit monkeys immediately fled in a hurry holding the fruits.

Seeing these guys run away and flee to the distant forest.

Su Yu curled his lips, walked over to pick up the captured fruit monkey and looked at the distance.

"These guys are not giving up. Let me get the reward quickly so I can leave. Sigh."

Su Yu shook his head and turned to leave. He returned to the camp, threw the fruit monkey's body aside, and began to check the roasted fruit monkey.

He turned it over and continued roasting it. When he was done, he started to deal with the newly captured fruit monkey.

As for the monkeys who were grabbing the fruit, he didn't bother to care. He let them take it quickly and leave.

Just let them play the task.

After dealing with the fruit monkeys here, Su Yu pickled them and hung them on the branches to dry.

Su Yu picked up the roasted fruit monkey and began to taste it.

"Wow, this meat is delicious. The taste of salt has entered the meat, and it tastes especially fragrant. The meat is still very tender, which is really unexpected. The meat has a light fruity aroma, and it tastes a little sweet and delicious."Eating the meat, Su Yu savored it carefully. It is worthy of being a delicious ingredient in the introduction. It is really delicious. It tastes like honey barbecue when it is roasted directly like this.

It has a sweet and fruity aroma, like the aroma of roasting with fruit charcoal.

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